Practice Quiz 2 Flashcards
For the routine service cost center, an increase in the number of patient days over the budgeted number of patient days will result in
a lower average cost per patient day.
Which of the following balance sheet items would differ between a for-profit and a not-for-profit healthcare organization?
Retained earnings
Which of the following leadership actions most clearly supports organizational transformation toward total quality management
Convening and chairing the Quality Council
In the healthcare field, the accountability of management is best measured by the
balance maintained between service quality and operational efficiency.
Consumer “report card” development and distribution has become a high priority for managed care organizations because
purchasers are pressuring for disclosure of meaningful performance information for use by buyers and consumers.
Required for managing strategic adaption
Development of integrated continuums of care;
Development of successful hospital-physician partnerships;
Programs of strategic leadership development for board members, managers, physicians, and nurse leaders.
An important advantage of physician participation in Independent Practice Associations (IPAs) versus other affiliation arrangements with HMOs?
Physicians participating in IPAs can limit their dependence on any single HMO.
The point-of-service product is the fastest growing managed care product in the contemporary marketplace because:
It allows consumers to place a direct value on how important producer choice is to them.
The agency normally responsible for regulation of the financial solvency and subscriber regulations of HMOs is the:
State insurance commission/department.
Many hospitals develop affiliations with college-based nursing education programs to:
Improve access to qualified graduates.
The critical-incidents technique of employee performance appraisal requires raters to:
Record behaviors of employees that are related to both good and poor performance.
The primary components of a healthcare organization’s mission statement include:
Community served and services provided.
Key role of any governing board is
Recruiting and evaluating the CEO.
One of the major elements of an information system strategic plan
Includes the
Software development plan.
Selection of an information system
In a healthcare organization should begin with:
Development of an information systems plan that supports the organization’s existing strategic objectives.
Patient management guidelines:
Are developed and managed by physicians;
Include economy, patient satisfaction, and pharmacology;
Are the most extensive development in clinical expectations
Large gifts to not-for-profit (tax-exempt) health services organizations do not suggest a conflict of interest, whereas a large gift to a manager of such an organization is likely to be ethically unacceptable. The difference is that:
No direct individual relationship is established by giving to the organization.
It is believed that when preliminary research findings show that an experimental therapy is effective, the experimental therapy should be provided to the control group because:
It is unethical to deny someone potentially beneficial therapies.