practical approach to anaemia Flashcards
define anaemia
Reduction in the red cell mass or haemoglobin to a level which is insufficient to meet the body’s physiological needs
general mechanisms of anaemia
Defective production of red cells by marrow
Defective proliferation of erythroid precursors
Defective maturation of erythroid precursors
Both of above
Increased rate of red cell destruction (haemolysis)
Increased loss of red cells from circulation (bleeding)
mechanism of anaemia in End stage renal disease
End stage renal disease:
Erythropoietin deficiency
Marrow suppression from uraemia
Increased bleeding from platelet dysfunction
Folate loss during haemodialysis
Haemolysis from marrow suppression & haemodialysis
mechanism of anaemia in crohn’s disease
Crohn’s disease: Anaemia of chronic disease Iron deficiency from bleeding Folate and B12 deficiency Drug treatment – azathioprine, sulfasalazine, methotrexate etc
how is anaemia classified
Anaemia can be classified as follows:
1. By specific cause – eg. iron deficiency anaemia, folate deficiency anaemia.
2. By the morphological abnormalities on the blood film or bone marrow
a. Normocytic (normal sized red cells)
b. Microcytic (small red cell cells)
c. Macrocytic (large red cells)
d. Hypochromic (pale red cells)
e. Megaloblastic (erythroid precursor cells in the marrow with a distinctive morphological appearance)
f. Leucoerythroblastic (denotes the presence of both precursor white and red cell blood cells on a stained blood film)
3. By the underlying pathophysiological process – eg. haemolytic anaemia, aplastic anaemia
Describing anaemia by size of the red cells is the usual method of classifying an undiagnosed anaemia.
Microcytic hypochromic anaemia
Iron deficiency
Thalassaemia syndromes
Anaemia of chronic disease
Sideroblastic anaemia
Macrocytic anaemia
Megaloblastic anaemia :(megaloblastic erythropoiesis)
B12 and folate deficiency
Non-megaloblastic causes: (normoblastic erythropoiesis) Alcohol Liver disease Reticulocytosis Hypothyroidism Cytotoxic drugs Haematological disease (eg. MDS, aplastic anaemia) Other
Normocytic normochromic anaemia
Anaemia of chronic disease
- Chronic infection
- Inflammatory disease (non-infective)
- Malignant disease etc
Chronic kidney disease
Bone marrow failure
Acute blood loss
Key principles of investigation of anaemia
- Full blood count
a. Is the anaemia normocytic, microcytic or normocytic? Helps to narrow
down list of possible causes
b. Are there any other abnormalities of the blood count?
2. Blood
a. Extremely important in the investigation of haematological
b. Morphology of red cell, white cells, platelets
c. Any other abnormalities? (eg. blasts would suggest acute leukaemia)
- Haematinics – serum B12, folate and iron studies
- Biochemistry – U&Es, LFTs, inflammatory markers (if indicated)
initial investigations in anaema
The general approach to investigating iron deficiency (and B12 and folate deficiency) is first to confirm the presence of iron deficiency, then to investigate to find its cause.
Full blood count:
Is it normocytic, microcytic or macrocytic?
Are there other abnormalities – neutropenia, thrombocytopenia ?etc
Blood film:
Red cell morphology – size, shape, other
White cell and platelet morphology
Other (eg. blasts)
Serum B12, folate, iron studies
.Serum iron, total iron binding capacity (TIBC) and ferritin
a. typical pattern in iron deficiency is LOW serum iron, INCREASED TIBC, and LOW serum ferritin. Note that serum ferritin is an acute phase protein and is therefore raised in acute illness even when iron deficiency is present
b. Transferrin saturation is LOW in iron deficiency – it can be derived from the serum and TIBC or measured directly
where does erythropoieisis occur
In pre-natal life, the liver and spleen are important sites of erythropoiesis. After birth, the bone marrow becomes the sole site of normal erythropoiesis; erythropoiesis that occurs in any other site is abnormal. In children, all sites of the skeleton are involved, but in adults erythropoiesis is limited to the axial skeleton and proximal ends of the femora and humerii. The bone marrow is one of the largest organs in the body and also one of the most active.
process of erythropoiesis
The total maturation time of red cells precursors in the marrow is approximately 7 days. The first 4 days are spent in cell division and the remaining 3 days in maturation and haemoglobin synthesis.
The nucleus is extruded from the developing erythroid precursors to form young red cells called reticulocytes. Reticulocytes remain in the marrow for a further 24 hours, then move into the peripheral circulation where they mature into red cells in approximately 1 day. The life span of mature red cells is around 120 days. Approximately 1% of the total red cell mass is destroyed daily, approximately the same number of reticulocytes enter the circulation daily.
where are reticulocytes found
Erythroid precursors reside in the marrow compartment, with the exception of young red cell known as reticulocytes which occur in small numbers in the peripheral blood compartment (up to about 2% of the red cell population). The presence of earlier erythroid precursors or of increased numbers of reticulocytes in the peripheral blood is abnormal and denotes a pathological state.
normal lifespan of a RBC
120 days. destroyed by macrophages principally in the spleen. bilirubin is produced. transported to liver by serum haptoglobins for metabolism. conjugated bilirubin excreted in bile.
stages of deficiency anaemias
Stages of deficiency
Deficiency states develop in the following order: depletion of tissue stores, development of morphological abnormalities on the blood film and marrow, and anaemia. Note that anaemia is the final expression of the deficiency state. Symptoms and serious complications may be evident before the development of anaemia. It is therefore imperative to investigate and correct the deficiency even when the haemoglobin concentration is normal.
The order is reversed during treatment, with normalisation of the haemoglobin concentration and morphological features ahead of replenishment of tissue stores. It is therefore important to continue replacement treatment for long enough to ensure that tissue stores are replete.
Causes of iron deficiency
- Reduced dietary intake – diets lacking in red meat and green vegetables
- Reduced absorption – causes include coeliac disease, gastrectomy
- Chronic blood loss – any cause of chronic blood loss
a. Menorrhagia is the commonest cause in UK
b. Blood loss from the gastrointestinal tract is also very common. Causes
include peptic ulcers and stomach and colon cancer. Malignancy should be excluded in older patients and patients with a family history of bowel cancer presenting with unexplained iron deficiency
c. Hookworm is commonest cause worldwide - Increased physiological demands where iron stores are borderline and intake
is not sufficient to cope with the increased requirements – pregnancy, prematurity, adolescent growth spurt
Clinical features of iron deficiency
- General symptoms of anaemia – tiredness, exertional dyspnoea etc
- Features of tissue deficiency include
a. angular stomatitis – sore areas at the corners of the mouth
b. koilonychias – brittle, spoon-shaped nails
c. painful glossitis
d. atrophic glossitis
e. dysphagia as a result of pharyngeal web (rare)
f. irritability
g. cognitive impairment in children
Establishing the cause of iron deficiency
The general approach to investigating iron deficiency (and B12 and folate deficiency) is first to confirm the presence of iron deficiency, then to investigate to find its cause.\
Establishing the cause of iron deficiency
- This may be evident from the history – eg. history of poor dietary intake, menorrhagia, chronic blood loss from rectal bleeding, etc.
- Coeliac screen – anti-tissue glutaminase if coeliac disease is suspected. Duodenal biopsies are also diagnostic
- Gastroscopy and/or colonoscopy – in individuals with gastrointestinal symptoms, or with symptoms such as unexplained weight loss. Also in those with unexplained anaemia
- Capsule endoscopy – may be required to investigate possible occult bleeding in areas of the small bowel that are inaccessible to gastroscopy and colonoscopy
- Gynaecological investigations – transvaginal ultrasound, hysteroscopy etc for PV bleeding
- Stool for ova, cysts and parasites – hookworm, schistosomiasis etc. A positive travel history may be relevant
steps of treatment of iron deficiency
This involves:
- Correction of the iron deficiency
- Treatment of the underlying cause
Correction of iron deficiency
Oral iron: The most cost effective treatment is oral iron supplementation, most commonly with ferrous sulphate. The recommended therapeutic dose is 200mg three times daily. It is generally well tolerated and will correct anaemia and morphological abnormalities, and will restore tissue stores if given for a period of several months (eg. 4-6 months). Equally effective alternative preparations including liquid formulations of iron are also available.
Oral iron can cause gastrointestinal side effects notably abdominal bloating and constipation, but diarrhoea may also occur. Some patients are unable to tolerate oral iron because of these side effects.
Poor response to oral iron – causes
- Poor compliance – commonest reason
- Malabsorption
- Wrong diagnosis – (eg. thalassaemia trait being misdiagnosed as iron deficiency)
4.Uncontrolled bleeding – where iron loss outstrips supply
Parenteral iron: Iron replacement may be given parenterally by intravenous infusion. Parenteral iron is indicated when oral iron cannot be tolerated or is ineffective. The main advantage of intravenous iron over oral preparations is that the entire treatment can be given within a day (depending on the product used), compared to several months for oral iron. There is no difference between intravenous iron and oral iron in terms of haemoglobin rise – the rate of rise of haemoglobin is identical for both routes. The main side effect of intravenous iron is anaphylaxis which is rare.
Differential diagnosis of microcytic, hypochromic anaemia
Iron deficiency
- by far the commonest cause in clinical practice in the UK
Thalassaemia syndromes
- this includes the different genotypes (eg. alpha and beta thalassaemia) and grades of severity – trait, intermediate and transfusion-dependent forms
- Beta thalassaemia trait – Hb usually >9g/dl and HbA2 is elevated in the majority of cases
- Note that people with thalassaemia can also become iron deficient; however, persisting microcytosis and hypochromia despite normal iron studies is suggestive of thalassaemia
Anaemia of chronic disease
- Usually normocytic, normochromic
- It is an abnormality of iron distribution where iron is sequestered in macrophages
instead of being released into the circulation
- Typical pattern is LOW serum iron, LOW TIBC and NORMAL OR RAISED serum
Sideroblastic anaemia
- In sideroblastic anaemia the MCV may be low, normal or high.
- There is a defect in the incorporation of iron into haemoglobin. Iron therefore
accumulates in the mitochondria.
- Diagnostic feature is ring sideroblasts = marrow red cell precursors with a ring
of iron granules (mitochondria) surrounding the nucleus.
- This disorder may be primary, when it is classified as one of the myelodysplastic syndromes, or secondary to malignancy of any sort, alcohol, drugs, heavy metal poisoning and collagen diseases
what is Megaloblastic anaemia
This is one cause of macrocytic anaemia which is associated with characteristic morphological changes in the bone marrow which, when found together, are called megaloblastic erythropoiesis as opposed to normal red cell maturation which is called normoblastic erythropoiesis. Megaloblastic change affects all rapidly dividing cells in the body, not just the marrow cells.
The principal causes of megaloblastic anaemia are vitamin B12 deficiency and folate deficiency. The actions of these two vitamins are closely linked and their haematological effects are identical, although there are some differences in their clinical effects. It is useful to consider them together.
storage of vitamin B12
It is stored mainly in the liver; body stores which amount to 3-4mg in total will last about 3 years without replenishment. Thus, a deficiency state is slow to develop.
B12 Absorption
Dietary B12 is liberated from ingested food by proteolytic enzymes in the stomach after which it combines with Intrinsic Factor secreted by gastric parietal cells to form a complex that binds to specific receptor sites on the mucosal surface in the terminal ileum.
B12 is absorbed in the terminal ileum, dissociating from the B12:intrinsic factor complex in the process. Upon entering the portal circulation it binds the carrier protein Transcobalamin II and is delivered to the bone marrow.
Causes of vitamin B12 deficiency
- Inadequate dietary intake – vegans are at increased risk because vitamin B12 is present in appreciable quantities only in foods of animal origin
- Impaired absorption
a. Pernicious anaemia – the classical cause of B12 deficiency.
Pernicious anaemia is an autoimmune condition in which B12 absorption is impaired by the action of antibodies against gastric parietal cells (leading to reduced synthesis of intrinsic factor) and/or antibodies directed against intrinsic factor which prevent binding of B12 to intrinsic factor, or prevent the binding to the B12:intrinsic factor complex to its ileal receptor.
b. Terminal ileal disease or resection (eg. due to Crohn’s disease) – destruction of site of absorption
c. Gastrectomy – reduced production of intrinsic factor
d. Bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine – the small intestine is a
sterile environment. Bacteria colonisation of the small bowel impairs B12 absorption
e. Alcoholism – alcohol inhibits B12 absorption by an unknown
f. Tropical sprue
g. Fish tapeworm – (Diphyllobothrium latum)
3. Metabolic inhibition of B12 by nitrous oxide (Entonox) – not a problem when used for short periods (eg. in labour). Repeated, protracted use however, can cause B12 deficiency and megaloblastic anaemia
4. Transcobalamin II deficiency – an inherited cause of B12 deficiency
Clinical presentation of B12 deficiency
The principal effects of B12 deficiency are on rapidly dividing tissues and the nervous system.
- Effects on rapidly dividing tissue (particularly bone marrow and gut epithelium) – due to disruption of DNA synthesis. Manifested as:
a. Megaloblastic anaemia – anaemia mainly, but neutropenia and thrombocytopenia are also commonly seen
b. Gastrointestinal effects – atrophic glossitis, angular stomatitis
c. Sterility may occur - Effects on the nervous system – very serious neurological complications can
occur, even in the absence of anaemia. Exact cause of the neurological effects not known
a. Peripheral neuropathy
b. Myelopathy – classically, subacute combined degeneration of the
spinal cord
c. Optic atrophy
d. Neuropsychiatric and cognitive problems including dementia
Folate deficiency
Folate is found in highest concentrations in green vegetables and liver. Body stores amount to about 10mg but last only about 4 months. Thus, unlike B12, folate deficiency can occur rapidly. Moreover, in contrast to B12 which is resistant to heat, folate is heat labile and is destroyed by when food is cooked at high temperatures in large amounts of water.
Causes of folate deficiency
- Dietary deficiency – reduced intake of folate-rich foods. Old age, alcoholism and poverty are risk factors.
- Malabsorption – coeliac disease, tropical sprue
- Excessive demands
a. Physiological – pregnancy, prematurity b. Pathological
i. Haematological conditions – chronic haemolytic anaemia, myelofibrosis
ii. Malignancies – carcinoma, lymphoma, leukaemia etc
iii. Inflammatory conditions – eg. exfoliative dermatitis, Crohn’s,
severe psoriasis - Drugs – anticonvulsants, sulphasalazine. Functional folate deficiency can
occur with the use of folate antagonists (eg. methotrexate, pyrimethamine,
trimethoprim). - Miscellaneous – liver disease, dialysis (folate may be lost in dialysate) etc.
Clinical presentation of folate deficiency
Similar to those of vitamin B12 deficiency; however, neurological effects appear to be less prevalent, with the exception of neural tube defects in foetuses which occurs at a high incidence rate in folate deficiency.
Investigation of megaloblastic anaemia
- Full blood count – anaemia (may not be present), macrocytosis. Less commonly neutropenia and/or thrombocytopenia.
- Blood film – oval macrocytes, neutrophil hypersegmentation, tear drop cells
- Bone marrow – megaloblastic change. Not usually required because diagnosis is usually straightforward from the blood count, blood film and
vitamin levels. - Serum vitamin B12 and folate – usually requested together in all cases of
suspected megaloblastic anaemia. B12 levels are usually very low at the time of diagnosis of pernicious anaemia. Serum folate is commonly requested, but red cell folate is a better indicator of tissue folate stores.
 - Liver function tests and LDH – increase in unconjugated bilirubin and LDH. This is due to ineffective erythropoiesis (increased destruction of erythroid precursors in the marrow before they have reached maturity)
- Gastric parietal cell and intrinsic factor antibodies – gastric parietal cell and intrinsic factor antibodies are positive in 90% and 50% respectively of patients with pernicious anaemia. Intrinsic factor antibodies are specific for pernicious anaemia while gastric parietal antibodies are not.
- Coeliac screen – if coeliac disease is suspected.
- Schilling Test – a test of B12 absorption, previously commonly used to
establish a diagnosis of pernicious anaemia. A strongly positive intrinsic factor antibody result is diagnostic for pernicious anaemia and obviates the need for this test. Its availability has been reduced by regulations on the use of radioactive materials.
Treatment of megaloblastic anaemia
Vitamin B12 deficiency
Initial: Loading doses of hydroxycobalamin 1mg intramuscularly three times a week for two weeks.
Subsequently: Hydroxycobalamin 1mg intramuscularly 3-monthly for life in cases of B12 malabsorption (eg. pernicious anaemia, terminal ileal disease/resection). Cyanocobalamin orally if there is no B12 malabsorption (eg. dietary deficiency).
A short course of concomitant folate and iron supplementation may be required in cases of severe anaemia as massive numbers of new red cells are produced in response to B12 administration.
Treatment should be given as soon as possible after diagnosis as neurological problems may occur even in the absence of anaemia.
Important note: Folic acid must NEVER be given before B12 as this can precipitate or aggravate neurological complications.
Folate deficiency
Folic acid tablets 5mg daily given for about 3-4 months will correct the deficiency. Dietetic advice should be given in cases of dietary deficiency.
Prophylactic folic acid 400μg daily given pre-conceptually to women significantly reduces the risk of fetal neural tube defects.
causes of macrocytosis other than megaloblastic anaemia
- Liver disease
- Reticulocytosis – haemolysis, bleeding
- Alcohol
- Hypothyroidism
- Cytotoxic drugs (eg. hydroxyurea)
- Haematological diseases (sometimes) - myelodysplasia, aplastic anaemia
what is haemolytic anaemia
Anaemia caused by a reduced lifespan of red cells.
Haemolytic anaemia is a common and important clinical problem with many different causes. As in other haematological conditions, a logical approach is needed in order to make the correct diagnosis and manage the patient effectively.
causes of haemolytic anaemia
Classified into inherited and acquired
Inherited red cell disorders:
1. Membrane disorders – eg. hereditary spherocytosis
2. Enzyme disorders – eg. G6PD deficiency is by far the commonest. Other red
cell enzymopathies are rare
3. Haemoglobin disorders – eg. sickle cell disease and thalassaemia
Acquired haemolytic anaemia:
Classified into immune and non-immune causes:
Immune causes:
- Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia (AIHA)
a. Warm AIHA – Autoantibody most active at 37oC. Red cells coated by IgG autoantibody ± complement; progressively more spherical, then destroyed. Haemolysis mostly extravascular.
i. Idiopathic
ii. Secondary – autoimmune disease (eg. SLE, RA), lymphoproliferative disease (lymphoma, chronic lymphoid leukaemias), HIV infection
iii. Drugs – 3 different mechanisms
1. True AIHA – methyl dopa
2. Antibody directed against drug:RBC membrane
complex eg. penicillin at prolonged high doses
3. Deposition of complement via drug protein-antibody
complex on RBC surface eg. rifampicin
b. Cold AIHA – Autoantibody most active at room temperature or below. Autoantibody attaches to red cell membrane in extremities of body (cooler), triggering haemolysis. Haemolysis mostly intravascular (due to complement mediated lysis).
i. Idiopathic
ii. Secondary – infections (eg. Mycoplasma, EBV), lymphoproliferative disease (lymphoma, chronic lymphoid leukaemias)
- Alloimmune haemolytic anaemia
a. Haemolytic transfusion reactions
i. Delayed haemolytic transfusion reactions – causes mainly extravascular haemolysis (see below)
ii. ABO incompatible haemolytic transfusion reaction – causes intravascular haemolysis (see below)
b. Haemolytic disease of the newborn

Non-immune causes
- Red cell fragmentation syndromes
a. Microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia (MAHA) – lysis of red cells in small blood vessels by fibrin mesh due to inappropriate activation of coagulation, vascular endothelial abnormalties, or trauma.
eg. haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS), thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), pre-eclampsia/HELLP syndrome, vasculitides, AV malformations
b. Mechanical – cardiac valves, arterial grafts
2. Infections – malaria, clostridial infections
3. Chemical and physical agents – burns etc
- Miscellaneous – paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (PNH), march
haemoglobinuria, liver and renal disease etc
clinical features of haemolytic anaemia
- General features common to all haemolytic syndromes
a. Anaemia
b. Jaundice
c. Splenomegaly
d. Increased incidence of pigment gallstones (chronic haemolytic
anaemia) - Specific to underlying cause of haemolysis – eg. sickle cell crises in sickle cell disease; renal failure in HUS, features of SLE if underlying cause for warm AIHA etc
Investigation of haemolytic anaemia Four essential questions:
- Is there evidence of haemolysis?
- Is it immune or non-immune?
- Is the haemolysis extravascular or intravascular?
- What is the specific cause of the haemolysis?
how do you determine if haemolysis is occurring in patients
Is haemolysis occurring?
- Full blood count – anaemia is universal, neutrophilia and/or thrombocytosis may be present if haemolysis brisk
- Reticulocyte count – raised. Nucleated red cells (earlier red cell precursors) may be present
- Blood film – polychromasia (reflects reticulocytosis), spherocytosis, red cell fragments, red cell agglutination suggests the presence of cold reacting antibodies (cold agglutinins) etc
- Bilirubin – increased; predominantly unconjugated
- LDH – increased
- Serum haptoglobins – reduced
- Urinary urobilinogen – increased
- Bone marrow – erythroid hyperplasia. Rarely required.
if haemolysis is occurring in a patient how do you tell if it is immune or non-immune ?
The test that will answer this question is the direct antiglobulin test (DAT), also known as the direct Coombs test (DCT).
With very few exceptions,
Positive DAT = immune haemolysis Negative DAT = non-immune haemolysis
if haemolysis is occurring how do you tell if it is extravascular or intravascular?
In extravascular haemolysis, the red cells are destroyed by reticuloendothelial macrophages in the spleen (predominantly), liver and bone marrow.
In intravascular haemolysis, the red cells are lysed directly in the circulation, releasing free haemoglobin into the plasma.
The following features are characteristic of intravascular haemolysis:
- Haemoglobinaemia (free haemoglobin) in plasma
- Haemoglobinuria – the patient reports red urine (if haemolysis is brisk) or dark
brown or black urine (“Coca Cola”) urine. Haemoglobinuria is distinguished from haematuria by the absence of intact red cells on urine microscopy in the former. - Serum haptoglobins – extremely low; lower than for extravascular haemolysis
- LDH – extremely high; much higher than is seen in extravascular haemolysis
- Haemosiderinuria
- Methaemalbuminaemia – confirmed by positive Schumm’s test. After serum
haptoglobins have been depleted, the free haemoglobin binds to albumin to form methaemalbumin. This test is now rarely used.
what is the specific underlying cause of the haemolysis?
Specific investigations to establish the diagnosis will depend on the suspected cause of the haemolysis. Correlation with the clinical history and findings is usually required in order to reach the diagnosis.
- Haemolysis occurring a few days after transfusion with a positive DAT suggests a delayed haemolytic transfusion reaction. The demonstration of a new red cell alloantibody will establish the diagnosis
- Autoimmune haemolysis occurring in a patient with lymphadenopathy and lymphocytosis should raise suspicion of a lymphoid malignancy. Appropriate investigations of the lymphadenopathy and lymphocytosis will clinch the diagnosis
- Haemolysis occurring in a patient with an acute febrile illness with red cell agglutination on the blood film suggests cold AIHA related to an infection. Positive Mycoplasma IgM will indicate Mycoplasma infection.
- Haemolysis occurring in a patient presenting with fever, neurological problems, renal impairment, thrombocytopenia and red cell fragmentation on the blood film should alert the physician to a diagnosis of TTP. A reduction in ADAMTS 13 activity is diagnostic.
- Anaemia, abdominal pain, thrombosis and intermittent haemoglobinuria is suspicious of paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria, a rare condition in which the red cells are sensitive to complement mediated lysis. Flow cytometry will be required to help establish the diagnosis.
Management of acquired haemolytic anaemia
- Folic acid 5mg daily – high cell turnover can cause folate deficiency. Folate supplementation is required to help support formation of new red cells
- Transfusion – required only if anaemia severe, life-threatening or troublesome
- Specific treatment of underlying cause
Investigation of megaloblastic anaemia
- Full blood count – anaemia (may not be present), macrocytosis. Less commonly neutropenia and/or thrombocytopenia.
- Blood film – oval macrocytes, neutrophil hypersegmentation, tear drop cells
- Bone marrow – megaloblastic change. Not usually required because diagnosis is usually straightforward from the blood count, blood film and
vitamin levels. - Serum vitamin B12 and folate – usually requested together in all cases of
suspected megaloblastic anaemia. B12 levels are usually very low at the time of diagnosis of pernicious anaemia. Serum folate is commonly requested, but red cell folate is a better indicator of tissue folate stores.
 - Liver function tests and LDH – increase in unconjugated bilirubin and LDH. This is due to ineffective erythropoiesis (increased destruction of erythroid precursors in the marrow before they have reached maturity)
- Gastric parietal cell and intrinsic factor antibodies – gastric parietal cell and intrinsic factor antibodies are positive in 90% and 50% respectively of patients with pernicious anaemia. Intrinsic factor antibodies are specific for pernicious anaemia while gastric parietal antibodies are not.
- Coeliac screen – if coeliac disease is suspected.
- Schilling Test – a test of B12 absorption, previously commonly used to
establish a diagnosis of pernicious anaemia. A strongly positive intrinsic factor antibody result is diagnostic for pernicious anaemia and obviates the need for this test. Its availability has been reduced by regulations on the use of radioactive materials.
Treatment of megaloblastic anaemia
Vitamin B12 deficiency
Initial: Loading doses of hydroxycobalamin 1mg intramuscularly three times a week for two weeks.
Subsequently: Hydroxycobalamin 1mg intramuscularly 3-monthly for life in cases of B12 malabsorption (eg. pernicious anaemia, terminal ileal disease/resection). Cyanocobalamin orally if there is no B12 malabsorption (eg. dietary deficiency).
A short course of concomitant folate and iron supplementation may be required in cases of severe anaemia as massive numbers of new red cells are produced in response to B12 administration.
Treatment should be given as soon as possible after diagnosis as neurological problems may occur even in the absence of anaemia.
Important note: Folic acid must NEVER be given before B12 as this can precipitate or aggravate neurological complications.
Folate deficiency
Folic acid tablets 5mg daily given for about 3-4 months will correct the deficiency. Dietetic advice should be given in cases of dietary deficiency.
Prophylactic folic acid 400μg daily given pre-conceptually to women significantly reduces the risk of fetal neural tube defects.
causes of macrocytosis other than megaloblastic anaemia
- Liver disease
- Reticulocytosis – haemolysis, bleeding
- Alcohol
- Hypothyroidism
- Cytotoxic drugs (eg. hydroxyurea)
- Haematological diseases (sometimes) - myelodysplasia, aplastic anaemia
what is haemolytic anaemia
Anaemia caused by a reduced lifespan of red cells.
Haemolytic anaemia is a common and important clinical problem with many different causes. As in other haematological conditions, a logical approach is needed in order to make the correct diagnosis and manage the patient effectively.
causes of haemolytic anaemia
Classified into inherited and acquired
Inherited red cell disorders:
1. Membrane disorders – eg. hereditary spherocytosis
2. Enzyme disorders – eg. G6PD deficiency is by far the commonest. Other red
cell enzymopathies are rare
3. Haemoglobin disorders – eg. sickle cell disease and thalassaemia
Acquired haemolytic anaemia:
Classified into immune and non-immune causes:
Immune causes:
- Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia (AIHA)
a. Warm AIHA – Autoantibody most active at 37oC. Red cells coated by IgG autoantibody ± complement; progressively more spherical, then destroyed. Haemolysis mostly extravascular.
i. Idiopathic
ii. Secondary – autoimmune disease (eg. SLE, RA), lymphoproliferative disease (lymphoma, chronic lymphoid leukaemias), HIV infection
iii. Drugs – 3 different mechanisms
1. True AIHA – methyl dopa
2. Antibody directed against drug:RBC membrane
complex eg. penicillin at prolonged high doses
3. Deposition of complement via drug protein-antibody
complex on RBC surface eg. rifampicin
b. Cold AIHA – Autoantibody most active at room temperature or below. Autoantibody attaches to red cell membrane in extremities of body (cooler), triggering haemolysis. Haemolysis mostly intravascular (due to complement mediated lysis).
i. Idiopathic
ii. Secondary – infections (eg. Mycoplasma, EBV), lymphoproliferative disease (lymphoma, chronic lymphoid leukaemias)
- Alloimmune haemolytic anaemia
a. Haemolytic transfusion reactions
i. Delayed haemolytic transfusion reactions – causes mainly extravascular haemolysis (see below)
ii. ABO incompatible haemolytic transfusion reaction – causes intravascular haemolysis (see below)
b. Haemolytic disease of the newborn

Non-immune causes
- Red cell fragmentation syndromes
a. Microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia (MAHA) – lysis of red cells in small blood vessels by fibrin mesh due to inappropriate activation of coagulation, vascular endothelial abnormalties, or trauma.
eg. haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS), thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), pre-eclampsia/HELLP syndrome, vasculitides, AV malformations
b. Mechanical – cardiac valves, arterial grafts
2. Infections – malaria, clostridial infections
3. Chemical and physical agents – burns etc
- Miscellaneous – paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (PNH), march
haemoglobinuria, liver and renal disease etc
clinical features of haemolytic anaemia
- General features common to all haemolytic syndromes
a. Anaemia
b. Jaundice
c. Splenomegaly
d. Increased incidence of pigment gallstones (chronic haemolytic
anaemia) - Specific to underlying cause of haemolysis – eg. sickle cell crises in sickle cell disease; renal failure in HUS, features of SLE if underlying cause for warm AIHA etc
Investigation of haemolytic anaemia Four essential questions:
- Is there evidence of haemolysis?
- Is it immune or non-immune?
- Is the haemolysis extravascular or intravascular?
- What is the specific cause of the haemolysis?
how do you determine if haemolysis is occurring in patients
Is haemolysis occurring?
- Full blood count – anaemia is universal, neutrophilia and/or thrombocytosis may be present if haemolysis brisk
- Reticulocyte count – raised. Nucleated red cells (earlier red cell precursors) may be present
- Blood film – polychromasia (reflects reticulocytosis), spherocytosis, red cell fragments, red cell agglutination suggests the presence of cold reacting antibodies (cold agglutinins) etc
- Bilirubin – increased; predominantly unconjugated
- LDH – increased
- Serum haptoglobins – reduced
- Urinary urobilinogen – increased
- Bone marrow – erythroid hyperplasia. Rarely required.
if haemolysis is occurring in a patient how do you tell if it is immune or non-immune ?
The test that will answer this question is the direct antiglobulin test (DAT), also known as the direct Coombs test (DCT).
With very few exceptions,
Positive DAT = immune haemolysis Negative DAT = non-immune haemolysis
if haemolysis is occurring how do you tell if it is extravascular or intravascular?
In extravascular haemolysis, the red cells are destroyed by reticuloendothelial macrophages in the spleen (predominantly), liver and bone marrow.
In intravascular haemolysis, the red cells are lysed directly in the circulation, releasing free haemoglobin into the plasma.
The following features are characteristic of intravascular haemolysis:
- Haemoglobinaemia (free haemoglobin) in plasma
- Haemoglobinuria – the patient reports red urine (if haemolysis is brisk) or dark
brown or black urine (“Coca Cola”) urine. Haemoglobinuria is distinguished from haematuria by the absence of intact red cells on urine microscopy in the former. - Serum haptoglobins – extremely low; lower than for extravascular haemolysis
- LDH – extremely high; much higher than is seen in extravascular haemolysis
- Haemosiderinuria
- Methaemalbuminaemia – confirmed by positive Schumm’s test. After serum
haptoglobins have been depleted, the free haemoglobin binds to albumin to form methaemalbumin. This test is now rarely used.
what is the specific underlying cause of the haemolysis?
Specific investigations to establish the diagnosis will depend on the suspected cause of the haemolysis. Correlation with the clinical history and findings is usually required in order to reach the diagnosis.
- Haemolysis occurring a few days after transfusion with a positive DAT suggests a delayed haemolytic transfusion reaction. The demonstration of a new red cell alloantibody will establish the diagnosis
- Autoimmune haemolysis occurring in a patient with lymphadenopathy and lymphocytosis should raise suspicion of a lymphoid malignancy. Appropriate investigations of the lymphadenopathy and lymphocytosis will clinch the diagnosis
- Haemolysis occurring in a patient with an acute febrile illness with red cell agglutination on the blood film suggests cold AIHA related to an infection. Positive Mycoplasma IgM will indicate Mycoplasma infection.
- Haemolysis occurring in a patient presenting with fever, neurological problems, renal impairment, thrombocytopenia and red cell fragmentation on the blood film should alert the physician to a diagnosis of TTP. A reduction in ADAMTS 13 activity is diagnostic.
- Anaemia, abdominal pain, thrombosis and intermittent haemoglobinuria is suspicious of paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria, a rare condition in which the red cells are sensitive to complement mediated lysis. Flow cytometry will be required to help establish the diagnosis.
Management of acquired haemolytic anaemia
- Folic acid 5mg daily – high cell turnover can cause folate deficiency. Folate supplementation is required to help support formation of new red cells
- Transfusion – required only if anaemia severe, life-threatening or troublesome
- Specific treatment of underlying cause