Practice another time Flashcards
What’s the answer to ? co`mo se llama?
Antonio Go`mez lozano
What’s the answer to ? cua`ntas tabletas hay?
Hay diez
What’s the answer to ? Como esta
Muy bien, gracias
What’s the answer to ? habla usted espan~ol
Si, un poco.
? Que` hace mejorar su dolor? (kay, ah-say, may-ho-rahr, soo, doe-lore)
What makes the pain better?
La medicina
el hielo (el yeah-lo)
el calor
el descanso (des-cahn-so)
el cambio de posicion (cahm-bee-o, po-sis-ee-on)
change of position
? es ale`rgico a algo en particular? (Ace ah-lair-he-koh ah ahl-go ane par-tee-coo-lar)
Are you allergic to anything?
Si, soy ale`rgico a…
yes. I’m allergic to
? Esta tomando algu
n medicamento? (ace-tah toe-mahn-doe all-goon may-dee-kah-main-toe)
Are you taking any medication?
?Cual medicamento ha tomado en las u
ltimas veinticuatro horas?
(K’wall may-dee-kah-main-toe ah toe-mahn-doe ain lahs ool-tee-mahs bain-tee-k’wah-troh oh-rahs)
What medications have you taken in the last 24 hours?
? Tiene un historial familiar de alta presion de la sangre, ataques o enfermedades del corazo
(Tee-ay-may oon ee-store-ee-all fah-mee-lee-ahr day all-tah pray-see-own day lah sahn-gray ah-tah-kace oh ain-fair-may-dah-dace dale ko-rah-soan
Do you have a family history of high blood pressure, stroke, or heart disease?
? Le duele…? (d-way-lay)
Does ____ hurt you?
? Le duelen?
Do ____ hurt you?