practical investigating iv characteristics Flashcards
what unit is current measured in
what unit is potential difference measured in
what do you use to measure current when investigating iv characteristics of a diode
what should the pd of power supply be when investigating iv characteristics of a diode
5V or less
how do you get negative current and voltage readings
swap the leads connecting to the power supplu
why is a variable resistor used when investiagting IV characteristics
to change the resistance in the circuit so that more current and voltage pairs can be determined
how many positive pair readings should you collect
how many negative pair readings should you collect
what do you do with your current and voltages that have been recorded
plot a graph of current against potential diffefence
when plotting a graph of current against potetnial difference whoch goes on the the x axis
when plotting a graph of current against potential difference what goes on the y axis
how can you tell if an ammeter or voltmeter have zero error
they will show a reading when not connected in a circuit
when investigating iv characteristics what should be controlled
how could temp be controlled when investigating iv characteristic
turn the power supply off befween readings to prevent components warming up