Practice Questions Flashcards
Total Free-to-Air (FTA) viewing includes a number of different viewing types. Which of the below is NOT a type of Free-to-Air viewing?
Which of the below is considered a key strength of Television as an advertising channel?
It can reach a vast amount of people in a short amount of time
BVOD is one of the key drivers of Free-to-Air TV’s predicted 0.6% annual advertising spend growth. Why is BVOD driving advertising spend growth?
Increased TV viewing numbers due to faster internet speeds, increased number of internet enabled devices and quality produced content.
Recorded or playback viewing is…
Recording a program at the time it is broadcast and viewing on a TV device at another time
(TV device only)
What % of the total Australian population watch TV each week?
Between 60%-80%
If you wanted to advertise on Television in the highest viewing period, when would you advertise and why is the viewing higher at that time?
Winter, due to the colder weather
TV can be viewed live or recorded (playback), how much viewing is done within 7 days of broadcast?
The majority of viewing happens in the evening, this is called…
Peak viewing
If a viewer is watching programs on 7Plus, which of the following channel types are they viewing?
On Demand/Catch up (BVOD)
What is WIN?
A regional TV network
What is different about a ‘Solus (individual) market’ to an ‘Aggregated market’ or ‘Sub-Market’?
A Solus (individual) market is a regional market that utilises diary surveys
What is MxM ratings data and why would you use it?
Minute by Minute ratings data recording the actual rating of your spot when it appeared
Your client asks you for an explanation of Time Shift Viewing, which explanation is correct?
It refers to a program that that has been recorded, that has been viewed within either 7 or 28 days at normal speed.
What is ‘As-Live’ viewing?
Yesterday’s viewing of a program that was recorded on that day and then viewed before 2am
Subscription TV viewing is measured by…
Which of the below is NOT a Reach rule in Australia?
Maximum audience reach rule
Which of the following does not need to be submitted to clear ads?
The Media Plan
What is the number of minutes per hour of non-program matter that can be scheduled in Peak time on multi-channels?
15 mins per hour
Which of the below is NOT regulated for commercial Free-to-Air TV?
Number of hours of Reality TV
You need to book one more spot for your television campaign. The most cost-efficient program is required, so that you don’t overspend. Which program is the most cost efficient?
I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here, TARP 8, Cost $6,000
Home and Away, TARP 5, Cost $5,500
Bachelorette, TARP 6, Cost $7,500
I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here, TARP 8, Cost $6,000
Googlebox, TARP 7, Cost $6,600
Calculate the TARP, based on the information below:
Women 18-39yrs audience potential (universe estimate) in Adelaide is 220,600
Women 18-39yrs average audience for The Project is 15,000
6.8 TARPs
The following spot list of programs gives you a total of 25 TARPs in Melbourne: The Bachelor (8.0), The Block (10.0) and My Kitchen Rules (7.0). Which of the following statements is TRUE?
Total TARPs for this spot list may include duplicated audience reach.
Using the below Metropolitan audience numbers, what are the commercial audience shares for the commercial networks?
SEVEN 670,000
NINE 665,000
TEN 550,000
SBS 325,000
ABC 300,000
SEVEN 30.3%, NINE 30.1%, TEN 24.9%, SBS 14.7%
Your client is a local bank and want to advertise four different savings plans. What TV planning strategy would you recommend?
A Frequency strategy
Your Fixed store retail client has briefed you to develop a media strategy for a short term clearance sale and asked you to recommend the required media budget. There is a lot of information you need to develop the media plan, but before you start, you need to determine the media planning goal. To do this, it is critical to know…
The campaign goal, in this case, the sales target.
What would be a reason NOT to use a frequency strategy?
You have a high impact TVC and recognised brand
Your new Home Building client has briefed you to develop a media plan to sell their new home and land packages. They have two targets; high short term sales AND to advertise when consumers will be in the market to purchase. The media budget doesn’t allow you to do both. Which strategy do you recommend?
A Continuity strategy. A house is a very considered purchase so consumers need to be aware of your client’s House and Land packages when they are in the market to purchase.
Why would you segment the purchasers of your products into Light, Medium, and Heavy purchasers?
You should review the segments to determine where the greatest opportunity is, sometimes Heavy users can be more ‘valuable’ e.g. represent more sales.
A men’s shampoo brand wants to promote a price discount. Why would the TV brief have a target audience of Grocery Buyers?
As the campaign is a price discount, the target should be the purchaser of the product, in this case, Grocery Buyers.
You are building a target audience for your client’s fashion brand. One of the things you discover about the consumer is that they are interested in cooking. How does this information influence your media buy?
It can influence the types of programs you buy.
Examples of when to advertise
- Financial products may run their advertising to the front-end of the week. This is when people are more likely to be in a positive mindset to review these more complex products.
- QSR (Quick service restaurants) may advertise neat meal times
The more weeks your campaign is on TV, the smaller the gap between the consumer purchase and last seeing your advertising. The result is that your message is likely to be top of mind.
Econometric Modelling
Econometric models are constructed from economic theories that optimise consumer
behaviour, using data which are observations/facts based on price point and historical sales
The Point of Diminishing Returns
The Point of Diminishing Return looks at how the media spend is performing against the Reach
& Frequency goals (or sales goals) and at what point the campaign starts to deliver less return
(i.e., less sales, less new consumers) than what is spent.
o It is believed that there is a point of diminishing returns, where additional exposures
to an ad, do little to influence either recall or purchasing.
o Many marketers set a communication goal to maximise their reach at a given
Reach Curve
A Reach Curve is what you will run and analyse as this will demonstrate how many TARPs are required to
achieve your Reach and Frequency goal.
TVmap & Curv8ture are industry tools you will use to run this Reach
Campaign Flighting Models
- Burst (Build reach quickly, campaign launches or seasonal brands)
- Always On / Continuity (Build reach slowly over time)
- Week On/Week Off / Pulse (To maintain presence for as long as possible)
Television audience analysis to determine programming
- Top 20 peak and off-peak programs against your target audience
- That deliver highest reach (% TARP or thousands)
or - Ranked by cost efficiency (CPM/CPT)
Partnerships study by Network 10 and Marketing Scientist Group
The study found that viewers’ recall (remember) of the brand increased when the brand was integrated in a
program combined with their brand TVC placed during commercial breaks in the same program.
- Brand integration works
- Integration with spots are a powerful combination
- The more viewers that like a program, the greater the ad impact
- The more frequently a view watches a program, the bigger the ad impact
- Programs with strong positive emotions attracted higher attention to the content and advertising
- Programs with high levels of social media engagement and talkability produce bigger ad impacts
You are recommending a Pulse flighting strategy for a product that has a short purchase cycle. What is this?
A TV campaign that will appear week-on and week off
Your client has asked you to build a media plan to reach as many of their audience as possible, what approach would you take?
Highest cost-effective 1+ reach affordable
A media plan outlines the components of a campaign. What components does ‘The When’ relate to on the plan?
Season, Week, Day and Time
You’ve been asked to calculate the TVC length ratios for your media buy, how do you do this?
You calculate the ratio of TARPs that you bought for each of the TVC lengths expressed as a percentage e.g. 50% 30 second TVC and 50% 15 second TVC
One method to determine the ideal Reach and Frequency goal for your campaign is to look at what point the campaign starts to bring in less return than what is spent i.e. the “Point of Diminishing Return”. How would you determine the Point of Diminishing Return for your campaign?
Review the media spend against the Reach and Frequency of the campaign
Regular optimising of your TV buy is extremely important. What type of adjustments may be required in the lead up to the launch of your TV campaign?
You may need to move a spot if the programming has changed to ensure you achieve the planned reach goals.
The TV Network has updated your bought National TV campaign in Holdings but the total gross spend does not match what you booked. Your TV rep is in a meeting so what initial steps could you take to narrow down where this issue is?
You could compare each market total with holdings market total to highlight which market has an issue.
If you are negotiating makegoods with the TV sales rep, what are you doing?
Negotiating additional airtime for a spot the TV Network did not air as booked, did not air at all or for audience under-delivery.
The FTA TV Networks are constantly introducing new programs into their formats. As part of optimising your TV buy, what would you do to combat these potential unknown audience levels of new programs?
You could review historical ratings for similar types of programs.
When evaluating a proposal from the TV Network what is important to check and why?
TV Commercial length - if these are incorrect you cannot deliver to your spend and TARP goals.
You are buying a TV campaign with the best lead time possible. Your planning CPTs are quite low, would you…
Buy on screen.
If a Client asks you to provide a combined Reach & Frequency for NSW, what is the correct answer?
I will advise that this combination is not permitted.
A TV campaign with a high 1+ reach goal over a short time frame generally would require what % of airtime in Peak Zone?
Which buying demographic has the highest audience potential?
People 25-54
If you have a total Net TV spend of $585,000, what is the media levy amount to be paid?
If the gross cost of the TV campaign is $1,350,000 what is the budget you have to spend with each TV Network if Seven’s share is 37.5%, Nine’s share is 45% and STV’s share is 17.5%?
Seven - $ 506,250
Nine - $607,500
STV - $236,250
You have allocated 30% of your 120 weekly TARPs to Off Peak programs. You have bought 12 spots that are Off Peak programs. What is the average Off Peak TARP?
3 Ave Off Peak TARP
You have bought a 4 week burst of TV activity, the Reach is 68% with an Average Frequency of 5. Can you work out the Total TARPs from this information?
Yes - Total TARPs are 340 across the burst. Reach X Average Frequency.
The TV Planner has asked you to consider skewing programs to the front half of the week together with a Roadblock tactic. What would be your main TV buying goal?
High Reach goal.
You have a complex message to advertise so the TV Planner has set a higher Frequency goal. What is a buying tactic you could use to achieve this Frequency goal?
Double spot in the same program.
If your TV campaign will deliver 55% 1+ Reach in Adelaide & Perth, what other element do you need to turn this 1+ Reach into actual thousands?
You need the different audience potential for each capital city.
What is the definition of BVOD?
D - all of the above
Content that is Live-streamed via the Internet.
Content that is watched via the internet after it has been broadcasted.
Content that is professionally produced, broadcast quality and includes TV shows and movies, archived shows and BVOD exclusive and originals.
All of the above.
If you are asked to define Linear TV, how would you do this?
TV received via an aerial, satellite or cable.
You have been asked to deliver a campaign for your FMCG client which will be seen on all broadcast content on all screens. What would you buy as part of the campaign?
Buy both Linear TV and BVOD combined.
What key factors influence the cost of advertising on television?
D - All of the Above
Supply and Demand of airtime.
The time of year that you advertise within.
The content or program within individual timeslots.
All of the above
You have a client that believes in negotiating rates campaign by campaign and short term, i.e., not based on annual spend. What could be a disadvantage to this approach?
In a high demand market, quality airtime may not be available, and the spot costs would increase.
When negotiating the discount for a Client off the Agency Rate card, what elements will be important for the TV Network to understand?
Volume of spend, target audience, share of spend and any buy strategies that could effect the programs you require
If you are analysing your CPM by day for a target audience of AP18+, where are you likely to see greater cost efficiency?
If you have a National CPT of $565 for a 30 second TVC, what would be the 15 Second CPT?
Your client is launching a new brand of sunblock which is due to be on shelf in Coles by early January, how will this timing affect your planning CPM?
Your planning CPM will be lower than average.
Your buying strategy has been set at 100% Off peak, and 20% of your TARPs appear in advertorials. If you have a fabulous TVC, what would the inclusion of the advertorials bring to your TV campaign?
All of the above
You can include more detailed information as they are 2-3 minutes in length.
With the right presenter talking about the product, the viewer will more likey trust that the product works.
They will generally appear within the program vs an advertising break so it looks more like an editorial piece of content.
All of the above
You have a client whose share of advertising within the category of Snackfood has been in decline, due to new brands entering the market. What would program sponsorship of a high rating program offer this brand?
50% or 100% category exclusivity, premium PIB, extra messaging on program billboards.
If a client is looking for 100% exclusivity. How do you define exclusivity?
100% exclusivity refers to no competitor advertisers running in the sponsored program.
You have booked a National TV campaign and after optimising the buy you have decided to make a couple of program changes. What do you do next in the process?
You will check holdings that those changes have occurred, plus do a quick check of the total.
The Holdings file has been loaded into SMD, what will you be checking for when you do your Holdings check for the day?
To ensure that the TV Network and your schedule in SMD totally match.
Your burst of TV has finished and the finance dept has invoiced your client. 45 days after the end of the month your TV rep calls you as your accounts department has short paid the invoice by the cost of a spot in Sydney. What could have happened?
You didn’t do a final check of holdings after a spot change you made, and the Network added a spot instead of canceling and rebooking.
Your client telephones you, their Global Team has asked for a quick overview of the Added Value achieved in the last burst of TV, what would you include in this?
C. Additional Discount, Bonus Airtime, No Charge Billboards, PIB all shown as a $ Value and a % stretch of the Net budget.
Your TV buy includes a sponsorship with 50% exclusivity of the AFL season. What would be the most important elements to make sure you include within the post-analysis report in relation specifically to this sponsorship?
Rotation of billboards, PIB, audience delivery, outcome of the televised matches, other competitive activity within the telecast.
During your Post Analysis presentation to your client they ask you, could they have done anything differently to help you achieve a better result?
A longer lead time would have given the opportunity to include premium content as part of the buy.
Who would engage a Benchmarking specialist?
The Client
Your client has advised you they will be engaging a Benchmarking Company moving forward, which of the follow statements is true about Benchmarking Companies?
They will be engaged by the client to review TV costs & quality.
Your client has employed a Benchmarking Company to review the competitiveness of their media buys for the last 2 years. What is some of the information you will need to supply to them?
You will supply the TV goals and target audience together with the time of year for the campaigns for both this year and last year.
According to IAB Australia and PwC digital, by how much did BVOD grow YoY?
Increase 40-49%
What type of Video On Demand service will you use if you would like to advertise in Modern Family?
Higher internet speeds due to the national roll out of the NBN, will be a key driver of growth for what platform?
If you are watching BVOD Live streaming, what device would you be viewing on?
All of the above
Connected TV
Mobile Device
Personal Computer
All of the above
You are viewing content on 7Plus. Why?
You want to watch BVOD On Demand
What are you using to view BVOD if you are on a OTT device?
Gaming Console
What is the least preferred screen to view BVOD content?
What time of day does BVOD tend to peak?
BVOD consumption compliments Linear TV, why?
As BVOD skews to a slightly younger audience.
If your buying strategy on BVOD is “Contextual Targeting” what will you be doing?
Serving advertising in highly relevant content.
You want to use BVOD to drive consideration of a new product range within an existing brand. What data would be very useful to you?
First Party data
Your airline client has a buying target audience of AP25-45 years for their new deals to Europe. How could you build targeted incremental reach to your TV buy by using BVOD?
Your BVOD segment could be around their attitude to travel and holidays.
You are including BVOD to your Linear TV campaign. Your client has a FMCG product that runs a continuity campaign. How would you execute this buy at the trading desk?
Automated Guarantee.
What would be an advantage of buying BVOD direct IO?
Select key programs and time of day to serve the execution.
What would be a key advantage to your Agency Trading Desk using a DSP?
It allows for inventory to be managed via multiple ad exchanges, data exchange accounts via one interface.
What are the key metrics to track BVOD against?
All of the above
Completion Rate
Impressions and Clicks
All of the above
Why is Brand Safety an important element in measuring BVOD?
As it measures that the environment does not damage the brand through perceived association with inappropriate content.
What is the In-View % measurement defining?
Proportion of an advertising frame that appears within a viewable space.
What will be the importance when VOZ TV measurement launches in Australia?
D - All of the above
It will provide a true national view of how TV content is consumed across all screens over time, whilst show incremental reach that BVOD delivers.
Agencies will be able to create and post-evaluate media plans across ALL TV inventory, being able to manage cross-screen campaigns.
The Networks will get a complete picture of the audience consuming their content over time and across all screens. This will allow them to optimise their offering across all channels, markets, platforms and devices.
All of the above
What will be the importance when VOZ TV measurement launches in Australia?
D - All of the above
It will provide a true national view of how TV content is consumed across all screens over time, whilst show incremental reach that BVOD delivers.
Agencies will be able to create and post-evaluate media plans across ALL TV inventory, being able to manage cross-screen campaigns.
The Networks will get a complete picture of the audience consuming their content over time and across all screens. This will allow them to optimise their offering across all channels, markets, platforms and devices.
All of the above
As a TV buyer what will VOZ TV measurement most mean to you?
It will give the TV buyer the ability to create and post-evaluate all TV inventory across all broadcast channels and devices and manage cross-screen campaigns.
What would a single interface plaform to buy all Linear TV and BVOD across broadcasters mean for media agencies?
The platform will simplify the process for buying Linear TV, Live streaming and Broadcaster Video on Demand, all in one place.
Your Car client has briefed you to develop campaign for a one week EOFY (end of financial year) run out sale. Before you determine the media strategy, you need to first determine what?
The campaign objectives, in this case the sales target.
If you are reviewing all of the Network’s Advertorial opportunities, what may be a key element for you to consider?
Will the personality who presents the advertorial have an image or persona that your target audience can relate too.
Increase in BVOD consumption have helped publishers in driving?
First Party data offering
Audience segmentation
Contextual targeting
All of the above
Where can a film rated MA 15+ be allowed to advertise on the 9 Network?
Only between 9pm and 5am
In the correct order, match the channel codes to the right market, NWS, ATN, HSV, BTQ, STW.
Adelaide, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth.
It’s 10am on Tuesday morning and you have had to make some alterations to your TV buy as a couple of programs in Sydney are not delivering as planned. The Client needs a confirmed Final Buy spot printout by 2pm today. Is this achievable?
Yes, you can manually make the changes to your campaign in SMD, which should be reflected in the holdings file that is refreshed overnight.
Your brand’s sales are broken out as follows:
-Light purchasers 70,000 people with an average 2 units of sale per person each year.
-Medium purchasers 47,000 people with an average 4 units of sale per person each year.
-Heavy purchasers 28,000 with an average of 8 units of sale per person each year.
Which segment is the most valuable to the brand?
Heavy purchasers.
If you are buying 2 spots in the same program break, what might your buying goal be?
A frequency goal.
What could be a key disadvantage of placing advertising in User-Generated Content?
There is little to no means of policing the safety of User-Generated Content, so advertising can be seen in a compromised environment.
On average Australians watch how many hours of Linear TV?
Over 2 hours.
As a TV Buyer, understanding the market conditions is an important element of the buying process. What elements of the TV buy can market conditions effect?
The limited availability of top rating programs, which can lead to a higher CPT than originally planned.
A Benchmarking Company has been engaged. What are some of the metrics they may review?
TV costs Year on Year vs a Pool of advertisers.
Quality of the selected programming.
Position in Break.
All of the above.
Which of the following markets use a diary system for audience data collection?
Broken Hill
You are buying a TV campaign within the 3 metropolitan markets that have the largest audience potential. Which markets would these be?
Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.
Your FMCG client’s products distribution chain is through supermarkets, petrol stations and local corner stores. The sales team struggle selling more products in to the smaller locally owned stores. As the TV buyer can you help the sales team?
The marketing team could share with the sales team the Final Buy summary to help them sell in more products based on the upcoming TV campaign.
When building a media plan, why are CPMs and/or CPTs really important information?
They relate to the budget and how many TARPs or thousands of your target audience you can afford.
Your client has given you approval to book a full campaign that runs from February through to September. You book in the February burst first, and notice that you are able to achieve a much lower CPT than the campaign average CPT (the goal over the 7 months from February - September). With this cost savings you suggest buying more on-air weeks. Is this a good suggestion?
No, because if you have a TV plan that covers more than one month, you should not be working to a campaign average CPT, you should be working to a monthly CPT.
Which screen has the maximum share of BVOD as per the latest OzTAM?
Connected TV
Is it possible to access Minute by Minute data for Channel 7’s Top 5 programs viewed on devices such as Tablets, Smartphones, Smart TVs, PCs/Laptops and Gaming Consoles?
Yes, via OzTAM’s VPM report.
The buying brief’s goal is to deliver 100 TARPs cost efficiently in Melbourne and Adelaide. With no reach goals set, what would be your buying tactics?
Rank programming from the cheapest CPT up, and look for the most efficient programs.
If you are managing your TV buy in holdings, what key elements are you checking?
D - All of the above
That you (the agency) and the TV Network have the same rates.
That you (the agency) and the TV Network have the same timeslot booked.
That you (the agency) and the TV Network have the same duration length booked.
All of the above.
Your client is launching a new product into the market. If the objective of the TV campaign is to talk to as many of the target audience as possible, what approach would you recommend?
A 1+ reach strategy utilising as many cost effective programs as possible.
If you are skewing your television buy to the front half of the week, what effect will this have on the cost efficiency of your campaign?
Your CPM will be much higher than average.
You are booking a campaign, your client has different creative executions that each appeal to either Light, Medium or Heavy users. How can you effectively serve these different executions via BVOD?
Each execution can be bought as a Dynamic Ad Insertion.
The Benchmarking Company is presenting back to the client and media agency the key findings of the last TV campaign. You are concerned as the auditor is suggesting your bonus airtime is low quality filler airtime. What reason could have affected the quality of the bonus airtime?
When you bought the TV campaign it was a high demand market, so there was no quality bonus airtime available.
You have a Gross budget of $1,450,000 and the client asks you what the Media Levy will be. How do you work it out?
Gross x .0005 (i.e., 0.05%)
Recorded or playback viewing via a Television device is…
Recording a program at the time it is broadcast and viewing it on a TV device at another time.
What is the average number of video capable screens in a household?
If your buying strategy is to place spots only after 20.30 during the week (i.e. Mon-Fri), would this have an impact on your cost?
Yes it is likely to decrease the CPM.
When we follow the Ehrenberg Bass Model method in developing our target audience, what type of purchasers are we considering?
All Category Purchasers
Post Campaign Report (PCR) is a report that is provided to:
The client, at the end of a campaign.
You are buying a TV campaign for a credit card brand, and there are two days left to take up the special introductory interest rate offer. What would you NOT consider as a component of this 2 day campaign?
Time Shifted TV.
We measure TV performance by the sum of unique viewers expressed as a percentage of the universe for the target demographic. What is this called?
When you are evaluating cost efficient programs for your TV buy, what are you mainly looking at?
The level of audience a program may have compared to the spot cost.
On a block plan you may outline day-part split. What does this refer to?
The % of TARPs to buy in Peak and Off Peak time.
Why does Nielsen DCR have limited relevance to the measurement of BVOD consumption?
They currently do not measure Connected TV consumption.