Practical section 2 Flashcards
Section 2 / Lance:
Demonstrate PROM (may be supine or seated)
a. Shoulder ER/IR, flexion/extension, abduction/adduction
“I’m going to move your hand to the side don’t help me”
Shoulder ER/IR, flexion/extension, abduction/adduction
Elbow flexion/extension & Forearm supination/pronation
Wrist flexion/extension, Ulna/ radial deviation & finger intrinsic plus, minus position and extension
Hip flexion/extension & Knee flexion/extension & ankle dorsiflexion/plantar flexion
Hip flexion: supine, bend knee
Hip extension: prone
Knee flexion and extension: prone or sitting
Ankle dorsiflexion/plantarflexion: supine or sitting
PROM position for someone who just had surgery?
Techniques to superimpose to increase ROM
Traction (shoulder, wrist, MCP)
Shoulder abduction
Lay the patient in supine
Hold at the arm and forearm, at the end ROM, pull arm towards you and gently move into further abduction
Do it until full ROM if possible, in practice you may be doing this for like 10 minutes. But for practical just keep doing it until professor says time.
Make sure the arm is not internally rotated
Wrist: Techniques to superimpose to increase ROM
Grasp pt forearm slightly proximal to the wrist and pull from slightly distal to wrist
MCP: Techniques to superimpose to increase ROM
Hold at MCP joint
Pull pt finger at the proximal phalanx
Contract relax (elbow flexors, shoulder IR)
Do Elbow Flexors
Elbow flexors
Have the patient sit and extend the elbow as much as they can, supinated
Place your hand on the top of their forearm and instruct the patient to flex their elbow, as you resist it
Once the muscle is fatigued, continue extending their elbow
From the new end of the ROM, repeat the process
Shoulder Internal Rotation (contract relax)
Patient is having a hard time ER, so let’s fatigue IR
OT pull arm out into ER, and patient pull into IR so that we fatigue IR
Then relax, and stretch it out. And repeat process
have arm swing “don’t move arm”
just use legs to move arm
AAROM (Demonstrate using one method)
Towel on the table, unaffected over affected, guiding their own hand to wipe the table OR
Using a broomstick to guide their own shoulder into flexion OR
Laying supine they do it and you help
Arm around their wrist and below their elbow
Flexion and extension, abduction and adduction, internal and external rotation (in abducted position )
Knee extensors AAROM
Raising foot up and bring it back down
Stabilize at top of knee
They’re actively moving and you’re helping them a little
Wrist flexion/extension, ulnar/radial deviation, forearm supination/pronation
AROM for wrist fracture, how you set up OT and pt
Functional activities