Practice Exam Flashcards
The Golgi tendon organ is an essential component of static stretching because it..
prevents the muscle from being placed under excessive tension
Which structure of the skeletal muscle contains a combination of glycogen, fats, minerals and oxygen-binging myoglobin?
During the overhead squat assessment, there is an excessive forward lean, what muscles are overactive?
soleus, gastrocnemius, hip flexor complex, abdominal complex
During the overhead squat assessment, there is an excessive forward lean, what muscles are underactive?
anterior tibialis, gluteus maximus, erector spinae
During the overhead squat assessment, the lower back arches, what muscles are overactive?
hip flexor complex, erector spina, latissimus dorsi
During the overhead squat assessment, the lower back arches, what muscles are underactive?
gluteus maximus, hamstring complex, intrinsic core, stabilizers
During the overhead squat assessment, arms fall forward, what muscles are overactive?
Latissimus dorsi, teres major, pectorals major/minor
During the overhead squat assessment, the arms fall forward, what muscles are underactive?
mid/lower trapezius, rhomboids, rotator cuff
During the overhead squat assessment, the feet turn out, what muscles are overactive?
soleus, lateral gastrocnemius, biceps femoris
During the overhead squat assessment, feet turn out, what muscles are underactive?
medial gastrocnemius, medial hamstring complex, gracilis, sartorius, popliteus
During the overhead squat assessment, the knees move inward, what muscles are overactive?
adductor complex, biceps femurs, TFL, Vastus lateralis
During the overhead squat assessment, the knees move inward, what muscles are underachieve?
gluteus medius/maximus, vastus medialis oblique
Which type of movement assessment is appropriate for a senior client who is sedentary?
Pushing test