Practical aspects of Prescribing Flashcards
What are the 2 most common causes of a disproportionate urea:creatinine ratio?
- Upper GI Bleed
- Hypovolemia
What factors can increase risk in prescribing?
- Pharmacological factors
- Human factors
What drugs are known to have a narrow therapeutic index?
M - Morphine
I - Insulin
N - Neoplastic drugs
D - Digoxin
T - Theophylline / Aminophylline
H - Hypoglycaemic agents
E - Epilepsy drugs
G - Gentamicin
A - Anticoagulants
P - Psychiatry drugs
What steps are taken to ensure patients on a drug that has narrow therapeutic index are given a safe dose?
=> Calculation of dose:
- Based of patients weight, body surface and carefully accounting for renal or hepatic impairments
=> Measurement of the blood concentration
=> Careful monitoring for adverse effects:
What are the different human factors that increase risk in prescribing?
=> Doses, dosage units and intervals
=> Contextual factors (ambiguity, distraction, time pressures
=> Bias
What are the different types of bias?
=> Availability bias:
- A preference of diagnosis that comes to mind easily
=> Base rate neglect:
- Not accounting for the prevalence for the condition in the general population
=> Confirmation bias:
- Interpreting info in a way to confirm pre-conceived bias
=> Search satisfying:
- Ceasing search for further info once enough info has been gathered ti support initial thought
=> Diagnostic momentum:
- Failing to question judgements made previously
=> Commission bias:
- A preference for action rather than inaction
What steps are taken to reduce bias in practice?
=> increasing awareness of bias
=> Slowing down
=> Metacognition (thinking about thinking)
=> Checklists