Practice Management Flashcards


Mikie decided to retire from her practice five years ago. She was granted retirement leave. Prior to closing her business, she transferred all of her active files to another RCIC, settled all unearned funds in her client account, and made all the necessary notifications to ICCRC, IRCC, and any other decision maker who may have been involved in processing her active client files. She has been travelling the world for the last five years, and she has extended her retirement leave each year since then. Now, she has decided to relocate to Spain and open a new immigration consulting practice there. Ashley, a fellow RCIC and Mikie’s former assistant, tells her that Mikie has been away from the profession for too long and must re-start the registration process to become a RCIC again. Is this information true or false?


False: Refer to article 9 of the Leave of Absence Regulation. Mikie can resume her practice and come out of retirement, as long as she has maintained valid errors and omissions insurance and paid the remainder balance of all owing fees.

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RCIC Lana has been practising for almost 10 years and has around 150 active client files. She is currently suffering from occupational “burn-out” and has decided to apply for a one-year leave of absence to focus on her mental and physical health. Her request was granted within several days. Before opening her own practice, Lana had obtained much of her current knowledge through a Mentor, Peter. How should Peter advise Lana to proceed now that she is taking a leave of absence?

a) Notify all of her active clients and transfer these files to another practitioner; maintain valid errors & omissions insurance; maintain a working client account.
b) Account for all unearned funds in the client account; apply for an exemption from the regulator to complete the annual Compliance Audit; ensure that all active client files have been closed.
c) Notify her legal and accounting teams of her decision to take a leave of absence; cancel her errors & omissions insurance; maintain a working client account.
d) Notify all of her active clients and transfer these files to another practitioner; maintain valid errors & omissions insurance; cancel her client account and transfer funds to her business account.


A: Refer to article 6 of the Leave of Absence Regulation.

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True or False: In accordance with the Client Account Regulation, any interest earned on money being held in the Client Account can be used by the RCIC for any business-related expenses.


True: See article 7.1 of the Client Account Regulation.

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Who is the responsible authority for contacting Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) to clarify misleading instructions?

a) The regulator and professional associations
b) Professional associations
c) Education providers
d) The regulator


B: The regulator’s role is to protect the public’s interest, which includes mediating disputes between members and their clients. Professional associations and education providers are both involved with furthering their members’ interests and education, as well as providing networking opportunities and representing the profession with industry stakeholders.

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Who is the responsible authority for establishing admission standards to the profession?

a) The regulator and professional associations
b) Professional associations
c) Education providers
d) The regulator


D: The fundamental mission of the regulator is to minimize and mitigate risks to the public. To fulfill this mission, one of the regulator’s duties is to define criteria for admission to the profession. Professional associations and education providers are both involved with furthering their members’ interests and education, as well as providing networking opportunities and representing the profession with industry stakeholders.

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RCIC Amber has been practicing for two years as a sole practitioner. Next month, her nephew, Ian, will be relocating to Canada as an international high school student. Ian’s parents passed away in a car accident when he was young, so he is very close to his aunt and his grandparents. He decides to move in with Amber. A few weeks into the semester, Ian starts to struggle in school. Amber finds that she is spending more and more time tutoring Ian. She decides that she would much rather homeschool Ian, so that she can give him undivided attention. Does Amber have grounds to request a temporary leave of absence from ICCRC?

a) Yes, Amber can request a leave of absence for family reasons.
b) Yes, Amber can request a leave of absence for education reasons.
c) No, Amber must submit a request for leave based on compassionate considerations.
d) No, Amber must submit a request for leave based on other family reasons.


C: Refer to article 2.1.7 of the Leave of Absence Regulation.

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True or False: Members who are on approved leave must still complete all Practice Management Education courses that take place during their leave.


False: Refer to article 4.2 of the Practice Management Education Regulation.

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Which regulatory body predated the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC)?

a) Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants
b) Canadian Council of Immigration Consultants
c) Canadian Regulatory Council of Immigration Consultants
d) College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants


Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants: The profession was first governed by the Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants (CSIC), which was created in 2004. The Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC) began governing the profession in 2011.

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What is the role of a professional association?

a) Protect the public from incompetent or unethical practitioners
b) Promote the knowledge and image of professional immigration consultants
c) Develop standards of practice for its members to adhere to
d) Protects and lobbies the interests of members and provides educational activities


provides educational activities

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True or False: Members who are on approved leave may only undertake pro bono work and must not accept any compensated work on behalf of clients.


False: Refer to article 9.4 of the Leave of Absence Regulation.

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New members are required to complete ____ mandatory PME course within ____ months of becoming a member.


1 mandatory PME course within 6 months

See articles 3 and 4 of the Practice Management Education (PME) Regulation.

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Juanita is a new RCIC based in Yellowknife, NWT. She has set up a Client Account at her local financial institution, completed the Agent Agreement and Client File Management Practice Management Education courses, and has registered for two more Practice Management Education courses. She downloads all the files and reads them several days ahead of the courses. During both subsequent courses, she actively participates until the main presentation and activities are completed, then she leaves during the question-and-answer periods, since she doesn’t have any questions for the instructor. As a senior consultant, how should you advise Juanita regarding her action?

a) Juanita is still expected to ask several questions, to demonstrate that she has been actively listening and participating, and she should email these questions to the PME instructor.
b) Juanita should reach out to the PME instructor to ensure that her attendance has in fact been logged, since she left early.
c) Juanita will have to take the same PME course all over again because she left early.
d) Juanita should reach out to the PME instructor and apologize for leaving the sessions early.


C: Per Article 7.4 of the PME Regulation, if an RCIC joins a session after the start time or leaves before the session is over, they will not receive credit for the course.

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Who is the responsible authority for organizing workshops on writing submission letters?

a) The regulator and professional associations
b) Professional associations and education providers
c) Education providers and the regulator
d) The College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants


B: The regulator’s role is to protect the public’s interest, which includes mediating disputes between members and their clients. Professional associations and education providers are both involved with furthering their members’ interests and education, as well as providing networking opportunities and representing the profession with industry stakeholders.

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What year was the ICCRC established?

a) 2001
b) 2010
c) 2011
d) 2015


2011: ICCRC was established in 2011 as the successor of CSIC, as the result of regulatory amendments to IRPA.

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Which of the following is not an accepted activity for the purpose of meeting Continuing Professional Development obligations?

a) Attending an educational workshop in-person
b) Downloading a recorded version of an approved CPD event
c) Moderating a panel at an immigration and citizenship conference
d) Publishing an article on new temporary residence program policies


B: Simply downloading a recording of an approved CPD event is not acceptable. Members must watch or review the downloaded recording.

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RCIC Pam is the owner of a new consulting practice. She works alone, but she has signed Agent Agreements with three overseas agents. With their help, she has slowly built a solid practice through study permit applications. Her agents help her with collecting client information and documents and with applying for Canadian post-secondary institutions. Pam does not have any interactions with these clients at all. She is essentially filling out application forms and submitting applications without ever providing any consultation advice. The clients who sign retainer agreements with Pam understand that Pam is the one who submits the applications for them, even though they only correspond with their agents. Out of respect for their clients’ confidentiality, Pam’s agents do not copy Pam on any of their correspondence with the client. What rule of the Code of Professional Ethics is Pam breaching?

a) “Maintenance of Confidentiality,” as no one but Pam herself should have access to client documents.
b) “Advocacy duties,” as Pam cannot persuasively advocate for the client if she doesn’t interact with them.
c) “Duty of good faith,” as Pam cannot represent her clients in good faith without interacting with them.
d) “Responsibility for Agents and staff,” as Pam cannot be sure that her agents are conducting themselves in accordance with the CoPE, or that there are no omissions or errors in their work.


D: All RCICs are responsible for the staff and agents they employ or contract. Although they can strictly advocate for their clients without any interaction with them, Pam cannot be sure that her agents are conducting themselves in accordance with the CoPE, or that there are no omissions or errors in their work. The other choices are also not correct answers as employees and agents can have access to the clients’ personal documentation when completing their assigned tasks, and Pam can still act in “good faith” when representing them.

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The Compliance Audit cycle begins on which date in each calendar year?

a) January 1
b) April 1
c) July 1
d) October 1


July 1: See article 5.1 of the Compliance Audit Regulation

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True or False: If you are not currently practising and reside outside of Canada, you do not need to purchase Errors and Omissions insurance.


False: All members in good standing must purchase E & O insurance regardless of their professional activity.

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Liam was working with a registered immigration consultant to bring his wife to Canada. Liam felt the RCIC’s behaviour was contradictory to the conduct required of a professional immigration consultant, and he decided to lodge a complaint. The ICCRC head office was near Liam’s place of work, so he took his complaint files directly to the ICCRC on his lunch hour one day. Would the ICCRC accept his complaint?

a) Yes, all complaints against a RCIC can only be filed with the ICCRC in person.
b) Yes, a complaint can be filed with the ICCRC by mail, fax, email, or in person.
c) No, the ICCRC only accepts complaints filed by mail, fax, or email.
d) No, complaints must be filed with CAPIC not the ICCRC.


C: The ICCRC does not accept in-person submissions of complaints.

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RCIC Alec is good friends with several of his former assistants, Wendy, Isaac, and Michael, who have all moved on to open their own consulting practices. They often get together after work at Alec’s office, where they will have a few drinks and then go out to eat at a restaurant nearby. During dinner, they will discuss their current and previous files, gossip about their clients’ interesting stories, and wonder what these clients are doing now. Which rule of the Code of Professional Ethics have Alec, Wendy, Isaac, and Michael breached?

a) Disclosure Prohibited
b) Confidentiality Survives Retainer
c) Maintenance of Confidentiality
d) Professional Misconduct


C: All parts of a client’s file (whether they are previous or current clients, or even if the files have been closed) must remain confidential. If using them for education or training purposes, then their information must be changed substantially that only the fundamental elements are retained, in order to protect the client’s confidentiality.

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True or False: Errors and Omissions insurance covers individual members and staff, but it does not cover company dealings at all.


True: Members who register themselves as a “personal corporation” or “limited entity” can have E & O insurance coverage extended.

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Which year did ICCRC establish a streamlined Complaints and Discipline process?

a) 2015
b) 2016
c) 2017
d) 2018


2018: Prior to 2018, complaints were managed by the Discipline Committee alone, who carried out hearings and decided on disciplinary action. Since 2018, a new resolution stream was added to expedite urgent and high-risk cases.

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Pat is an RCIC in Alberta, and they are calculating their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours for this year. In March and June, Pat attended online training courses that each occurred from 9:00-12:00 on a Saturday. Pat also worked as an instructor in the Family Class Immigration course (ICL 850) with the GDipICL program at Queen’s University for the fall semester. The course was 6 weeks long, and Pat facilitated a 2-hour tutorial each week of the course. This was Pat’s first time teaching ICL 850. Has Pat met the required number of CPD hours for this year?

a) Yes, Pat has 18 hours, which exceeds the minimum requirement.
b) Yes, Pat has 24 hours, which exceeds the minimum requirement.
c) Yes, Pat has 42 hours, which exceeds the minimum requirement.
d) No, Pat has 14 hours, which does not meet the minimum requirement.


D: RCICs are required to complete 16 hours of CPD training per calendar year. Pat receives the following hours for their activities:

March online training: 3 CPD hours
June online training: 3 CPD hours
Weekly tutorial sessions: 3 hours for the first hour in the first week + 1.5 hours for the second hour in the first week = 4.5 CPD hours in the first week. The remaining 10 hours of tutorial count as 1.5 hours each, or 15 CPD hours. In total, the weekly tutorial sessions contribute 19.5 CPD hours. However, Pat can only claim up to a maximum of 50% of the annual CPD requirement for teaching (i.e. 8 hours). Thus Pat’s tutorials accumulate a total of 8 equivalent hours of CPD activities.
So, Pat’s total for the year is 3 + 3 + 8 = 14 CPD hours.

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True or False: To protect the client’s confidentiality, all parts of their complaint against a member can be made anonymously.


False: Complaints may not be made anonymously. ICCRC can only investigate a complaint if the complainant submits a copy of their government-issued identification.

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Which of the below is not included in the definition of “conduct unbecoming a member” in the Code of Professional Ethics?

a) Taking advantage of a person’s vulnerability due to their ethnicity.
b) Dishonesty or breach of trust.
c) Committing a criminal offence.
d) Any conduct that is substantially similar to prohibited conduct in the CoPE.


A: Conduct unbecoming a member is defined as “Taking advantage of a person’s vulnerability due to age, inexperience, lack of education, or ill health.”

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True or False: The Discipline Committee’s role is to determine if a compliant has grounds or merit to warrant further review.


False: The Discipline Committee adjudicates the complaints referred to it by the Complaints Committee. Only serious complaints supported by evidence are forwarded to the Discipline Committee.

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True or False: Manny is a RCIC based in Winnipeg, MB. He was previously employed by a consulting practice in Winnipeg, which he left a year ago to start working as an International Student Advisor at the local university. He is still good friends with his former employer, who pays him a referral fee for referring students to their firm to apply for Post-Graduate Work Permits or permanent residence. Manny refers about 500 students to the firm in the first year, and a year later, signed an Agent Agreement with the firm to formally act as their agent. Manny has breached the “Conflicts of Interest” rule of the Code of Professional Ethics.


True: Manny, by receiving monetary compensation, cannot be representing students in good faith because he has a personal interest in referring his students to a specific RCIC.

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True or False: The ICCRC Discipline Committee always assigns a member of the panel with the exclusive obligation of overseeing negotiations between RCICs and ICCRC during a complaints and discipline review.


False: Negotiations are held between the member (and/or their legal counsel) and ICCRC legal counsel for possible settlement.

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RCIC Markus has been working on a family class sponsorship application for the last seven months. Both the sponsor, Auggie, and the applicant, Kyle, are very slow to respond to emails and often do not submit the correct documents to Markus for review. Markus is extremely frustrated at what he perceives is a prolonged “waste of his time.” Markus tells Auggie and Kyle that he is terminating their retainer agreement. Auggie and Kyle ask Markus for a refund of the professional fees they have already paid him, claiming that these fees are “unearned funds.” Markus refuses and instead provides them with guidance on how to file a complaint at the ICCRC. The next day, Auggie files a complaint against Markus with the ICCRC. Will ICCRC proceed with investigating this complaint?

a) Yes, Markus should have refunded any unearned funds when he terminated the retainer agreement.
b) Yes, Markus did not give Auggie and Kyle enough notice before terminating the retainer agreement.
c) No, the complaint has no merit or substance to warrant further investigation by ICCRC.
d) No, the complaint should have been filed by Kyle, not Auggie, as Kyle is the foreign national.


C: In addition, ICCRC will also decline to investigate if the matter is not in the public’s interest for the regulator to proceed any further.

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Which of the following is not a core element related to partnership business models?

a) Partners share strategic decision making.
b) The partnership is a distinct legal entity.
c) Partners are held responsible for all debts.
d) Each partner is jointly liable for liabilities and assets of the business.


B: In a partnership, business assets and joined with all partners’ own personal assets.

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Hubert operates 10 successful hair salons throughout Manitoba. He has managed his salons as a sole proprietor the entire time and is a successful entrepreneur. Over the last 20 years, Hubert has assisted many of his current and previous employees with obtaining work permits and eventual permanent residence. Hubert has decided to start an immigration consulting practice to help other hairstylists in the province with work permits and permanent residence. He has successfully completed the GDipICL program as well as his Entry to Practice Exam. Taking into consideration Hubert’s current business obligations, how should he run his consulting practice?

a) Full-time, as an incorporated company or as a sole proprietorship.
b) Part-time, as an incorporated company or as a sole proprietorship.
c) Part-time, as a Partner.
d) Full-time, as a Partner.


B: Hubert has extensive business obligations because he is still running his hair salons in Manitoba. Since he only intends to offer limited services, he should keep his consulting practice on a part-time basis so as to not prejudice either business. Hubert would also be better operating his immigration practice as a sole proprietorship (incorporated or not). If he were in a partnership, he would be responsible for joint business decisions, which he may not be able to commit to along with his existing business obligations.

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True or False: Your classmate in the GDipICL program, Gilbert, has just passed his Entry to Practice Exam and submitted his registration application to the ICCRC. He has no previous experience in working on immigration applications. He did very well on the Family Class course during the program, so he intends to work as a specialist on sponsorship applications. You believe that Gilbert should be seeking internship or employment opportunities with other specialists first.


True: Gilbert and his potential clients would benefit from practical experience in preparing applications and advising/consulting clients, prior to starting his own business.

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True or False: RCIC Jordan has been retained by Christina, an older woman in her early 50s, to submit an application for proof of Canadian citizenship on behalf of Christina’s young daughter, who was born the previous year. Jordan advises Christina that given her age, IRCC would likely request Christina and her daughter to undergo a DNA examination to prove their biological relationship. Jordan explains to Christina that DNA samples must be collected at approved, third-party clinics for the results to be accepted by IRCC. He further tells Christina that she must use the services of “Beta DNA Clinic,” as he knows the clinic personally and can obtain a discount on the fees, plus guarantee that the test results will be released within 24 hours. The ICCRC Agents Regulation stipulates that Jordan can continue to instruct his clients to use a specific third-party DNA testing centre.


True: Jordan is obligated to conduct client affairs in an efficient, cost-effective manner, and he has done so here. There are no stipulations in the Agents Regulation that restrict the use of specific third-party service providers.

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Roberta has just been issued her license to practice as an RCIC by the regulator. Prior to graduating from the GDipICL program, she earned a bachelor’s degree in International Relations. She has decided to work as a specialist and work exclusively with international students, since her sister works with a local public university. She has decided to establish a home-based business. Which of the following services can Roberta claim as expenses in her home-based business?

a) Her entire retainer fee from retaining a law firm to help her incorporate her company.
b) Her entire mortgage interest payment each year.
c) The costs of buying filing cabinets to store her client files.
d) The costs of buying a new desk and ergonomic computer chair as part of her office set-up.


A: Roberta can only claim part of her mortgage interest payments (not its entirety) as a business expense. Filing cabinets, desks, and chairs are considered capital items and cannot be deducted as expenses.

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Ivana has completed her Graduate Diploma in Immigration and Citizenship Law. She is now trying to decide whether she wants to work as a specialist or a generalist. Which factors would you advise her to consider when making this decision?

a) Her age and fluency in English.
b) Her personal experience with immigration processes.
c) Her social network.
d) Her research skills and legal writing ability.


B: The other three elements are important skills for both specialists and generalists, but to help determine whether to focus on specialty areas is primarily based on personal experience with the immigration process.

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True or False: RCIC Brianna has been practising since 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, she has not been able to attend many Continuing Professional Development activities in person. For this reason, she does not know many experienced or senior practitioners and has instead been calling the IRCC Client Service Centre a lot to obtain information from call centre agents. Brianna has just been retained by a new client to submit a Work Permit application under the NAFTA Professionals program. She has never completed such an application before, but she has read all the program guides available on the topic. This is not sufficient under the Code of Professional Ethics, and Brianna is obligated to retain the services of a third-party representative to assist her in submitting this application.


True: Until Brianna herself is sufficiently experienced in submitting an application of this type, she must consult or work with another person who is competent and licensed to perform that task or service.

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Amelia and Ranjeet grew up in the same neighbourhood and attended the same elementary school. They attended different high schools and colleges but met each other again when they both enrolled in the Graduate Diploma in Immigration and Citizenship Law. They discovered that Amelia did really well during their Family Class course, and Ranjeet did well during Economic Class. After they finish the program, Ranjeet asks Amelia to consider forming a partnership with her and starting a business together. What are some key elements of a partnership that Ranjeet should mention to Amelia?

a) They can register a business name throughout Canada of their own choosing, and they can declare their business income as personal income.
b) Their partnership can be operated as a distinct legal entity from their personal assets and liabilities, and they can register their business name throughout Canada.
c) Their business income can be declared as personal income, they are jointly responsible for liabilities and assets of the business, and they share strategic decision-making responsibilities.
d) They can share in strategic decision-making responsibilities, and they can operate a distinct legal entity from their personal assets and liabilities.


c) Their business income can be declared as personal income, they are jointly responsible for liabilities and assets of the business, and they share strategic decision-making responsibilities.

A partnership does not allow for business liabilities and assets to be registered separately from each partner’s personal assets or liabilities.

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True or False: Lydia is a dual citizen of the United States and Canada. For over ten years, she was employed by Amazon as a Technical Recruiter, responsible for hiring and staffing highly skilled Software and Computer Engineers to work in Amazon offices around the world. She has just completed her Graduate Diploma in Immigration and Citizenship Law. She has decided to focus on corporate clients, specializing in assisting Canadian employers in the technology sector fulfill their labour market needs by applying for work permits and Labour Market Impact Assessments. Lydia owns a primary residence in the United States and a vacation home in Canada. In order to fulfill her obligations to her clients, Lydia should open an office in Canada so her clients will be able to sign their documents in person.


False: Lydia is not required to open an office in Canada. Her clients are in the technology sector, so are equipped to correspond or communicate with her via digital means to prepare and finalize applications.

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Which of the following core elements are related to sole proprietorship business models? Choose all that apply.

a) Strategic decision making is shared with others
b) Business income is declared as personal income
c) Business ownership is registered under your name
d) You can operate a business name throughout Canada


B and C: Strategic decision making is shared with others in a partnership, while federally incorporated companies allow for name registration throughout Canada.

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You have been practising as a RCIC for several years. At an immigration and citizenship conference, you meet a new RCIC who has been practising for less than 6 months. This RCIC has been struggling to find clients or learn how to prepare different types of applications under the provincial nominee program. How should you advise this new RCIC?

a) Apply to work with a private or public university to work with international students or join an existing firm to gain practical experience.
b) Continue taking Practice Management Education courses to learn about developing strong client relationships.
c) Visit other practitioners and request that they share some of their overflow files, in order to gain more work experience.
d) Read federal court cases and summarize them to gain a deeper understanding of how to apply and interpret the law.


A: The new RCIC could also ask to partner with a sole practitioner on new files, seek mentorship from senior practitioners, or work with mentors on new files.

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RCIC Wilson has been working as an Assistant Immigration Consultant for several years. This year, he finally made the decision to open his own practice. He has invited two of his coworkers, Emily and Julie, to join his new business as his partners. Wilson is experienced in all types of Economic Class applications. Emily and Julie are both knowledgeable in Temporary Residence and LMIA applications. Wilson, Emily, and Julie have succeeded in convincing 30% of their existing clients to leave the firm with them. Based on their respective knowledge and experience, how should Wilson structure the scope of his practice in order to best serve his clients?

a) As a generalist by purchasing recordings from past CPD events to learn about other programs.
b) As a specialist in Economic Class applications, to maximize clientele and profit.
c) As a specialist in Economic Class, Temporary Residence, and LMIA applications.
d) As a generalist by signing co-counsel agreements with other experienced practitioners.


C: Wilson, Emily, and Julie are not yet experienced enough to market themselves as generalists, so they should instead focus on offering their expertise on what they are most familiar and experienced in.

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Which of the following core elements is related to incorporated business models?

a) Business income is declared as personal income.
b) The owner is personally liable for liabilities and assets of the business.
c) Business ownership is registered under the owner’s name.
d) The business is a distinct legal entity.


D: In sole proprietorships and partnerships, business income can be declared as personal income. Similarly, owners of both models are personally liable for liabilities and assets of the business. Business ownership is registered under the owner’s name in a sole proprietorship.

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RCIC Aaron speaks Spanish fluently, having grown up in Argentina and being educated in Spain. All of Aaron’s clients are from Spanish-speaking countries, and their documents are provided in Spanish. He is required to retain the services of a third-party translator to translate these documents into English. However, because Aaron is fluent in Spanish, he decides to translate his clients’ documents into English himself and save his clients some money. Aaron pays a certified translator a small fee to insert her translator’s credentials and stamp on the documents when he is finished translating the documents himself. Should Aaron continue to do this?

a) No, Aaron must fully retain the services of a certified third-party translator, or he may be breaching his “Duty of Good Faith” from the Code of Professional Ethics.
b) Yes, Aaron does not strictly require the services of a third-party translator because he is fluent in Spanish himself.
c) No, doing so is illegal, and Aaron can be arrested or charged with providing fraudulent documentation.
d) No, doing so is in direct conflict of interest between Aaron and the third-party translator.


A: Aaron has acted in bad faith when he attempted to circumvent the correct process of obtaining translated documents. He must retain a certified, third-party translator to translate documents in their entirety.

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Which of the following is untrue when it comes to running a home-based office?

a) You need a business license.
b) You do not need to pay property taxes.
c) You do not need a dedicated space to host virtual meetings.
d) You can federally incorporate your business.


B: Your home office is still your place of residence, so property taxes must still be levied. However, you may be able to claim these as part of your business expenses.

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True or False: Guojing is a licensed immigration lawyer based in Detroit, Michigan. He is also a member of ICCRC and owns a small practice in Windsor, Ontario. Guojing mostly works from his Detroit office and keeps his primary residence in Detroit. In his Windsor office, he keeps a duplicate set of all his important ICCRC registration documents, including certified true copies of his ICCRC membership card and membership certificate. Last year, a fire broke out in Guojing’s Detroit office building and destroyed his entire office. All his documents were lost. Luckily, he was able to apply for new documents and a new membership card. Guojing should continue to keep duplicate certified true copies of his certification documents for safekeeping.


False: Refer to article 3 of the Reproduced Certificate of ID Regulation.

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True or False: RCIC Penny has recently launched her company website. She has decided to dedicate a page on the site to display client testimonials. Many of her clients do not speak English, so they provide their testimonials in their native language. Penny paid a translator to translate these into English and posted the translations on the website. Penny has breached one or more articles in the Code of Professional Ethics.


True: In accordance with article 12.2 of the CoPE, Penny was required to have obtained permission from her clients to review and post the translated content.

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True or False: Xenia has been working with an immigration law firm for many years, as a legal assistant. The law firm is registered in good standing with the Law Society of New Brunswick. After finishing her graduate diploma program, passing her Entry to Practice Exam, and becoming a licensed consultant, Xenia plans to continue her employment with the law firm as a consultant. Xenia will be able to retain clients through the law firm, which will allow her to practice under a reputable and well-established business name.


False: In accordance with article 6.1 of the Business and Business Name Registration Regulation, the law firm must also be registered with ICCRC if Xenia plans to practice under its business name.

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New RCIC Allan lives in Banff, AB. He has already secured a large client base, most of whom reside in Calgary, AB, which is a 90 minute-drive away. Allan’s partner will work with him as his assistant. Allan estimates that he will likely spend about 20 hours per week meeting with clients. How should Allan best set up his office to service his clients?

a) Maintain a home office and set up a virtual meeting space to host client meetings.
b) Maintain a home office, set up a virtual meeting space to host client meetings, and lease a serviced office in Calgary for his partner to have a dedicated space to work.
c) Lease a professional office in the city to meet his clients and for his partner to have a dedicated space to work.
d) Maintain a home office to work on client files and lease a serviced office in Calgary to meet his clients.


D: This method will allow Allan to meet clients but eliminate costly fees of having a dedicated office 90 minutes away.

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True or False: Clayton has been working with an immigration law firm for many years, as a legal assistant. He then became a member of ICCRC, after which he decided to start his own practice. One of the lawyers in the immigration law firm decided to leave the firm and join Clayton’s new practice. The two of them agreed to be partners in their new venture. The lawyer has remained in good standing with their provincial licensing authority, the Law Society of New Brunswick. Clayton is a member in good standing with the ICCRC. They share the costs of running the practice evenly, and they help each other out on co-counselling duties where necessary. Clayton and his partner will be able to retain clients separately as long as their clients are fully aware of their practice model.


False: Hide Feedback
In accordance with article 7.4 of the Business and Business Name Registration Regulation, both partners must be members of ICCRC.

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Under the accrual basis of accounting, revenues are reported in the accounting period when the:

a) Cash is received
b) Services or goods have been delivered
c) Invoices are received by the client
d) Contracts are signed


B: Invoices and contracts are evidentiary proof that work has been completed or work will commence. Receiving the invoice is different from reporting at the time work in completed. Clients may receive an invoice well after work has been completed; however, revenue should be reported when the services or goods have been delivered to the client.

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Entries to expenses such as rent expense are usually:

c) Credits
d) Debits


Debit: Debits refer to money that is being taken out of your accounts to pay for expenses.

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True or False: Raymond holds client accounts at several major financial institutions, for the convenience of allowing his clients to transfer funds into his client account without incurring extra charges or deposit delays. Last week, he advised his client Alli that her translated documents will be completed at the end of that week, and the total bill will be $500 CDN. He asks Alli to transfer this amount into his client account so that he could use it to pay the translation agency. Alli does so the following day, and Raymond’s assistant proceeds to withdraw $500 cash from the client account that afternoon. Raymond has breached one or more articles in the Client Account Regulation by allowing a cash withdrawal from his client account.


True: Refer to article 6.4 of the Client Account Regulation.

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True or False: All the following are considered “non-operating revenues.”

Revenue from referral fees you earn when you refer a client to another firm.
Revenue from being sponsored to speak at a seminar or workshop.
Gains from company investments or assets.


False: Referral fees and fees for speaking at a seminar or workshop are revenues that are still considered part of your consulting business. Non-operating revenue would include rents you collect from renting out part of your office, for example.

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True or False: Amisha is a successful RCIC who managed two offices in Toronto, ON. In January 2020, she decided to close her Canadian offices and return to India to look after her parents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, she has managed three office locations in Mumbai, and she has maintained her obligations to the regulator by completing her CPD hours virtually and attending Practice Management Education courses remotely. Amisha did not report any income on her 2020 Notice of Assessment, as she used all the income earned by the company to pay severance packages to her employees. She is now a non-resident of Canada. As a non-resident corporation, Amisha was not required to file a corporation income tax return in 2020.


False: A non-resident corporation must file a return if, at any time in the year, one of the following situations applies:

it carried on business in Canada
it had a taxable capital gain
it disposed of taxable Canadian property
This requirement applies even if the corporation claims that any profits or gains realized are exempt from Canadian income tax due to the provisions of a tax treaty.

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True or False: Suzy has owned her consulting practice since 2011. Accordingly, she has also owned the same client account at one of the major financial institutions in Canada. Since she has been such a long-time client, she earns a very favourable interest rate on the deposits she maintains in her client account. Once her interest earnings reach a certain amount, she transfers that money to her business account and takes her staff out on a short weekend trip. During these trips, she spends all the money on nice dinners and allows her staff to purchase souvenirs, as well. She has been doing this since the beginning of her practice, to reward her staff for their dedication and hard work. According to the Client Account Regulation, this is prohibited, and Suzy cannot be using interest earned from her client account in this manner.


False: Refer to article 7.1 of the Client Account Regulation.

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How should you determine your “Working Capital” needs?

a) Amount by which your current net income exceeds your day-to-day expenses.
b) Amount by which your current cash flow exceeds your current liabilities.
c) Amount by which your current assets exceed your current liabilities.
d) Amount by which your accounts receivables exceed your payroll.


C: Assets are defined as your accounts receivables, cash, and inventory. Your liabilities are accounts payables, fees, and any other debts owing against the company. Whatever is in excess is your working capital.

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True or False: Momoko has been retained as a bookkeeper by Sachiyo to help manage some of the financial aspects of Sachiyo’s immigration practice. Sachiyo asks Momoko to prepare a balance sheet to report the total amount of her assets, liabilities, and shareholder’s equity for the entirety of her business operation history. Momoko should proceed with preparing the balance sheet as instructed by Sachiyo.


False: Balance sheets report your company’s assets, liabilities, and shareholder’s equity at a specific point in time. Momoko would not be able to produce a balance sheet for the entirety of Sachiyo’s operation history.

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What is not considered part of your company’s “assets”?

a) Office furniture
b) Computers and equipment
c) Company logo from an online generator
d) Cash savings


C: If you purchased a logo, then the purchased logo would be considered an asset. But if you designed it and made it yourself, it is not considered an asset.

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Kiana has just started her immigration consulting practice. She has retained a bookkeeper, Spencer, to help her manage some of the financial aspects of her practice. Spencer would like Kiana to provide a list of the main sources of cash flow the company will have. How should Kiana provide a breakdown of such sources?

a) Kiana should make separate lists for operations cash flow, marketing expenses, and total sales each month.
b) Kiana should forward emails from her service providers to report her cash flow from advertising the business, total sales, and financing from her bank.
c) Kiana should make separate lists for operations income, business investments, and financing from her bank.
d) Kiana should make separate lists from her cash flow from advertising the business, total sales, and financing from her bank.


C: Operations, investments, and financing are the main sources of cash flow for the company. The other noted sources are generally not considered “main sources of cash flow”.

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Soon-Yi and Sung-Ho started an immigration practice together. So far, they have hired one assistant (who also works as a receptionist), and one bookkeeper. Soon-Yi was a university student advisor prior to opening her own practice, so she had lots of contacts, and their practice became very busy with lots of new clients almost immediately. Their bookkeeper has been kept busy issuing invoices, tracking transactions, receivables, and payables. At the end of their first month of business, Soon-Yi asks their bookkeeper to provide an account of all the reconciliations that have been completed so far. What information must their bookkeeper reconcile each month?

a) Personal line of credit balances, term investments, and mutual fund fluctuations.
b) Term investments and mutual fund fluctuations.
c) Earnings from GICs and interest charges on all accounts.
d) Deposits, withdrawals, credit card payments, and bank fees.


D: Reconciling all accounts, of all activity and transactions, will allow you to catch any mistakes. From a business perspective, you only need to reconcile your client and business accounts, although you may personally reconcile all your personal investment and savings accounts if you wish.

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Kamran has been practising for several years. He has received a consultation request from Toshio. During the consultation, Kamran provides Toshio with a breakdown of his professional fees and government processing fees. Toshio states that he is facing financial difficulties, having recently lost his job. He asks Kamran if it would be possible to arrange for fee payment in intervals. What are the acceptable billing methods, according to the Retainer Agreement Regulation, that Kamran can offer Toshio?

a) Hourly billing, weekly billing, flat fee billing by milestone, flat fee billing by pre-determined schedule
b) Daily billing, weekly billing, flat fee billing by milestone, flat fee billing by pre-determined schedule
c) Daily billing, weekly billing, flat fee billing by milestone, flat fee billing each month
d) Hourly billing, daily billing, flat fee billing by milestone, flat fee billing by pre-determined schedule


D: Refer to article 5.1(h) of the Retainer Agreement Regulation.

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True or False: Amisha is a successful RCIC who managed two offices in Toronto, ON. In January 2020, she decided to close her Canadian offices and return to India to look after her parents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, she has managed three office locations in Mumbai, and she has maintained her obligations to the regulator by completing her CPD hours virtually and attending Practice Management Education courses remotely. She took all her financial records with her when she returned to India and now keeps them in her home office in Mumbai. Her electronic backups are kept on a secure cloud server in Mumbai. Amisha is not required to maintain any of her financial records in Canada since she is now considered a non-resident.


False: Records must be kept at a place of business or a personal residence in Canada, unless the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) explicitly gives written permission to keep them elsewhere. Records kept outside of Canada and accessed electronically from Canada are not considered to be records kept in Canada.

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Leonardo has retained a bookkeeper, Momoko, to help him manage some of the financial aspects of his immigration practice. Leonardo authorizes Momoko to have access to his client account and business account, and he provides receipts and invoices each time a transaction is completed with a client. Momoko asks Leonardo to confirm the deadline before which client account reconciliation must be completed. What is the deadline?

a) No later than 30 days after each month’s end
b) No later than 60 days after each month’s end
c) No later than 90 days after each month’s end
d) No later than 120 days after each month’s end


C: Refer to article 9 of the Client Account Regulation.

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The following fees can be held in the client account:

a) Government processing fees, employee salaries, unearned funds
b) Government processing fees, disbursements, unearned funds
c) Government processing fees, property tax payments, disbursements
d) Government processing fees, translation fees, utility payments


B: Any fees associated with running your practice should not be deposited in the client account.

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True or False: Landon started his own immigration consulting practice four months ago. He has successfully registered a business name and opened a payroll account with the CRA, which would allow him to hire employees. Even though his practice is small, he has already completed two applications for two different clients, and he has earned a gross income of $10,000. Landon must register a GST/HST account before the next quarter begins.


False: Since Landon did not exceed an income of $30,000 over four consecutive calendar quarters, he is not required to register for a GST/HST account, as he is considered a “small supplier.”

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Assets are usually reported on the balance sheet at which amount?

a) Cost
b) Current Market Value
c) Expected Selling Price
d) Actual Selling Price


A: Assets’ cash amount must be recorded at the time they are required (the “cost” of those assets). This is called the “cash principle”. Because of the cash principle, the amount reported on the balance sheet should not reflect their current market value, which may fluctuate as the years go by. Similarly, it would violate the cost principle to record it at “expected selling price” or “actual selling price”.

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Amisha is a successful RCIC who managed two offices in Toronto, ON. In January 2020, she decided to close her Canadian offices and return to India to look after her parents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Prior to this decision, Amisha had been managing her client information and records using many different excel spreadsheets. She now wishes to transition to a more streamlined process, managed through specialty software. What are some client management software tools that Amisha can consider? (Select all that apply)

b) Quickbooks
c) Mogo
d) Sage
e) CaseEasy
f) Officio
g) IMMeFile
h) Solutionreach


CLIO, CaseEasy, Officio, IMMeFile: All others are client management software, but not for use in an immigration practice.

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True or False: Kamran has been practising for several years. He has received a consultation request from Toshio. During the consultation, Kamran provides Toshio with a breakdown of his professional fees and government processing fees. Toshio agrees and signs a retainer agreement with Kamran. A few weeks later, Toshio tells Kamran that he has inquired with several other RCICs, all of whom charge much lower fees than Kamran does. Toshio believes that Kamran is not acting in good faith in accordance with the Code of Professional Ethics or with the Client Account Regulation. Is Toshio’s assertion true or false?


False: The regulator currently does not restrict limitations or caps on retainer fees; that is, RCICs may choose to set their own fees for their scope of services as they see fit.


True or False: RCIC Gwen has decided to retire from active practice. She runs the practice with her son, Martin, who is also a RCIC. Gwen is now making plans to finish as many applications as she can. She plans to transfer the remaining active files to Martin. Today, she named Martin as the “Responsible Person” and gave him the login information to her Authorized Representative Account, as well as further instructions and details on the progress of her active files. Martin is a very capable RCIC, so Gwen is confident that Martin will have no difficulty taking over as the responsible person. Gwen has complied with the relevant articles in the Planned or Unplanned Absence Regulation with respect to designating a responsible person.


False: A “responsible person” means an individual over the age of majority who has immediate access to the location where Gwen’s office is located. However, the responsible person cannot be an authorized representative and as such, cannot perform tasks that should only be performed by an authorized representative.


RCIC Sara’s immigration practice has been suffering financially from a large number of unpaid invoices, and fines levied on her by the regulator. Sara has thus decided to sell her practice. Based on the information provided in “How to Exit Your Business: Your Legal Requirements,” what information does Sara need to compile to start the sale process? (Select all that apply)

a) Client testimonials from the last three years.
b) Employee T4s showing how much payroll expenses were for the last three years.
c) Tax returns and financial statements for the last three years.
d) Utility bills showing the cost of overhead.
e) Client lists, with personal information appropriately redacted.
f) Outstanding loans with balance and payment schedule.


c) Tax returns and financial statements for the last three years.
e) Client lists, with personal information appropriately redacted.
f) Outstanding loans with balance and payment schedule.

All others are good indicators of how well the company is doing, but they are not strictly required to begin the sale process of the company.


Lucinda has managed her immigration practice for over ten years. Seven years ago, she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She underwent a successful surgery, and she responded well to chemotherapy. After being in remission for over three years, Lucinda has decided to close her practice to travel the world with her partner. She has not accepted a new client since she became sick, so most of her client files are ready to be destroyed. Which of the following can Lucinda exclude from her records prior to destroying these files?

a) Her client’s name and address.
b) The file opening date.
c) The file closing date.
d) A brief description of the services provided.


B: Refer to article 10.1 of the Client File Management Regulation.


True or False: Soon-Yi and Sung-Ho attended high school together and are good friends. Later, they both enrolled in the GDipICL at Queen’s University. They both passed the Entry to Practice Exam, and they have agreed to start a practice together. Sung-Ho has found them a beautiful office in downtown Edmonton. The rent is very cheap, because the space is quite small, and it is located in a heritage building. Both Soon-Yi and Sung-Ho have their own offices, and they set aside a third room to use as a conference room. They intend to use the fourth, smallest room in the office, as a file storage room. Having carefully reviewed the Client File Management Regulation, they are confident that they can store both active and closed client files in the same room. Soon-Yi and Sung-Ho are correct in their interpretation of the Client File Management Regulation.


True: Active and closed client files must be stored separately, but it is not required to store them in completely separate rooms.


In “How to Exit Your Business: Your Legal Requirements,” how does a well-designed succession plan help you and your business?

a) Ensure your successor is sufficiently trained to minimum financial loss.
b) Avoid being subject to capital gains tax and to reduce any tax liabilities of transferring ownership.
c) Provide stability for your employees and set a timetable for the transfer of ownership to your successor.
d) Ensure your employees are financially compensated prior to your departure.


C: Having a succession plan ensures that the transition from your ownership to the next will be as smooth as possible for both your successor and your employees, and to ensure your company’s financial stability in the future.


RCIC Rashan’s immigration practice has been suffering financially from a large number of unpaid invoices, and fines levied on him by the regulator. His own personal finances are also suffering as a result. He has, therefore, made the difficult decision to file for bankruptcy. Rashan duly notified the regulator that he has become bankrupt. However, Rashan hopes to continue practising as an RCIC and does not wish to close his practice. Can Rashan continue to practice independently?

a) No, because he can no longer hold a client account.
b) Yes, as long as he does not hold a client account where he holds unearned funds from clients.
c) No, he must become an employee of another RCIC.
d) Yes, as long as he fulfills all other obligations to the regulator as a member in good standing.


C: Refer to article 5.1 of the Bankruptcy, Insolvency, Credit Proposal, and Garnishment Regulation.


True or False: RCIC Sebastien’s immigration practice has been suffering financially from a large number of unpaid invoices, and fines levied on him by the regulator. His own personal finances are also suffering as a result. Sebastien has thus decided to close his practice. He has designated RCIC Bruno to take over his remaining active files as the new authorized representative. Sebastien needs to provide the regulator with the following information: Bruno’s legal name, his email address, residential address, and telephone number.


False: Sebastien also needs to provide Bruno’s mailing address as well as his residential address.


In “8 steps for planning your emergency and disaster plan,” how should “essential services” be defined in an immigration consulting practice?

a) Services that must be performed to satisfy regulatory requirements.
b) Services that must be performed to ensure the expediency of your processing standard.
c) Services that must be performed to allow you and your staff to travel to work safely and securely.
d) Services that impact the availability of amenities you offer to your clients when they visit your office.


A: The other three answers are incorrect because these services are rendered to supplement one’s immigration practice.


True or False: Soon-Yi and Sung-Ho started an immigration practice together. They have many years of experience in Study Permit applications, so they often offer co-counselling opportunities to help fellow new RCICs who are struggling with more complicated applications. Last week, Sung-Ho agrees to assist Chenna, a new RCIC, on an application for a Study Permit. Sung-Ho asks Chenna to provide the client’s personal details, but Chenna tells Sung-Ho that he is not technically co-counselling on the application, since Chenna only needs answers for some of her more complicated questions. Thus, according to the Client File Management Regulation, Sung-Ho does not need to maintain client records on this file.


False: Refer to article 4.3 of the Client File Management Regulation.


True or False: RCIC Whitney works as a partner in an immigration consulting practice with three other partner RCICs. She is currently working on six active client files. Yesterday, Whitney received news that her father was injured in a car accident while camping in Alaska. Given his remote location, Whitney decides to travel to Alaska to care for him during his recuperation, and she asks for a leave of absence from her partners. They agree to give her three weeks off. She notifies her clients that she will be unreachable for the next three weeks and that her partners will assume responsibility on their files. According to the Planned or Unplanned Absence Regulation, Whitney must officially designate an authorized representative on each of her files.


False: Refer to article 7.1 of the Planned or Unplanned Absence Regulation.

A Member who is on an official leave of absence or travelling outside of the country in
which he/she ordinarily resides and/or works for a period of more than thirty (30)
consecutive days, during which the Member does not intend to perform the usual duties of
his/her consulting practice, shall designate one or more Authorized Representative(s) who
will assume the responsibility of the practice while the Member is on leave or travelling.


True or False: Wilson, a RCIC based in Saskatoon, had been working at his professional office for many years. Sadly, his office building burned down in a fire last month. Luckily, Wilson was able to save most of his active client files when he evacuated from the building, and his other client files were all backed up on a cloud server. Since the fire, Wilson has been working from home and holding client meetings over Zoom. He does not have a dedicated office in his home, so he works at his family’s dining table and keeps his client files locked in the guest bedroom closet when he is not working on them. Wilson has breached one or more articles in the Client File Management Regulation.


True: Although he locks his client files when he is not working, Wilson works in a public area in his family home, where his family could have access to his clients’ files while he is working on them. This is a breach of his client’s confidentiality under Article 11 of the Client File Management Regulation.


Aakesh is a successful RCIC who managed two offices in Montreal, QC. In March 2020, he decided to close his Canadian offices and return to India, to look after his parents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Fortunately, just before leaving Canada, Aakesh’s remaining two clients’ applications were approved by IRCC. Aakesh arranged for the client to receive all of their original documents, as well as a full copy of the application that was submitted on their behalf. Can Aakesh proceed with destroying the rest of the client file and records before he leaves Canada?

a) No, he must retain those files for a minimum of three years.
b) No, he must retain those files for a minimum of six years.
c) No, he must retain those files for a minimum of nine years.
d) Yes, as long as he maintains an electronic copy on a cloud server for a minimum of five years.


B: Refer to article 7.2 of the Client File Management Regulation.


True or False: RCIC Simone receives a phone call from Pablo, who asked for a one-hour consultation. Simone tells Pablo that her consultation fee is $200 per hour. Pablo asks if Simone could give him a free consultation, because he has been unemployed for several months and cannot afford her consultation fee. Simone agrees and tells Pablo that she will provide a free, 30-minute consultation. During the consultation, Pablo interrupts Simone several times, which ultimately results in the consultation being over an hour long. Finally, Simone becomes angry and tells Pablo to leave her office immediately. She ignores all of his calls and emails after this. Simone has breached one or more rules in the Retainer Agreement Regulation and Code of Professional Ethics with her conduct.


False: Pablo is not Simone’s client, so Simone does not have any obligations to provide consultation or advice.


True or False: Leslie has asked to retain RCIC Mousa to assist her in applying for a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) for her father. Mousa sends Leslie a retainer agreement to review and sign. Leslie notes that the retainer agreement does not specify which country’s visa office will process her father’s TRV application. Mousa tells Leslie that this information is not required on a retainer agreement. Leslie disagrees and tells Mousa that he must clearly outline the scope of his services, so the retainer agreement must correctly identify the Visa Office. Is this true or false?


False: The retainer agreement must specify the category of the client’s application and the scope of services Mousa will provide to the client. The retainer agreement is not required to specify the visa office location. This information is fluid and outside the control of the RCIC.


Shyla has asked to retain RCIC Ishaan to assist her in applying for a Temporary Resident Visa for her father. During an initial consultation with Shyla’s father, Ishaan asks him several questions regarding his personal assets and access to financial support. Shyla’s father lists his numerous relatives who reside in his country of residence and Shyla’s well-paying job in Canada. Her father does not mention whether he has personal savings, but he says he receives some rental income from an investment property. How should Ishaan interpret this information?

a) Her father does not have any personal funds or assets.
b) Shyla will be paying for all the costs and expenses incurred during her father’s stay in Canada.
c) Her father’s relatives and Shyla will be paying for all the costs and expenses incurred during his stay in Canada.
d) Her father’s relatives and Shyla will provide financial assistance, if necessary.


D: You must listen to and learn to read between the lines of what information the client is providing you with, and then redirect the question back to the client for confirmation that your interpretation is correct.


You have just started a consultation with a potential client. During the consultation, you notice that the client is not forthcoming with providing answers to your questions. The client stutters and is constantly smoothing the back of his hair while he speaks. How should you respond to these language cues?

a) Ask the client to write down his thoughts if he has difficulty expressing them.
b) Ask the client if would like the services of an interpreter if he is having difficulty expressing himself in English.
c) Offer the client some water to help with his stuttering.
d) Give the client a few minutes to finish and ask a clarifying question before moving on.


D: It is important to pay attention to non-verbal body language cues from the client during consultations, especially if their applications are complex or they have found themselves in sensitive situations. Observe and compare how clients in comfortable situations behave with how anxious or nervous clients behave during consultations and provide a response appropriately.


RCIC Adam is in the middle of conducting an interview with a potential client, Barbara. Barbara tells Adam that her cousin owns a clothing store in Toronto and can give her a job offer as a Store Manager. Barbara’s cousin is happy to apply for a Labour Market Impact Assessment so that Barbara can apply for permanent residence with Arranged Employment. Adam asks several times if Barbara has any previous professional experience as a Retail Manager. Each time, Barbara offers some examples of her cousin’s store operations and staff count. How should Adam proceed with the consultation?

a) Advise Barbara that she is not being truthful and end the consultation.
b) Advise Barbara of the consequences of misrepresentation and ask a few more leading questions to extract more details.
c) Advise Barbara of the consequences of misrepresentation and end the consultation.
d) Ask to speak with Barbara’s cousin on the phone to corroborate Barbara’s previous work experience.


B: Clients may suggest “ideas” that skirt the line of misrepresentation. Our obligation under the Code of Professional Ethics (article 7), is to ensure that clients are aware of provisions on misrepresentation and that it cannot proceed. In this scenario, Adam has not been retained yet, so he is not obligated to terminate the meeting, but he is obligated to advise the client accordingly.


During an initial consultation, RCIC Jackson notices that the potential client, Pinky, often changes the subject to avoid answering a question. After a minute or two of Pinky talking about a different topic, Jackson will remind Pinky of the original question and insist that she provide a proper answer. Pinky is becoming more flustered each time Jackson demands an answer. How should Jackson address the matter instead?

a) Pay more attention to what Pinky is saying and try to “read between the lines” for the correct answer.
b) Ask Pinky to provide the actual answer in writing.
c) Ask closed questions to summarize what Jackson knows of so far, and then ask clarifying questions that are relevant to the topics being discussed, then use Pinky’s answers to ask more closed questions if necessary.
d) Advise Pinky of the consequences of misrepresentation if she does not answer questions truthfully on her application.


C: It is important not to pressure clients into discussing sensitive topics at the initial consultation, especially if they show reluctance in providing concrete answers. By reading Pinky’s body language, you can see if she is becoming flustered or uncomfortable. Avoid putting clients in that situation, and instead ask some clarifying questions about what you have already learned to put them more at ease.


RCIC Manpreet is preparing to meet with a potential client who wishes to apply for permanent residence under the Federal Skilled Worker program. She has prepared printouts of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR) provisions on Skilled Workers and language test equivalency charts. She has also prepared a pre-assessment questionnaire that she will ask the potential client to complete prior to their meeting. What are the necessary components of the questionnaire that Manpreet must include to help her determine the client’s potential eligibility?

a) The client’s professional and educational background, the client’s date of birth, the client’s knowledge of English or French, and the client’s family composition.
b) The date of the consultation, the client’s knowledge of English or French, and the client’s country of citizenship.
c) The client’s educational background, the client’s overseas work experience, and the country’s knowledge of French.
d) The client’s criminal background, the client’s Canadian work experience, and the Client’s family composition.


A: Knowing this information will allow Manpreet to correctly assess whether the client could be eligible under the Federal Skilled Worker program, which is based on six selection factors and a score of 67/100. All other listed factors in other choices are nice to have, but they do not contribute to an assessment of whether the client is eligible for the program.


You have just started a consultation with a potential client. During the consultation, you notice that the client is not forthcoming with providing answers to your questions. The client stutters and is constantly smoothing the back of his hair while he speaks. How should you respond to these language cues?

a) Ask the client to write down his thoughts if he has difficulty expressing them.
b) Ask the client if would like the services of an interpreter if he is having difficulty expressing himself in English.
c) Offer the client some water to help with his stuttering.
d) Give the client a few minutes to finish and ask a clarifying question before moving on.


D: It is important to pay attention to non-verbal body language cues from the client during consultations, especially if their applications are complex or they have found themselves in sensitive situations. Observe and compare how clients in comfortable situations behave with how anxious or nervous clients behave during consultations and provide a response appropriately.


True or False: Michiyo has asked to retain RCIC Takeshi to assist her in applying for a Temporary Resident Visa for her mother. Takeshi sends Michiyo a retainer agreement to review and sign. Michiyo wants Mousa to draft a Japanese version of the retainer agreement, or otherwise provide her mother with a Japanese translation of the retainer agreement, so that her mother is fully aware of the scope of Takeshi’s services. Takeshi tells Michiyo that since the retainer agreement must be signed in English or French, he is not obligated to provide a translation to her mother. Is this true or false?


True: Although Takeshi does not have to provide a Japanese translation of the retainer agreement, he should still provide such a document in good faith and in the interest in maintaining a positive client relationship.


Olafemi has asked to retain RCIC Barika to assist him in applying for a Study Permit for his daughter. Olafemi signs a retainer agreement and pays Barika’s professional fees in full. Barika starts to work on the application, but she soon realizes that she is not familiar with this type of application at all. Barika is considering asking a fellow RCIC, Julienne, to assist her with preparing and submitting this application. Barika notifies Olafemi, who agrees to allow Julienne to assist her. If Julienne agrees to advise Barika on preparing this application, what should be their next step? (Select all answers that apply)

a) Enter into a joint retainer agreement.
b) Ask Olafemi to authorize Julienne, in writing, to work on his daughter’s application.
c) Clearly identify the functions of each member in the joint retainer agreement.
d) Notify IRCC that Julienne is now co-counsel on the application.


A and C: Once the joint retainer agreement is signed and both parties have clearly outlined each of their duties, they are now jointly responsible for the quality of work and service delivered to the client.


True or False: RCIC Emma is a new practitioner who is in the process of creating a customized Pre-Assessment Questionnaires for her consultations. To eliminate confusion, Emma has included components that assess all types of immigration applications, including the Canadian Experience Class, Family Class, and Business Immigration categories. As a general principle, she plans to ask her clients to complete the entire questionnaire. This is the only way to ensure no information is left out.


False: You are advised to create a concise Pre-Assessment Questionnaire with components customized to different categories of immigration. You can create as many different customized questionnaires as you would like but having a concise version will be less work for the client and will allow you to determine their eligibility in a reasonable amount of time.


RCIC Paula will be meeting with her first client in a few days. She has had one phone call with the client and answered a few of his questions by email. Paula has a good idea of which application category the client is eligible for. Today, Paula is developing an interview script to refer to during the consultation, and she has highlighted several key points to focus on. What are those key points?

a) The preferred method of communication with the client, how Paula will handle the application for the client, her fees, and where she will meet the client.
b) Providing the client with an accurate document checklist, answering all of the client’s questions, and the retainer fees that Paula expects the client to pay.
c) The client’s immigration goal and existing concerns, the scope of Paula’s services, the terms in her retainer agreement, and answering the client’s questions.
d) Whether the client is inadmissible to Canada, how to overcome any inadmissibility issues, and how Paula can help the client extend their temporary resident status.


C: All other points are important parts of the relationship you will build with your client, but they should not be part of the interview script for your first meeting with the client, when you haven’t been retained. Instead of jumping directly into discussing fees, you should instead highlight the services you can provide the client, your past experiences and education, and how you can assist with the client in reaching their immigration goals. It is also not advisable to provide the client with detailed information on how to obtain required documentation, because you want them to retain you for those services.


Adanna has asked to retain RCIC Ngozi to assist her in applying for a Temporary Resident Visa for her sister. Ngozi sends Adanna a retainer agreement to review and sign. Adanna asks Ngozi if she will receive a refund of his professional fees if her sister’s application is refused. How should Ngozi answer Adanna’s question?

a) Ngozi should include a refund policy clause in his retainer agreement that states Adanna will receive a refund of his fees if the application is refused.
b) Ngozi should explain to Adanna that he will refund his professional fees as “unearned funds” should the application be refused.
c) Ngozi should explain to Adanna that he will not refund his professional fees if the application is refused.
d) Ngozi should explain to Adanna that he will only refund his professional fees if the application is refused due to his error or omission.


C: Professional fees are not refundable in the event of an application refusal.


During an initial consultation, RCIC Callie provides the potential client, Francis, with a breakdown of his prospective Comprehensive Ranking System score under Express Entry. Francis asks Callie for advice on how to increase his score to improve his chances of receiving an invitation to apply. Callie decides that she does not want to tell him, because she doesn’t want Francis to work on his own application if he knew how to improve his score. How should Callie respond to Francis?

a) Provide Francis with advice on how to improve his CRS score.
b) Advise Francis that you can discuss his case in more detail after you are retained.
c) Advise Francis to return for a second, paid consultation if he would like to ask further questions.
d) Refuse to advise Francis on how to improve his CRS score.


B: Many times, it is not possible to determine exactly how a client can improve their score unless you have clearly reviewed their documentation. However, you should avoid performing an in-depth analysis of client documentation unless you have been retained by the client. This would be a better compromise and would reassure the client that you would pay particular attention to his eligibility once he has retained your services.


True or False: Martha has asked to retain RCIC Oliver to assist her in applying for a Parent/Grandparent Supervisa for her father. Her father signs a retainer agreement with Oliver and pays his professional fees in full. Just before the application is approved, Martha’s mother asks to retain Oliver to help her apply for a Supervisa, as well. Martha’s parents are divorced and will argue every time they see each other. The last time they were in the same room, they began physically fighting with each other. Oliver should decline to represent Martha’s mother on her application.


False: Oliver is not obligated to decline representing Martha’s mother unless their respective interests, rights, or obligation will conflict. In this scenario, the conflict only exists in their personal relationship with one another. However, their conflict will not jeopardize each other’s applications for temporary resident visas.


True or False: Sahil has asked to retain RCIC Leena to assist him in applying for a Temporary Resident Visa for his mother. Leena sends Sahil a retainer agreement to review and sign. Sahil reviews Leena’s outlined scope of services and notices that Leena did not mention whether she will assist his mother with an interview at the visa office. He asks Leena to include this service in the retainer. Leena tells Sahil that in her experience, TRV applicants are rarely asked to attend an interview at the visa office. However, Leena promises Sahil that if his mother is selected by chance, she will prepare her for an interview. She tells Sahil it is not required to explicitly state this on the retainer agreement as it is not likely to happen. Is this true or false?


False: As long as there is a chance that Leena will have to assist Sahil’s mother with preparing for an interview, this scope of service must be included in the retainer agreement.


François is a RCIC who manages a practice in rural Quebec. His first language is French. He speaks English with a thick Quebecois French accent. Last week, François received a call from Cristina, a foreign worker who has just moved to his town from Nicaragua. Cristina asks for a consultation to discuss her immigration goals. During the consultation, François realizes that Cristina is struggling with understanding his English due to his accent. Cristina asks if François speaks Spanish, but he does not. François asks Cristina if she understands French, and she also says no. What should François’ next best course of action be?

a) End the consultation at that point and ask if he can send a follow up opinion letter to Cristina with her case strategy, written in English.
b) Offer to place the consultation on hold if Cristina has time and call an interpreter who can interpret for François on speakerphone and restart the consultation.
c) Decline to take Cristina’s case but make arrangements to hire an interpreter to join consultations in the future.
d) Use translation software online to interpret everything François says, so as not to interrupt the consultation or have Cristina make another trip.


B: François needs to account for the fact that he speaks English with a thick French accent and that typical English-speakers may have difficulty understanding him. Cristina herself is not a native English language speaker, and justifiably has difficulty understanding him. To be culturally competent, François needs to address this issue for his non-French speaking clients, or clients who cannot readily understand him. The best course of action would be to immediately arrange to continue the consultation with an interpreter’s services, which François would pay for.


You are assisting a Chinese restaurant owner in applying for a Labour Market Impact Assessment for a xiaolongbao chef. The application was successfully submitted, but during the interview with the officer, the employer was told that his advertisements did not include the requirement to possess a “food safety and sanitary preparation” training certificate. The officer claims that without this certificate, employers cannot guarantee that the applicants will know how to safely prepare raw ingredients, “especially when you’re serving raw fish in your restaurant.” Has the officer breached procedural fairness by displaying cultural bias in his decision-making?

a) No, the officer is simply referencing the consequences of hiring an employee who is not proficient with handling raw ingredients.
b) No, the officer is correct that without the proper training credentials, applicants cannot be trusted to be proficient in handling raw ingredients.
c) Yes, the officer has demonstrated cultural bias in assuming that Asian restaurants all serve raw fish, and a lack of training certificate is indicative of the applicant’s inability to handle raw ingredients.
d) Yes, the officer has demonstrated implicit bias for believing that applicants must obtain a food safety and sanitary preparation certificate.


C: The officer’s comments are indicative of personal or cultural bias, as they are making assumptions on the type of food served at a Chinese restaurant and are not aware that Chinese restaurants do not serve raw fish.


True or False: “Implicit biases” are spoken words that result from your brain’s intentional awareness of assumptions that you form while interacting with other cultures.


False: Implicit biases (also known as unconscious biases) are mental processes that operate outside of our consciousness, intentional awareness, or control. These can manifest as shortcuts in our brains that can lead us to make decisions based on assumptions.


True or False: “Diversity”, as defined by the Human Rights and Equity Office of Queen’s University, primarily means to have respect for and appreciation of differences in ethnicity, gender, age, national origin, ability, sexual orientation, faith, socio-economic status, and class.


True: It also includes differences in life experiences, learning, and working styles and personality types that can be engaged to achieve excellence.


RCIC Soraya is the owner of a medium-sized consulting practice. She employs six assistants, all of whom are from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Therefore, she can offer services in six different languages and assign files to each assistant based on that assistant’s cultural or ethnic background. This way, Soraya has been able to avoid complaints of language barriers or issues surrounding cultural competency in her practice, since clients are directly communicating with assistants from their own culture and speaking their own language. However, she tells all her staff that they need to be “culture blind” and help each other out when there are many files so that nobody experiences burnout. Instead of this strategy, how should Soraya train her staff to increase cultural competency in her practice? [Select all “best answers” that apply]

Correct AnswerIncorrect Response

Ask each member of the team to write a 150-word self-reflection on their own implicit or cultural biases and how to address them.

b) Have all members of staff role play different scenarios and critique each other’s responses.
c) Hire a human rights lawyer to draft a “culture map.”
d) Hold knowledge workshops led by each of her assistants to share cultural behaviours, speech patterns, body language indicators, and other common cultural practices in their respective cultures.


A and D: Instead of ignoring differences, which can be argued as the equivalent to being “culture blind,” or acting out or critiquing each other’s behaviours in a role play simulation, Soraya should work towards building a working knowledge of cultural behaviour and encourage her team to ask questions to learn more or reflect on their own reactions to adjust their behaviour.


According to the video “4 Steps for Busting Unconscious Bias,” what are the characteristics that our minds subconsciously use to make judgements about people? [Select all the apply]

a) Salary negotiation and history
b) Societal stereotypes
c) Speech patterns
d) Cultural context
e) Personal experiences
f) Our own background


b) Societal stereotypes
d) Cultural context
e) Personal experiences
f) Our own background

Everyone has deep subconscious preferences for people with similar characteristics to us, which causes our brains to “fill in the blanks” using the above characteristics, when we make snap judgements about people.


True or False: Even though “equity” means to guarantee fair treatment, access, and opportunity, differential treatment according to need may still be required.


True: “Equity” goes beyond formal equality, and depending on circumstances and context, differential treatment may still be required to achieve equity.


True or False: You are assisting your clients with submitting a sponsorship application. The clients are an inter-cultural couple. The sponsor was born in India but relocated to Iran for her father’s job before moving to Canada. She had met and began a relationship with the applicant, an Iranian citizen, before she left Iran. They were married in New Delhi years later. The visa office in Tehran, Iran, refused the application, citing the belief that this was not a genuine marriage, because they did not take part in nikah, the traditional religious ceremony, and the bride and groom did not wear traditional Muslim wedding garments. The visa officer was correct in their assessment that the absence of these culturally significant elements is generally indicative of the marriage not being genuine.


False: The visa officer has breached procedural fairness by displaying a prejudicial attitude towards what they perceive to be a “genuine” wedding and relationship. That is, they have expressed a belief that only weddings that include all the traditional elements are considered to be genuine.


RCIC Oona speaks Chinese fluently, as her father was born and raised in Beijing. However, she has never travelled to China herself. Her consulting practice has many Chinese clients, thanks to her father’s business network in China. A few weeks ago, her father emailed Oona to say that he wanted to introduce a new client for a consultation. The client is extremely wealthy and is interested in investing a significant amount of capital in a Canadian start-up, which he hoped would allow him to apply for a work permit. Oona was very excited at this prospect and decided to wear a new dress and prepare a greeting gift to make a good first impression. On her way home from work, she saw a handmade and hand-carved clock in a local shop window, which featured 24-karat gold hands. She purchased the clock and had it wrapped up beautifully. However, when the client opened her gift, he became very agitated and left Oona’s office without saying goodbye. Oona later learned that the word for “clock” in Chinese has the same pronunciation as “the end,” signifying “time running out” or death. How should Oona proceed?

a) Send an email or call the client to apologize for her oversight and explain her perceived ignorance.
b) Offer the client a reduced retainer fee.
c) Ask her father to pass on her apologies.
d) Leave the client alone and do not follow up to exacerbate the bad impression.


A: Once Oona finds out the motivation behind the client’s behaviour, she should take steps to clarify concerns or points of confusion with the client in a respectful manner. It is not ideal to ask her father to pass on messages, as directly contacting the client to provide an explanation will better show Oona’s willingness to educate herself about different cultural practices and beliefs.


According to the article “Unconscious Bias in the Workplace,” unconscious bias in the workplace has many different types and forms. What are some of them?

a) Gender bias, preferential bias, experience bias
b) Gender bias, beauty bias, age bias
c) Gender bias, beauty bias, confirmation bias
d) Gender bias, strategic bias, knowledge bias


C: In the context of unconscious biases in the workplace, gender bias refers to preference towards one gender over another, stemming from certain beliefs on gender roles and stereotypes. Beauty bias adversely affects women in the workplace, where attractive women are viewed as less competent than male counterparts, or tall people being spoken to or treated with more authority. Confirmation bias occurs when we selectively listen to only information that supports our own opinions or beliefs, as our brain subconsciously ignores negative information that does not align with our line of thinking.


What types of actions should you take to ensure that your business is operating “inclusively”? [Select all that apply]

a) Actively engage with diversity
b) Valuing and providing individuals in your business with the opportunity to participate in creating success for your business
c) Create value from distinctive skills, experiences, and perspectives of your employees and others you work with.
d) Speak on behalf of others when noticing incidences of bullying or abuse.
e) Allow your employees and others that you work with opportunities to invest in your business monetarily.


A, B and C: Inclusivity goes beyond monetary contribution and goes beyond standing up for victims of bullying or abuse. An inclusive business creates opportunities for success based on employees’ own merits and abilities while valuing their skills and experiences.


Ellie came to you after her spousal sponsorship application was refused. She is a Canadian citizen from the Philippines, and her husband is from Singapore. They met in Canada when he was studying on a Study Permit. He returned to Singapore after his study permit expired. Ellie is 40 years old and her husband, Al, is 29. Ellie has been married before and Al has not been married before. Ellie has 2 children, and Al has no children. Both belong to the Seventh Day Adventist Church, and both are very active in their churches, Ellie in Canada, and Al in Singapore. Their wedding was performed in a Seventh Day Adventist Church. In the GCMS notes, there is no mention of this connection. The application was refused because the visa officer thought that the couple had too many differences – Al is younger than Ellie, they are from different countries, previous marital status of each one is different, she has children, and he has no children. Has the officer demonstrated bias in failing to consider the shared, and somewhat uncommon, religion of the couple? [Select all that apply]

a) No, the officer is correct to see all the other differences as overwhelming and did not need to consider the shared religion.
b) Yes, the officer demonstrated bias in not asking questions about the shared religion and the importance of the shared religion to each of the parties.
c) No, the differences in age, country of origin, previous marital status and children are sufficient to overshadow a shared religion.
d) Yes, the officer demonstrated bias in assuming that the couple had too many differences.


B and D: Religion often plays a major role in people’s lives and sharing an uncommon religion can overcome many other differences.


What are some ways you can improve your cultural competency? [Select all that apply]

a) Talk to your local financial institution to find out what kind of bank and investment accounts people from different cultures generally open.
b) Look at and comment on tweets supporting the #BLM and #metoo movements.
c) Volunteer at local car dealerships to understand which cultures tend to buy which types of cars.
d) Volunteer at local schools to talk to students and parents from different cultures.
e) Volunteer at local immigration service societies to talk to newcomers from other cultures.
f) Read or watch television documentaries and shows about other cultures.


D, E and F: Understanding and improving your cultural competency involves educating yourself about different cultures. This can be done through volunteer work or by becoming more educated by additional reading or watching documentaries on this topic.


RCIC Petra is of Polish descent. She has been practicing for just over a year. So far, she has only been retained by clients from her own ethnic and cultural background. Recently, she scheduled a consultation with a Dutch couple to advise them of their eligibility under the Federal Skilled Worker program. Petra read that Dutch culture generally prefers “low context communication,” meaning they prefer to communicate explicitly and with concise information. How should Petra best advise her potential clients that they are not currently eligible under the Federal Skilled Worker program due to low language scores?

a) Advise the principal applicant to retake her language test to obtain a higher score.
b) Advise both the principal applicant and accompanying spouse to take a language test to obtain a higher score.
c) Advise them that they are not currently eligible unless they improve their language score.
d) Advise them that they are not currently eligible unless the minimum cutoff score is reduced.


C: As the Dutch culture prefers “low context communication,” the best way to advise these clients is to be clear and concise in how they are or are not eligible and provide direct and accessible instruction on how to resolve their challenges.


RCIC Monique was born in Russia to French-Canadian parents who were diplomats at the Canadian embassy in Moscow. Monique grew up speaking French and English. She was raised by a Russian nanny, who taught her to speak Russian. Monique now lives in Montreal and manages an immigration consulting firm. She specializes in Quebec skilled worker category and has a large Russian client base since she is fluent in Russian. She is respectful and diligent in her work, and rarely receives refusals on her applications. Her Russian clients often ask if they can refer their friends who are interested in applying under the Quebec investor program. In her early 20s, Monique accused her Russian employer of dishonest business tactics and was fired as a result. She dislikes working with Russian businessmen and has avoided taking any such clients since she established her practice. Does Monique have any unconscious or cultural biases?

a) Yes, Monique has personal bias against Russian businessmen.
b) Yes, Monique has selection bias against Russian businessmen.
c) No, Monique does not display any bias as her dislike of Russian businessmen is well-founded.
d) Yes, Monique has information bias against Russian businessmen.


A: Monique’s negative experience with one Russian businessman has resulted in her developing a personal (though unconscious) bias against all Russian businessmen.


True or False: An officer who is examining the application documents at the Port of Entry, for the purpose of a work permit application, can command the applicant to unlock their cell phone and laptop for a full search of their contents.


True: The CBSA has the authority to examine all information stored on digital devices, including email and text messages.


True or False: At the beginning of an interview with a visa officer, the officer will typically start with asking baseline questions, such as identity, age, address, etc. This line of questioning is asked to help the officer establish the applicant’s behavioural and speech patterns when answering questions truthfully, thereby allowing them to identify when they are not being truthful.


True: Using this method, visa officers will be able to observe changes in the client’s demeanor when they ask other questions, to see if the client is not answering truthfully, or if the client shows different behavioural changes when faced with a difficult question.


True or False: An officer who is interviewing an applicant for the purpose of processing a work permit application at the port of entry can only do so in the presence of the applicant’s authorized representative.


False: The applicant does not have the right to counsel during an examination or interview.


Number the following steps in order of action to be taken when closing a client file, based on the Client File Management Regulation.

  • The client property has been returned to the client.
  • The client has been notified in writing that the retainer agreement has been terminated and that all documents and property belonging to the client have been returned to the client.
  • All outstanding fees or refunds have been settled between the member and the client.

1: All outstanding fees or refunds have been settled between the member and the client
2: The client property has been returned to the client.
3: The client has been notified in writing that the retainer agreement has been terminated and that all documents and property belonging to the client have been returned to the client.

Refer to article 7.1 of Client File Management Regulation.


Ashlynn is assisting Ching-Hua with preparing for an interview at the visa office in Beijing, China. Upon reviewing the file, Ashlynn identifies that the officer may have found inconsistencies with Ching-Hua’s job description noted in his application, compared to his job description written on his CV/resume. If the visa officer asks the question, “Describe your position and responsibilities at 123 Company Ltd.?”, how should Ashlynn advise Ching-Hua to answer?

a) “I worked there for 5 years from May 2013 until May 2018. I was assigned to oversee the accounting department there. I was responsible for ten employees.”
b) “I worked full-time as the Accounting Manager, where I was responsible for overseeing junior and senior accountants, filing tax returns, and completing audits.”
c) “I worked there from May 2013 until May 2018 and oversaw the accounting department, which included making sure all the work there was done efficiently, accurately, and before tax season deadlines.”

“I worked there for 5 years. I was the manager, and I oversaw all the staff in my department.”


B: Ashlynn has identified that the visa office has likely found inconsistencies with the client’s job description, in two different places on the application. The interview with a visa officer is the client’s one chance to negate the officer’s concerns with respect to misrepresentation. The client must listen close to what the officer is asking them, and answer with as much detail as possible, but still in a concise manner. In this case, the officer might ask a question specifically about the client’s position and responsibilities. There is no need for the client to repeat the dates of their employment. It is imperative that the client answers with as much detail about their actual job title and full responsibilities as possible.


True or False: During an immigration interview, the visa officer may ask questions that might appear to be rude or insensitive. The client is not obligated to answer every single question if they are personally offended by the implications in the officer’s line of questioning.


False: The client must satisfy an officer that they meet the eligibility criteria of the application category. The officers may ask difficult or challenging questions, some of which may seem intrusive, but if the client cannot provide satisfactory answers, the officer may refuse the application.


RCIC Mozan has just established her immigration practice and has signed her first client, Julia. Julia emails Mozan a zip file containing scans of her passport, work permit, birth certificate, language test report, educational credential assessment report, and reference letters from her previous employers. Mozan saved all the documents into Julia’s electronic folder on her hard drive. What should be Mozan’s next task?

a) Print everything out from the zip file and save it into Julia’s physical folder.
b) Check that all documents are still within their validity dates.
c) Help Julia apply for police clearance certificates.
d) Start filling out the application forms with information from Juila’s documents.


B: Before Mozan can start working on the application, or help Julia with obtaining other required documents, a review of all information provided is required so that Mozan can follow up with Julia and obtain replacements, or correct versions as required. Otherwise, Mozan will be starting an application with out-of-date documentation and/or incomplete information.


RCIC Lucy has just been retained by Justin to assist him in preparing an application for permanent residence under the Federal Skilled Worker Class. For much of his career, Justin has been working as a freelance computer engineer and owned his own company. Which of the below documents should Lucy instruct Justin to provide?

a) Affidavits signed by Justin’s business partner and his banker, attesting to his role in the company as General Manager in the last 10 years.
b) Business licenses from the past 10 years, showing the company address and type of business.
c) Justin’s personal income tax documents from the past 10 years, showing the salary he earns in his company.
d) A letter signed by his client, confirming that he retained Justin to work on engineering projects over the past 5 years.


D: IRCC generally does not accept self-declared main duties or affidavits, and very little consideration is given to a self-employed person’s income tax documents under the Federal Skilled Worker class, as it is not indicative of the specific role or duties the applicant performed. Similarly, business licenses do not indicate that the applicant held a particular position.


Frederick is an RCIC who has given his client, Rupinder, detailed instructions on what needs to be included on an “employment confirmation letter” from Rupinder’s former employer. Rupinder provides Frederick with a letter, which Frederick has confirmed to be an acceptable document to submit to IRCC. Aside from this document, what other documents should Frederick also instruct Rupinder to obtain?

a) Good character letters from Rupinder’s personnel officer.
b) Proof of Rupinder’s achievements in the company that highlight her responsibilities and contributions.
c) Copies of Rupinder’s timesheets and shift schedule from her employment period.
d) Copies of Rupinder’s wage statements during her employment period.


D: Good character letters or timesheets are not indicative of whether she performed the duties or responsibilities, and they do not necessarily indicate her employment history with respect to the number of hours worked per week or her annual salary and benefits. It is not necessary or helpful to include proof of Rupinder’s achievements, as whatever responsibilities are highlighted in them would have already been included in her employment confirmation letter.


True or False: RCIC Noriko has had several consultations with her client, Paul, before he retained her to assist him with his application for a work permit. During one of his consultations, Paul had told Noriko that he was convicted of a summary offence more than 10 years ago, and he had duly answered a full list of background statutory declaration questions. He signed this document at the same time as his retainer agreement. Noriko is, therefore, not required to include another list of background declaration questions on a personal history questionnaire to be sent to Paul.


True: Paul made a statutory declaration and provided a signature to confirm his declaration previously. Thus, Noriko can use that information to complete Paul’s application forms without requesting him to make another declaration.


Based on the document checklist for Permanent Residence – Provincial Nominee Class and Quebec Skilled Workers, what type of civil status documentation should an RCIC instruct the client to obtain in the context of an application for permanent residence? [Select all that apply]

a) Legal name change certificates
b) Divorce certificates
c) Certificate of no criminal record
d) Marriage certificate
e) Birth certificate
f) National ID cards
g) Work permits
h) Passport
i) Single-status document
j) Citizenship cards from other countries


a) Legal name change certificates
b) Divorce certificates
d) Marriage certificate
e) Birth certificate
f) National ID cards

Civil status documents are legal and official records of a person’s identity with respect to vital statistics. For this reason, passports, work permits, police certificates, and such, are not considered civil status documents. In Canada, a “single-status document” is not used or recognized.


True or False: RCIC Reilly is assisting Geneva with an application for permanent residence under the Federal Skilled Worker Program. Geneva does not have qualifying arranged employment with a Canadian employer, so she must provide proof of available funds that she will be able to bring to Canada. Reilly should advise Geneva to provide a letter from her financial institution that lists all her current accounts and all her outstanding debts and loans, as well as bank statements from these accounts for the past 6 months.


True: An applicant without qualifying arranged employment must provide proof of access to funds, in the form of an official letter from at least one financial institution that lists current accounts, outstanding debts, and loans. The applicant must also show proof of average balance over the past 6 months, which can either be written directly onto the letter, or provided in the form of bank statements for each of the accounts.


RCIC Balman’s client, Priya, is applying for permanent residence under the Canadian Experience Class. Priya has been residing in Canada for four years. She needs to provide a police clearance certificate from her previous country of residence. Priya states that she can provide fingerprints and handle the application process herself, but she asks Balman to provide her with some guidance to ensure the police certificate she receives will be accepted by IRCC. What is the best, applicable, advice Balman can give Priya in this situation?

a) The document must be issued after the last time she stayed in that country for longer than 6 months.
b) Priya needs to submit fingerprints taken by the RCMP in her local detachment.
c) The police certificate must be scanned in colour.
d) The police certificate must be dated within the last 6 months.


C: Priya has been residing in Canada for four years, so a police certificate from her previous country of residence only needs to be issued after the last time she resided there for 6 months in a row. This means that particular piece of advice is not the best, or most applicable to Priya in her current situation. Similarly, it does not need to be dated within the last 6 months, as she is not currently residing there. Priya herself has indicated she can obtain fingerprints herself.


RCIC Margaret has been working with Remy to complete his application for a study permit. Margaret provides Remy with a personal history questionnaire to complete, and tells him that she will be using the information provided on the questionnaire to complete his application forms, namely IMM1294. The personal history questionnaire, for the purpose of this study permit application, should include which of the following elements: [Select all that apply]

a) Remy’s former countries of residence
b) Remy’s educational background
c) Remy’s work history
d) Remy’s address history
e) Remy’s thesis summary and academic publications


A, B and C: The personal history questionnaire is being used by Margaret to complete Remy’s application forms. On a study permit application, Remy’s address history or his thesis summary and list of publications is not required to complete the form.


Any documents that provide proof of activities performed, events occurred, results achieved, or statements made as a result of the initial consultation agreement and/or the retainer agreement.


Client Records


A person who has been given authority, in writing, by the client to act on their behalf in dealings with the member.




Any documents that have been prepared by the member for their own benefit.


Member Property


Original documents and documents prepared by the member in carrying out the services being retained.


Client Property


When did IRCC introduce the Authorized Representatives Portal for use by immigration representatives?

a) September 2011
b) September 2012
c) September 2013
d) January 2015


b) September 2012

Initially, when the Authorized Representative Portal was released, representatives could only submit temporary residence applications through it to IRCC. In 2015, when Express Entry was introduced, the functions to prepare and submit applications for permanent residence were added to the Authorized Representative Portal.


RCIC Cody previously assisted Marilla with her application for permanent residence under Express Entry, which was submitted through Cody’s Authorized Representative Portal. Marilla is now eligible to apply for Canadian citizenship, and she has once again retained Cody to assist her. Marilla wishes to apply for citizenship online, which she has heard is processed faster than if she were to apply by mail. How should Cody submit her application, and why?

a) Cody should submit Marilla’s application through her MyCIC account, as that is the only method to apply online.
b) Cody should submit Marilla’s application through his Authorized Representative Portal, as that is the only portal he should be using to submit client applications.
c) Cody should submit Marilla’s application by mail as he should not be submitting applications using clients’ MyCIC accounts.
d) Cody should submit Marilla’s application through the Citizenship Application Portal as that is the portal designed for citizenship applications.


C: Only clients can submit their citizenship applications through their own MyCIC portal. There is currently no function to allow authorized representatives to submit a client’s citizenship application through the Authorized Representative Portal. A citizenship portal has not yet been developed by IRCC.


True or False: In IRCC’s report “COW – Transformations and innovations in lines of business – June 10, 2021,” the department’s launch of a Permanent Resident Confirmation Portal allows clients to participate in virtual interviews.


False: The Permanent Resident Confirmation Portal allows clients to send and receive protected files and finalize the in-Canada landing process digitally. No interviews are conducted at this stage.


In IRCC’s report “COW – Transformations and innovations in lines of business – June 10, 2021,” what was the purpose of the one-time application intake channel? [Select all answers that apply]

a) To facilitate landing procedures in response to border closures during COVID-19.
b) To support a pathway to permanent residency for international students graduating from a Canadian institution.
c) To address delays in receiving supporting documentation on applications already submitted.
d) To facilitate the processing of permanent residence applications from certain temporary foreign workers in essential jobs.
e) To support the vitality of Canada’s Francophone minority communities by processing permanent residence applications from eligible temporary foreign workers.


B, D & E: As a one-time initiative, a new application intake channel was developed in support of a pathway to permanent residency for international students who graduated from a Canadian institution and certain temporary foreign workers in essential jobs, including health care. This includes dedicated spaces for French-speaking and bilingual candidates, to support the vitality of Canada’s Francophone minority communities.


True or False: ICCRC’s triage system is used by visa offices to accurately prioritize applications based on urgency and current political situations around the world.


False: Under the triage system, each application is reviewed to ensure all application forms are filled in and signed, the supporting documentation is valid and the correct format, and the fees have been properly paid.


True or False: You should only submit a written request for IRCC to reconsider a refused application when you can provide legal evidence to counter the decision.


True: A request for reconsideration must be based on factual evidence, either from jurisprudence, IRPA or IRPR provisions, or detailed program delivery instructions on IRCC’s website.


True or False: RCIC Penny is preparing a submission letter on behalf of her client’s application for a Study Permit. Her client, June, was previously convicted of “trespassing” in her country of origin, which can be equated to a summary offence in Canada. June has provided a police clearance certificate that specifies it as her only conviction. Since June is not inadmissible to Canada, Penny only needs to mention this information and provide reference to the relevant provisions of IRPA and the Criminal Code of Canada on the submission letter.


True: June has already provided a police clearance certificate for the application that proves her only conviction can be equated to a summary offence in Canada. Thus, Penny does not need to provide extensive information or arguments to further demonstrate that June is not inadmissible to Canada.


You are a RCIC who submitted an application for permanent residence under the Family Class, on behalf of your clients Maeve and Ursula, who are common-law spouses. Several months later, you receive a procedural fairness letter from the immigration officer, citing their concern that Maeve and Ursula have not fully established a common-law relationship at the time of submission. In preparing a response to address the officer’s letter, what is the most important piece of information that should be emphasized?

a) That Maeve and Ursula had met and begun dating at least a year ago.
b) That Maeve and Ursula have opened a joint bank account and joint utility statements.
c) That Maeve and Ursula have established a joint household at least a year ago.
d) That Maeve and Ursula have combined their assets.


C and D: The officer specifically cited their concerns that Maeve and Ursula have not established a common-law relationship at the time of submission. Therefore, you must emphasize that not only did they establish a joint household, but also, they did so at least one year ago, to establish that they have been cohabiting in a conjugal relationship for at least one year. The other choices do not specify that they have established a joint household (cohabitation in a conjugal relationship) for at least one year.


True or False: Prior to submitting his client’s application for permanent residence, RCIC Miguel undertook a final check of documents using the application guide on IRCC’s website. Miguel found that two of the application forms had been updated on the website. He reviewed the new application forms and compared them with the ones that had already been completed in the application, and found that the format is the same, with no changes whatsoever to the question fields. A senior RCIC advises him that the forms were updated the previous day. Miguel’s client signed and dated their application forms a week ago. Although the date of their signatures was from a week ago, Miguel must complete the application to include the new forms.


True: IRCC does not explicitly allow a “grace period” to use older versions of forms, so all application forms must be the most current version prior to submitting the file.


When writing your submission letter for a permanent residence application, which of the following should you include? [Select all answers that apply]

a) A description of the client’s extended family composition in their country of origin.
b) A description of political conflicts in the client’s country of origin to explain why the client is unable to obtain a certain document.
c) An explanation of the client’s employment history to emphasize their eligibility under the program.
d) A description of the client’s full education history to support the selection factor points the client is claiming.


B, C and D: As this is not an application for temporary residence, the client is not required to demonstrate their ties to their country of origin, so there is no legal relevance or necessity to include a description of their family composition from their country of origin.


In addition to the Authorized Representative Portal, which of the following has IRCC also introduced to facilitate online applications?

a) Employer Portal, Documents Submission Portal, Hong Kong Residents Portal
b) Employer Portal, TR-to-PR Pathway Portal, Documents submission Portal
c) Employer Portal, TR-to-PR Pathway Portal, PR application Portal
d) Employer Portal, TR-to-PR Pathway Portal, Hong Kong Residents Portal


C: Currently, these three portals facilitate the majority of submissions to IRCC. The Hong Kong Pathway uses Canada Post’s e-Connect submission service to process intake of applications, while the TR-to-PR Pathway Portal is only meant to be used one time to receive applications under that stream.


RCIC Trudy has been retained by Wilson to assist him in his application for permanent residence under the Federal Self-Employed Class. How should Trudy prepare and submit Wilson’s application?

a) Trudy should submit Wilson’s application through the Canada Post’s e-Connect service.
b) Trudy should submit Wilson’s application through her Authorized Representative Portal.
c) Trudy should submit Wilson’s application through the PR Application Portal.
d) Trudy should submit Wilson’s application through the Federal Business Immigration Portal.


C: The other portals are used for the Hong Kong Pathway Program or applications managed under Express Entry.


RCIC Beatrice is preparing to submit an application for permanent residence under the Federal Skilled Worker Class. Her client, Franco, previously resided in Spain for many years as a member of his country’s diplomatic service. Franco has applied but has not yet received his police clearance certificate. Should Beatrice submit this application without the police certificate?

a) Yes, because police clearance certificates are not required to be submitted with permanent residence applications.
b) No, because the application will be considered incomplete.
c) Yes, because diplomats are not required to submit police clearance certificates.
d) No, because in addition to police certificates, diplomats are required to submit approval in writing from their diplomatic service to immigrate.


B: In a situation where Franco urgently needs to have the application submitted (e.g., if he needs to apply for a Bridging Open Work Permit), and Beatrice has no choice but to submit the application, then she needs to include an explanation and proof of submission for the police certificate. However, doing so may still render the application to be returned as incomplete.


RCIC Marcia’s client is a large computer engineering firm in Regina, SK. She is assisting the company’s Human Resources Manager, Hillary, on submitting the company’s offer of employment to IRCC. This is to facilitate a work permit application by their employee, Hector. Which online portal should Marcia be using to assist Hillary with this task?

a) The Employee Portal
b) The Employer Portal
c) The Authorized Representative Portal
d) The Offer of Employment Portal


B: The Employer Portal is designed to allow Canadian employers to submit offers of employment information to IRCC, for all LMIA-exempt, Employer-specific work permits.


True or False: The requirement for applicants to submit a complete application to IRCC is legally provided in section 10 of IRPA.


False: IRPR!!!!! R10!!!


True or False: RCIC Emma submitted Mason’s application for permanent residence under the Federal Skilled Worker program almost two years ago. The application was finally approved last week, and Emma sends Mason an invoice for the final installment of her fee. Mason refused to pay, citing significant delays in the processing of the application as being Emma’s fault. Emma sends him one more request for payment. She is not required to provide any other explanation to Mason, and she can proceed with taking legal action against Mason for non-payment.


True: Emma will have to follow the requirements of her provincial or territorial small claims court in order to file a complete claim, such as serving him notice of a claim, but she is not legally obligated to provide any explanation or to settle with him outside of taking legal action, as long as she has completed her obligations to him under their retainer agreement.


True or False: RCIC Evelyn was a sole practitioner for almost three years before making the decision to hire her first employee. She is seeking to hire a part-time bookkeeper to assist her with some accounting tasks. Her father, now retired, was a bookkeeper for 30 years and has offered to help Evelyn with the position. He declined to be paid as an employee, to help Evelyn save money. At Evelyn’s insistence, her father finally agrees to accept a $500 one-time payment for his work. Evelyn is not required to report this payment as income paid to an employee.


True: Evelyn’s father can be classified as a self-employed contractor of her business. For reporting purposes, an employer only needs to report self-employed commissions that are more than $500 on a T4A slip.


RCIC Indie owns a small consulting practice. She has hired three assistants in the past two years. Indie is growing concerned about employee satisfaction. She pays each of her assistants a competitive wage based on their level of experience and skill, and wage increases occur each year following a performance review. Her employees all receive extended health benefits which her business pays for. The employees are assigned different tasks and each are fully trained by Indie before they are allowed to work unsupervised. Based on this information alone, what would you suggest Indie consider implementing to maximize employee satisfaction? (Select the best answer)

a) Offer salary increases on a bi-annual basis instead of following an annual review.
b) Offer company treats like seasonal outings and allowing them to go home early before weekends.
c) Offer a retirement pension plan to each of her assistants.
d) Offer them opportunities to learn new skills by paying for additional training programs.


B: Employee satisfaction is linked to a company’s success and financial security, and it is widely accepted that if employees are happy to come to work, they are more likely to remain long-term and remain dedicated to their work. Offering salary increases may not be the best choice from a financial perspective (you do not want to commit to salary increases every six months on an ongoing basis if your business finances cannot support it). Likewise, a retirement pension plan may not be financially feasible for you on a long-term basis. It would also not lead to employee satisfaction by instructing them to take additional training programs if they do not feel they need it.


True or False: RCIC Lara and two of her classmates from her graduate diploma program have decided to start a business together. They have decided to each hire an assistant to help them with their own applications and client management. Since they will be managing a practice with at least six employees, they have decided to develop and implement a company culture book to encourage collaboration between all of them. In doing so, they need to ask and answer for themselves, the following questions:

What are their core values?
What do they want to achieve?
How many people will they need to achieve their goals?


False: The number of employees they will need to achieve their goal, should be part of a hiring plan but not a part of their “company culture”. A company’s culture refers to the attitudes and behaviors of a company and its employees, and how these attributes can lead to further success for the company. Rather than asking about the number of employees they will need, they should also be asking:

What are their core values?
How can they encourage their employees to follow their core values?


RCIC Jasdeep was recently told by one of his assistants, Sonya, that their other two assistants are criticizing her work or complaining about mistakes that she insists are not present. Sonya asks Jasdeep to intervene on her behalf and reprimand her colleagues for their unprofessionalism. What should Jasdeep’s first step be? (Select the best answer)

a) Hold a private meeting with each of the other assistants to gather facts.
b) Ask the other two assistants to submit a written statement of any mistakes that they have found in Sonya’s work.
c) Ask Sonya to submit a written statement outlining her grievances.
d) Ask all of them to attend a meeting to resolve any conflicts together.


A: By holding a private meeting, Jasdeep will be able to prevent escalation of a situation, and it will also allow him to actively listen to each of his employees’ dissatisfaction.


RCIC Caran has hired her first assistant. She has reviewed her business finances and confirmed that she can afford to pay for an assistant’s salary, extended benefits, membership expenses, and perhaps even a Christmas bonus. Her assistant is experienced in temporary residence applications and does not need additional training on how to prepare applications. Nevertheless, what other resource should she prepare to ensure that her new employee’s transition goes smoothly? (Select the best answer)

a) A database of links to useful pages on the internet and on IRCC’s website.
b) A list of contact information for IRCC’s visa offices and the Client Service Centre.
c) Access to the company’s client database.
d) Access to the company’s application and submission letter templates.


D: Since the new employee is already experienced in temporary residence applications and does not need additional training, it is not as critical that they have access to contact information for IRCC or useful pages on the internet. It is more critical that they have access to the company’s preferred templates, so they can effectively prepare applications based on the company’s processing methods.


RCIC Regina was retained by Colin and Andrew to submit a family class application in July 2019. Colin, the principal applicant, was previously convicted of an indictable offence and completed his term of imprisonment over six years ago. Thus, Regina also submitted an application for rehabilitation with the application for permanent residence. Both Colin and Andrew were given a copy of the application after it was submitted. It has now been over two years since the application was submitted, and they have received no correspondence whatsoever on the application. Colin and Andrew are both extremely upset at the lack of movement on their file and accuses Regina of submitting an incomplete application. What could Regina have done to avoid this conflict? (Select the best answer)

a) Explained the contents of their application in detail.
b) Send regular status progress update requests to IRCC.
c) Advised them of additional processing time on rehabilitation applications.
d) Terminated the retainer before Colin and Andrew got upset.


C: Most conflicts occur when communication is unclear or delayed, or when expectations are misaligned. In this scenario, Colin and Andrew believe that the delay in processing is due to the mistakes that Regina made. They already have a copy of the application, so what Regina should have done was to advise them that a rehabilitation application will take more time to process and can lead to a prolonged processing period.


True or False: If your business has no employees, you do not need to open a payroll account.


True: You must register for a payroll account and follow payroll requirements as soon as you know that you will be hiring and paying employees.


True or False: RCIC Amisha manages a staff of two assistants and a bookkeeper. One of her assistants, Martha, is experienced in working on Family Class applications, while the other assistant, Nathan, is responsible for their practice’s Express Entry applications. Amisha would like them to each learn from the other so they can become more knowledgeable on other types of applications. Amisha should ask Martha and Nathan to each develop a training program and train each other on how they prepare the applications assigned to them.


False: Amisha, as their employer, should be the one responsible for developing training programs and should be the one to carry out the training, or seek professional training from an education provider. She would be able to delegate this task to Martha or Nathan only if she had clearly defined this as part of their tasks at the time of hiring them.


Benjy manages a small consulting practice with four employees, and his practice is considered a mid-sized firm by the standards of most immigration practices in his region. In “10 Key Tips for Effective Employee Performance Reviews,” how many performance reviews should Benjy consider holding each year?


2: For mid-sized companies like Benjy’s, he should consider holding two evaluations each year.


True or False: Federal legislation governs the obligations of the employer in terms of fair wages, hours of work, and vacation time.


False: Provincial legislations govern these obligations.


RCIC Gwen’s management style has always been more traditional. She assigns files to employees, instructs them on how to complete certain application forms, and then reviews their work before submitting an application. After several of her employees resigned their positions this year, she has decided to improve her management approach. What should be her first step in doing so? (Select the best answer.)

a) Take a Human Resources Management course at a local college.
b) Establish a self-evaluation system for her employees to judge their own performance.
c) Ask for feedback from current employees on her management style and areas of improvement.
d) Hire a human resources professional to develop a strategy.


C: Prior to investing in a training course for herself or for an external HR professional, Gwen should first ask her staff for feedback on where she could improve her management methods. Although “Establish a self-evaluation system for her employees to judge their own performance.” is a good strategy, it focuses on the employee’s performance not her performance.


RCIC Buly manages a large practice that has three locations across Manitoba: Winnipeg, Brandon, and Neepawa. He himself is based in his Winnipeg office. Buly employs seven assistants in total at the three offices, none of whom are RCICs. Buly is the only RCIC. Since he works and resides primarily in Winnipeg, he leaves a stack of signed original “Use of Representative Forms” in each of the other offices and instructs his employees to have clients sign them to complete applications. What should Buly also do to ensure that he is ethically managing his staff in all three locations? (Select all that apply.)

a) Delegate a general manager at each location to supervise the preparation and finalization of all applications.
b) Review all applications digitally for completion and errors.
c) Establish a shared database of active files to receive updates on and oversee application progress on each file.
d) Delegate a general manager at each location to conduct employee performance reviews each year.
e) Train and assign a mentor to each group of two assistants at each location to conduct employee performance reviews each year.


B and C: Buly is responsible for all applications and work completed by his staff. Although he can delegate tasks to assistants to complete applications, he must ultimately be the one to review files before submission and to oversee the progress on applications. By establishing a shared database of active files, he will be able to confirm which assistant is working on which file, and he will be able to conduct performance reviews based on their assigned work.


RCIC Hester is considering hiring three employees in an effort to expand her business. What are some important factors she must keep in mind when developing her human resources strategy? (Select all that apply.)

a) The location of her business and proximity to public transit.
b) Her ability to train her new employees.
c) Her budget and financial ability to pay her new employees.
d) Her performance review process.
e) The ethnicities of her prospective employees.


B, C and D: The location of her business is not relevant to her staffing needs, neither should ethnicity play a factor in her human resources strategy.


It is important to identify a secure way of managing your client’s passwords and application accounts for the following reason (select the best reason):

a) Clients will be able to help you finalize applications and review information before submission
b) Your staff will be able to access client’s application accounts easily
c) Your clients will not need to try to remember different passwords for different application systems
d) You will be able to maintain client confidentiality by preventing keylogging malware or accidentally releasing critical client information


D: Although the other three options are useful benefits and descriptions of a password manager, the key reason for using one is to maintain client confidentiality.


Canada is not the only country in the world using AI technology to improve the quality and efficiency of services and programs, many of which are powered by AI according to Lucia Nalbandian in the “Canada should be transparent in how it uses AI to screen immigrants” article. Canada is using an automated system trained on rules by experienced officers to identify characteristics in applications that:

a) Indicate admissibility
b) Have a higher likelihood of ineligibility
c) Are eligible
d) Review is needed for, by an immigration officer


B: The author states that when AI is used, it identifies a higher likelihood of ineligibility.


True or False: ICCRC is transitioning from Council to College in November 2021. The Code of Professional Ethics used by ICCRC will continue to be used by the new College of Citizenship and Immigration Consultants.


False: There will be a transitional Code of Ethics used during the transition period from Council to College until a final version is written and approved.


True or False: It is not contrary to the Code of Professional Ethics to decline clients that you simply do not wish to work with.


True: There are no professional obligations for you to accept every client, even if you are competent in the matter. If you feel that you cannot devote sufficient time to the file due to overwork, or you have no interest in taking on any more files in that category, you can decline it for the benefit of your mental health or other professional or personal reasons.


In Roxana Akhmetova’s article, “How AI is being used in Canada’s immigration decision making”, she talks about how the Canadian government has grown increasingly reliant on artificial intelligence and automated decision-making systems. In the article she suggests that automated decision-making systems use algorithms to organize a body of data to achieve an outcome, thereby assisting which key players in the process?

a) Administrative tribunals and border officers
b) Immigration officers and border officers
c) Legal analysts and administrative tribunals
d) Legal analysts, border agents, immigration officers and administrative tribunals


D: All government areas of Canadian immigration are using AI according to the author.


What year did IRCC begin developing an artificial intelligence system?

a) 2011
b) 2012
c) 2013
d) 2014


2014: IRCC first began developing an AI system in 2014.


Immigration software can streamline your operations to increase productivity and minimize some of your operational costs. In her article on immigrations software, Bell R. Webster talks about the best immigration software for Canadian immigration professionals. Some of the tasks that are included in the different packages are (chose all that apply):

a) Securely store client information
b) Reminder system
c) Library of PNP and Federal forms in English, French, Chinese and Hindi
d) Facilitates collaboration for team members
e) Sync immigration assessment management to your website
f) Auto scores economic candidates
g) Client management data base
h) Document fraud detection system


Everything except C and H: While desirable, Hindi and any Chinese languages are not included in immigration forms at present, nor in the library of immigration forms.

Document fraud detection is also not included in any of the immigration software programs mentioned. There are too many different types of fraudulent documents related to immigration for immigration software systems to detect them.


True or False: The federal government has defended the use of Artificial Intelligence as a way to promote “efficient, accurate, consistent and interpretable” decisions under Acts of Parliament. This means that at its core, artificial intelligence is to be used alongside human decision-making processes.


True: All decisions will continue to be subject to the rules of procedural fairness.


Based on the information provided in “Delays for Immigration applicants to Canada amid Pandemic,” what is one method that IRCC has been using to digitize their operations in response to the impacts of COVID-19?

a) Holding virtual citizenship ceremonies.
b) Allowing applicants to submit applications online.
c) Installing online trackers for applicants to view their application status
d) Designing new application portals for online submissions.


A: The other three actions have already been in place since before the pandemic began.


What was Artificial Intelligence’s initial role in the decision-making process at IRCC?

a) It was designed to screen applicants for criminal histories
b) It was designed to sort applications by complexity
c) It was used to ensure a bias-free decision-making process
d) It was used to screen applications for completion under R10 IRPR


B: AI’s role in immigration application processing has not been used to screen applicants for criminal histories, or to ensure a decision is bias-free (as human officers are required to make those decisions), or to screen for completion.


True or False: It has been argued that use of AI would gradually reduce procedural fairness concerns because the system renders impartial decisions.


False: The use of AI has actually brought concerns relating to procedural fairness, because there is little means to measure due process or reasons for decisions made by AI. This is based on the fact that AI processes information that it is fed, and if there are mistakes in that information, the results will be skewed.