E2 reactions must be
antiperplanar - H and Br opposite sides
E2 favours (weak or strong) bases
state order of preference for E reactions
3 - 2-1
solvent for E2 are
conj acid
solvent for E1
protic polar, use poor nuclephile such as H20, OH
what are solvent for SN2
aprotic polar
solvent for SN1
protic polar
for strecker synthesis what are 3 main steps
- aldehyde
- N added, replaces the O
- KCN – isomerization
gabriel synthesis steps
pthalamide, througth SN2 reactions, hydrolysis, and decarboxylation **isomerization
which is more stable trans or cis
all are S configuration except for
for enantiomers do they have similar properties
racemic is optiacally ______
diastermos have ___ properties
D glucose and D galactose are
meso compounds are optically ____ and do _____ polarize light
inactive, not, symmety
if eclipsed state then _____
energy and unstable
bond angle of sp3 is
all large substituents are on ____ axi or equatorial
NaHCO3 is a weak or strong base
if a full negative cahrge is put on like a phenol it will or not disslove solubility
yes it will go on aqueous layer
weak base can/not deprotonate carboxy acids
yes they can
strong bases can deprotonate what
carboxy acids, and phenols
with stereospecificit it will
preserve the same in substrate and product- its specific from telling the product you can tell how the config for substrate
stereoselectivity is when you have
major and minor products, trans/cis
for alpha decay explain
alpha is lost so you minus 4, minus 2
beta negative decay is when lose electron, so in this case
add 1 to atomic number
beta positive it will
emit positron (electron to proton), minus 1 from atomic number
what is positron
ll the properties of an electron except for the polarity of the electrical charge,
electron capture is when
gain electron, so minus 1 from atomic number
which 2 decays are the same
beta positive and e capture
gamma decay is very ____
strong, dont lose anything
diverging mirror (convex) are always
upright virtual
concave lens (diverging) are always
small, upright virtual when negative focal point
if focal point is equal to f, for convex lens and concave mirros then
no image exists
if f>0, then it is
if f<0, then it is
if m is negative then
upside down
if m is positive then
if m>1, or less than -1 then
image is bigger
if i is +, then
if i is – then
what can attach to the enhance to increase ___
cortisol, estrogen , attaach to inc transcription
where do transcription factors bind to
what sequnce in the promoter
explain order of the strands
coding (+) to template (-) or antisesne to mrna which is positive
DNA polymerase moves along the template strand
in a 3’–5’ direction
methlyation with ____ while hisotone acetylation will
dec expression, and acetyl will increase expression gene
th elonger the poly a tail, the more
explain order of th emuscle fibe
skeletal muscle, muscle fiber, myofibril, microfilament?, sarcomeres
what is thick and thin
myoson, then actin
what band has only thin
A band has
think, h zone and then overlap which is darker
what 3 things troponin binds to
calicium, tropomyosin, and actin
when relaxed tropomysoin ____
blocks the myosin active site
this regualtes level of Ca during cross bridge thing
T tubules
when the sarcomers contract what happen bands
Z shorten, I shorten, H disappears, A stay same
what cause the relase of calcium in sliding filament
Ach release
kinetic favours for
low temperature and short rx time (1,2 product)
thermodyanmic favour
high temp, 1.4, and large rx times
this hormone type uses GPCR
peptide hormones are ____ and cann/not pass membrane
polar, NOT
what is common seocnd messenger
cyclic AMP
example of peptide hormones are
insulin, glucagon
this hormone is long lasting and pass throught membrane because ots
steroid, can pass, bc non polar
this hormone uses 1 messenger and HR complex
these are derived form tyrosine
epi, no repi, catcholamins and dopamine too
these are developed from tyrosine too
thryoid - thryoxin, use receptors
what are 2 ways for retrovirus to enter
throught receptors or receptor mediated & direct fusion (HIV)
enzymes involved with retrovirus
rever transcriptase, dna poly, integrase, ligase
integrase witll cut ___ ends, and then guide to
3 end, integrate dna to host dna in lysogenic phase
host dna will think its regaulr dna so it will make
mrna and transcripted, lated, and existed in vesicles (budding0 which is where it gets it coat and then so onl
to make a mature retrovirus use ____ that cleave the proteins