Practical Exam - Auxiliary Flashcards
Mat leg + arm work, Spine Corrector, Pole, Ped-a-Pul
Gluteals Side Lying Series
Side Leg Lifts
Forward and Lift
Forward with Drops
Adductor Lift
Hip Extension Straight Leg
Gluteals Kneeling Series - Leg Work - Fundamental
Setup: Starting in Hip Extension Bent Knee position, one leg straight back, foot plantarflexed
Resistance: light to medium
Exhale: Lift leg
Inhale: Lower leg, return to start position
Change leg after completing the series
* Hip extensors
* Spinal flexors
* Spinal extensors
* Hip extensor strength
* Pelvic lumbar stabilization
* Focus on hip disassociation
* Maintain pelvic stabilization with emphasis on avoiding anterior tilt and rotation of pelvis
* Keep leg elongated
Side Leg Lifts
Gluteals Side Lying Series - Leg Work - Fundamental
Setup: Starting in Side Leg Lifts position
Resistance: light to medium
Exhale: Move leg forward to 90 degree hip flexion, lift leg, lower leg
Inhale: Move leg back, return to start position
* Hip abductors
* Spinal flexors
* Spinal extensors
* Hip abductor strength
* Pelvic lumbar stabilization
* Keep pelvis stable as leg moves forward and back, up and down
* Keep knee slightly bent
* Keep leg and foot relaxed, toes directed toward Mat
* Keep movement hip height and higher
Overhead Stretch (Spine Corrector)
Spine Corrector - Abdominal Work - Intermediate
Setup: Sitting upright, arms straight, shoulder width apart, shoulder height, palms facing each other, legs bent, shins perpendicular to floor, feet hip width apart
Exhale: Roll down, lift arms up and overhead
Inhale: Circle arms around lifting head - Parallel to floor
Exhale: Roll up to C curve position
Inhale: Extend trunk, sit upright, return to start position
* Spinal flexors
* Spinal extensors
* Shoulder flexors
* Spinal flexor control
* Shoulder mobility
* Thoracic stretch
* Keep head aligned with spine
* Lift arms overhead when trunk reaches full extension
* Coordinate lifting head as arms circle around
* Rest back and head on barrel when arms are overhead
Forward with Drops
Gluteals Side Lying Series - Leg Work - Fundamental
Setup: Starting in Side Leg Lifts position , bringing leg forward to 90 degrees hip flexion
Resistance: light to medium
Exhale: Lower leg, lift leg, 5 pulses
Inhale: Lower leg, lift leg, 5 pulses
* Hip abductors
* Spinal flexors
* Spinal extensors
* Hip abductor strength
* Pelvic lumbar stabilization
* Keep pelvis stable as leg moves down and up
* Keep knee slightly bent
* Make movement small
* Keep leg and foot relaxed, toes directed toward Mat
* Keep movement hip height and lower
Swan Prep (Spine Corrector)
Spine Corrector - Back Extension - Intermediate
Setup: Lying prone on barrel, legs slightly bent, hip width apart and parallel, feet dorsiflexed, toes anchored on floor, hands behind head
Inhale: Lift trunk to diagonal line
Exhale: Straighten arms overhead to Y position
Inhale: Bend arms, placing hands behind head
Exhale: Lower trunk, return to start position
* Spinal extensors
* Spinal flexors
* Shoulder flexors
* Spinal extensor strength
* Pelvic lumbar stabilization
* Keep head aligned with spine
* Maximize spinal articulation in both directions
* Maintain abdominal engagement to protect lower back
* Create V position with arms when reaching overhead
* Touch fingers loosely behind head
Side Stretch (Pole Series)
Pole Series - Stretches - Fundamental
Set Up: Standing or sitting, legs parallel to each other, pole resting on shoulders, arms straight resting in a T position along pole
Inhale: Reach over to side (“up and over”)
Exhale: Return to starting position
(Alternate sides)
Muscle Focus: Abs with oblique emphasis
Objectives: Oblique stretch, Trunk control
Cues: Move in coronal plane, Keep head aligned with spine, Avoid thrusting ribs forward and pelvic shifting, Maintain co-contraction of abs and back extensors
Arms Standing/Sitting Series (Ped-A-Pul)
Extension Adduction Circles Up Circles Down Triceps
Spine Twist (Pole series)
Pole Series - Stretches - Fundamental
Set Up: Standing, legs parallel to each other, pole resting on shoulders, arms straight resting in a T position along pole
Exhale: Rotate trunk to one side (2 pulses)
Inhale: Return to center
(Alternate sides)
Muscle Focus: Abs with oblique emphasis
Objectives: Oblique stretch, Trunk control
Cues: Rotate through waist area, Maintain equal weight on both feet, Keep pelvis still and in a neutral position
Shoulder Stretch (Pole Series)
Pole Series - Stretches - Fundamental
Set Up: Standing or sitting, legs parallel to each other, pole in hands, arms straight down in front of body, slightly wider than shoulder width apart
Inhale: Raise arms overhead
Exhale: Bend arms to 90 degrees
Muscle Focus: Lower trapezius
Objectives: Shoulder stretch, Scapulae stabilization
Cues: Don’t elevate shoulders! Maintain scapulae stabilization, Keep head aligned with spine, Maintain slight external rotation of shoulders when arms bend
Overhead Stretch (Pole Series)
Pole Series - Stretches - Fundamental
Set Up: Standing or sitting, legs parallel to each other, pole in hands, arms straight down in front of body, slightly wider than shoulder width apart (prob wider than Shoulder Stretch)
Movement: Inhale: Raise arms overhead Exhale: Lower arms behind body Inhale: Raise arms overhead Exhale: Return to starting position
Muscle Focus: Pectorals, Abdominal Support
Objectives: Shoulder stretch, chest stretch
Cues: Don’t elevate shoulders! Maintain scapulae stabilization, Keep head aligned with spine, Avoid thrusting ribs and head forward
Side Lift (Spine Corrector)
Spine Corrector - Lateral Flexion / Rotation - Fundamental
Setup: Lying sideways on barrel, bottom leg bent, top leg straight, feet plantarflexed, arms straight overhead, head between arms, leg, trunk and arms in straight line
Exhale: Lift trunk
Inhale: Lower trunk, return to start position
* Spinal lateral flexors
* Spinal flexors
* Spinal extensors
* Spinal lateral flexor strength and stretch
* Pelvic lumbar stabilization
* Keep head aligned with spine and between arms
* Maintain co-contraction of abdominals and back extensors
* Imagine moving between two panes of glass
* Keep arms straight
- Legs heavy pressing down
Adductor Lift
Gluteal side lying series - Leg Work - Fundamental
Setup: Starting in Side Leg Lifts position (page 76), top leg in front of bottom leg, hip externally rotated, bottom leg leg straight and parallel, foot plantarflexed
Resistance: light to medium
Exhale: Lift leg
Inhale: Lower leg
Change leg/ side after completing the series
* Hip adductors
* Spinal flexors
* Spinal extensors
* Hip adductor strength
* Pelvic lumbar stabilization
* Keep pelvis perpendicular to Mat
* Maintain neutral spine position throughout
* Keep bent leg stable, knee reaching toward ceiling
* Avoid resting leg on Mat between repetitions
Forward and Lift
Gluteals Side Lying Series - Leg Work - Fundamental
Set Up: Lying on side, head resting on arm, spine in neutral alignment, bottom knee and hip at 90 degree flexion, top leg relaxed and straight at hip height and in line with trunk
Resistance: Light to medium (ankle weight)
Exhale: Move top leg forward to 90 degrees of hip flexion, then slightly lift and lower leg
Inhale: Return to starting position
Muscle Focus: Gluteus medius
Objectives: Hip abductor strength, Pelvic lumbar stabilization
Cues: Maintain neutral spine, Allow leg and foot to relax and droop toward floor
Hip Extension Bent Knee
Gluteals Kneeling Series - Leg Work - Fundamental
Set up: Kneeling on mat, resting elbows on box, hips aligned over knees, shoulders aligned over elbows, palms facing up, one leg slightly extended back with knee 90 degrees of flexion
Resistance: Light to medium (ankle weights)
Exhale: Extend hip reaching toes to ceiling
Inhale: Return to starting position
Muscle Focus: Hip extensors
Objectives: Hip extensor strength, Pelvic lumbar stabilization
Cues: Maintain abdominal engagement, Maintain consistent 90 degree angle in knee of moving leg, Keep spine elongated and aligned from top of head through tail bone
Spine Twist Supine (Spine Corrector)
Spine Corrector - Lateral Flexion / Rotation - Fundamental
Setup: Lying supine with lower back and pelvis on barrel, legs in tabletop position, thighs perpendicular to floor, hands holding handles
Inhale: Lower legs to one side
Exhale: Lift legs to center, return to start position
Inhale: Lower legs to one side
Exhale: Lift legs to center, return to start position
Alternate sides
* Spinal flexors
* Spinal rotators
* Hip flexors
* Spinal flexor control
* Spinal rotator control and stretch
* Pelvic lumbar stabilization
* Maintain pelvic lumbar stabilization
* Initiate rotation to side and back to center with abdominals
* Move legs and pelvis as one unit
* Keep holding handles firmly and pulling barrel toward back
- Not for cervical pain people
- More challenging and requires more awareness for range of motion
- Stretches hip flexors after hip series
Adductor Squeeze
Supine Series (Magic Circle) - Leg Work - Fundamental
Setup: Lying supine in neutral spine position, feet together, knees bent and apart, Magic Circle between knees
Exhale: Press legs together
Inhale: Open legs
* Hip adductors
* Spinal flexors
* Spinal extensors
* Hip adductor strength
* Pelvic lumbar stabilization
* Maintain neutral pelvis
* Keep shoulders and neck relaxed
* Maintain tension in circle, increase tension when pressing legs together
Spine Corrector - Abdominal Work - Fundamental
Setup: Sitting in C curve position, arms straight, shoulder width apart, shoulder height, hands holding pole, legs bent and together, shins perpendicular position to floor
Exhale: Roll down, lift arms up and overhead, simultaneously straighten legs creating straight line
Inhale: Pause
Exhale: Roll up, lift arms up and forward, bend legs, return to start position
Inhale: Pause
* Spinal flexors
* Shoulder flexors
* Spinal flexor control
* Shoulder flexor control
* Shoulder extensor control
* Establish C curve position, shoulders directly above hips
* Establish straight line with body when in supine position
* Move trunk, arms and legs simultaneously when rolling down to supine position and rolling up to sitting position
Hip Abduction Bent Knee
Gluteals Kneeling Series - Leg Work - Fundamental
Set up: Kneeling on mat, resting elbows on box, hips aligned over knees, shoulders aligned over elbows, palms facing up, one leg slightly lifted off mat to side with knee 90 degrees of flexion and in line with other knee
Resistance: Light to medium (ankle weights)
Exhale: Lift leg out to side
Inhale: Return to starting position
Muscle Focus: Hip abductors
Objectives: Hip abductor strength, Pelvic lumbar stabilization (will move a bit)
Cues: Maintain abdominal engagement, Avoid lateral flexion of trunk, Avoid shifting pelvis sideways
Chest Lift (Spine Corrector)
Spine Corrector - Abdominals - Fundamental
Setup: Lying supine, legs bent, shins perpendicular to floor, feet hip width apart, fingers interlaced behind head
Exhale: Lift head and chest
Inhale: Pause
Exhale: Lower chest and head, return to start position
Inhale: Pause
* Spinal flexors
* Hip adductors
* Spinal flexor control and stretch
* Hip adductor control
* Pelvic lumbar stabilization
* Thoracic stretch
* Keep elbows wide
* Keep legs parallel
* Support head with hands
* Keep lumbar spine in contact with barrel
Extension (Arms Standing Series)
Ped-A-Pul - Arm Work - Fundamental
Set Up: Standing or sitting with back upright against pole, legs parallel to each other, knees slightly bent (or in sitting position), arms directly forward at shoulder height, parallel to each other, palms facing down
Resistance: Light to Medium
Exhale: Extend arms down to sides of body
Inhale: Raise arms back to starting position
Muscle Focus: Latissimus dorsi
Objectives: Shoulder extensor strength, Scapulae stabilization
Cues: Keep arms straight, Maintain scapulae depression
Shoulder Stretch Lying Side
Spine Corrector - Stretches - Fundamental
Setup: Lying sideways on barrel, bottom leg bent, top leg straight, feet plantarflexed, arms straight overhead, head resting on bottom arm
Inhale: Circle top arm around to side, simultaneously roll body into supine position, externally rotating hips
Exhale: Continue circling arm to side of body, simultaneously return to side lying position, circle arm forward and overhead, return to start position
Change direction after 5 repetitions
* Shoulder adductors
* Shoulder abductors
* Shoulder flexors
* Spinal flexors
* Shoulder adductor control and stretch
* Shoulder flexor control
* Thoracic stretch
* Coordinate movement of arm with movement of body
* Keep neck relaxed and allow head to rest on arm and barrel
- Bias your body to the front of spine corrector
Pole Series
Shoulder Stretch
Overhead Stretch
Side Stretch
Spine Twist
Teaser Prep (Spine Corrector)
Abdominal Work, Intermediate
Setup: Lying supine, coccyx on edge of step, arms straight and overhead, palms facing each other, legs straight and together, feet plantarflexed, body on diagonal line
Exhale: Lift arms, head and chest up and forward, simultaneously lift legs to perpendicular position
Inhale: Lower arms, head, chest and legs, return to start position
* Spinal flexors
* Hip flexors
* Shoulder flexors
* Shoulder extensors
* Spinal flexor strength
* Hip flexor strength
* Shoulder flexor control
* Shoulder extensor control
* Lift legs perpendicular to floor, arms parallel to floor
* Engage abdominals prior to lifting legs
* Bring trunk close to legs to form pike position
* Allow lower back to sink into step of barrel
Hip Supine Series (Spine Corrector)
Bicycle Reverse
Openings (Hip Supine Series Spine Corrector)
Setup: Lying supine, lower back and pelvis on barrel, legs straight, perpendicular to floor, hips externally rotated, feet plantarflexed, hands holding handles
Inhale: Open legs out to sides
Exhale: Close legs, return to start position
* Hip adductors
* Spinal flexors
* Hip adductor control and stretch
* Pelvic lumbar stabilization
* Maintain pelvic lumbar stabilization
* Open legs directly out to sides
* Pause in perpendicular position between each repetition
* Keep holding handles firmly and pulling barrel toward back
Helicopter (Hip Supine Series Spine Corrector)
Setup: Starting in Openings position, legs externally rotated
Inhale: Open legs to Scissors position
Exhale: Circle legs around to Scissors position on opposite side, return to start position
Change direction after 5 repetitions
* Hip flexors
* Hip extensors
* Hip adductors
* Spinal flexors
* Hip joint control
* Hip joint mobility
* Pelvic lumbar stabilization
* Maintain pelvic stabilization
* Touch each point of circle as legs circle around
* Pass through perpendicular position following each circle
* Keep feet at consistent distance from floor throughout circle
* Keep holding handles firmly and pulling barrel toward back
Scissors (Hip Supine Series Spine Corrector)
Setup: Starting in Openings position, legs parallel
Exhale: Open legs to Scissors position (2 pulses)
Inhale: Switch legs
Exhale: Open legs to Scissors position (2 pulses)
Inhale: Switch legs
* Hip flexors
* Hip extensors
* Spinal flexors
* Hip flexor control and stretch
* Hip extensor control and stretch
* Pelvic lumbar stabilization
* Maintain pelvic lumbar stabilization
* Create even V in Scissors position
* Pass through perpendicular position following each circle
* Keep holding handles firmly and pulling barrel toward back
Bicycle (Hip Supine Series Spine Corrector)
Setup: Starting in Scissors position, open legs to V position
Exhale: Bend back knee, touch step with toes, move knee toward chest, straighten leg over face, simultaneously move opposite leg up and back to create Scissors position on opposite side
Inhale: Repeat above sequence
Repeat 5 cycles on each leg
* Hip flexors
* Hip extensors
* Spinal flexors
* Hip flexor control and stretch
* Hip extensor control and stretch
* Pelvic lumbar stabilization
* Maintain pelvic lumbar stabilization
* Create V shape in Scissors position
* Avoid externally rotating hip when bending back knee
- Try to touch spine corrector with foot that is down
Bicycle Reverse (Hip Supine Series Spine Corrector)
Setup: Starting in Scissors position, open legs to V position
Inhale: Bend front knee toward chest, move leg back, touch step with toes, straighten leg, simultaneously move opposite leg up and forward to create Scissors position on opposite side
Exhale: Repeat above sequence
Repeat 5 cycles on each leg
* Hip flexors
* Hip extensors
* Spinal flexors
* Hip flexor control and stretch
* Hip extensor control and stretch
* Pelvic lumbar stabilization
* Maintain pelvic lumbar stabilization
* Maximize Scissors position prior to bending knee
* Avoid externally rotating hip when bending back knee
Roll Over (Spine Corrector)
Spinal Articulation, Intermediate
Setup: Lying supine with lower back and pelvis on barrel, legs straight and together, feet plantarflexed, hands holding handles, body on diagonal line
Inhale: Lift legs to 90 degrees in hip joint
Exhale: Roll over, legs parallel to floor
Inhale: Dorsiflex feet, separate legs, lower legs toward mat
Exhale: Roll back, lift legs perpendicular to floor, plantarflex feet, lower legs to diagonal line, bring legs together, return to start position
* Spinal flexors
* Hip flexors
* Hip extensors
* Spinal articulation
* Lower back stretch
* Hip extensor stretch
* Maintain 90 degree angle in hip joint during roll over
* Keep thighs close to chest when rolling back
* Avoid lowering legs beyond diagonal line
- Keep thoracic spine connected to spine corrector
Corkscrew (Spine Corrector)
Lateral Flex/Rotation, Intermediate
Setup: Starting in Scissors position
Inhale: Lower legs to one side
Exhale: Circle legs down and around to opposite side, return to start position
Alternate direction
* Spinal flexors
* Spinal rotators
* Hip flexors
* Spinal flexor control
* Spinal rotator control
* Hip flexor control
* Keep legs together
* Move legs and pelvis as one unit
* Avoid lowering legs beyond diagonal line
* Initiate rotation to side and back to center with abdominals
* Keep holding handles firmly and pulling barrel toward back
Corkscrew Advanced (Spine Corrector)
Lateral Flex/Rotation, Advanced
Starting in Roll Over position, legs overhead
Inhale: Rotate spine, moving legs to one side
Exhale: Roll down side of trunk, circle legs around, rotate spine, roll up opposite side of trunk, rotate spine, moving legs to center, return to start position
Alternate sides
* Spinal rotators
* Spinal flexors
* Hip flexors
* Spinal rotator control
* Spinal flexor control
* Hip flexor control
* Keep legs together
* Move legs and pelvis as one unit
* Avoid lowering legs beyond diagonal line
* Initiate rotation to side and back to center with abdominals
* Maintain connection with barrel
Swan (Spine Corrector)
Back Extension, Advanced
Setup: Starting in Swan Prep position, hips externally rotated, feet in V position
Inhale: Lift trunk
Exhale: Straighten arms overhead, simultaneously straighten legs, plantarflex feet
Inhale: Bend arms, placing hands behind head
Exhale: Lower trunk and legs, dorsiflex feet, anchor toes on floor, return to start position
* Spinal extensors
* Spinal flexors
* Shoulder flexors
* Hip extensors
* Spinal extensor strength
* Pelvic lumbar stabilization
* Keep head aligned with spine
* Maximize spinal articulation in both directions
* Maintain abdominal engagement to protect lower back
* Create V position with arms when reaching overhead