practical 1- H&E staining Flashcards
what governs the overall staining pattern
rate of which a dye is taken up by a tissue component or the rate of loss of due from a tissue component
what are the 3 layers composing the skin
epidermis dermis subcutis (hypodermis)
In H&E staining, how do we differentiate a section after staining with harris’s haematoxylin and why do we do this
differentiate in 1% acid alcohol for 2-5 seconds use of acidic solutions to remove excess background staining
In H&E staining, what step is taken after dewaxing, hydrating, haematoxylin staining, differentiating and blueing
immerse in eosin for 2-4 minutes
in a rate depending staining process, what is a progressive dye
dyes staining more intensely the longer the tissue remains in the dye bath
what colour stain does eosin produce
red cytoplasmic stain
where might you see cells in the process of dividing (mitosis)
mucosa- base of intestinal crypts, this is to replenish cells at the epithelium
In H&E staining, what blueing reagent is used and why do we use it?
Scotts solution necessary to convert nuclear colouration from reddish purple to crisp blue/purple enhances the contrast of the H&E stain by increasing the crispness of the haematoxylin
what is meant by basophilia
tissues with affinity for haematoxylin (basic dye) is base loving
what is the function of the muscularis externa
undergoes segmentation contractions (which mixes chyme in the small intestine) and weak peristaltic contraction (moves chyme along in the small intestine)
what does harris’s haematoxylin use to alter the specificity of its stain explain the procedure
uses aluminium salts (haemalum) as a mordant rinse slide in tap water to blue the section haematoxylin used regressively with controlled differentiation in acid alcohol reblueing in tap water (must be alkaline)
how many layers of cells are there in the absorptive epithelium proper
mucosa- one layer
what is the function of the submucosa
contains brunners galnds, they secrete alkaline mucus which neutralises gastric acid in chyme
in a rate depending staining process, what is a regressive dye
a dye may be selectively lost/removed fro a tissue to distiniguish/differentiate between components with stronger or weaker affinities for the dye
how is haematoxylin produced
extracted in water and precipitated with urea
what type of dye are the following Ehrilchs, Mayers, Harris, Gills, Coles, Delafield, Carazzis
haematoxylin dyes
what type of a staining procedure is H&E staining
what is the function of enteroendocrine cells and paneth cells
enteroendocrine cells secrete hormones (somatostatin) paneth cells have an immune cell function
what is eosin and how does it work
acidic dye, but binds to basic (eosinophillic) compounds/structures