Pracs Flashcards
What does the ECG reveal
Overall spread of electrical activity
What information does the ECG provide?
Timing and directional
What causes the funny channels to open? Which type of cells contain these channels?
Opened by the hyperpolarisation of the previous action potential. Located in autorhythmic cells
Where is the AV node delay on the ECG?
The PR segment
TP segment =?
Diastole. In between contractions
When is ventricular pressure the highest?
Right before ejection, in between QRS and T
How does the SNS change the PT segment?
It doesn’t. Only changes TP
Potential causes of a left axis deviation?
Obesity, pregnancy, left ventricular hypertrophy (athletes or hypertension), right heart infarction
Right axis deviation causes?
Pulmonary hypertension, tall people, myocardial infarction on left, new borns
Best place to hear the 2nd heart sound?
Second intercostal space
The fifth intercostal space is where which heart sound is best heard?
At what stage of the ecg is the ‘lub’ heard?
Is the pulmonary valve more or less compliant than the aorta? Implications of this?
More compliant. Means it takes longer for the pressure to rise, causing later closure of the valve
Compare stenosis vs insufficiency in valves
Stenosis = thickening of valve = more narrow opening Insufficient = valve doesn’t close tightly = back flow
MAP = 2/3 Diastolic pressure + 1/3 systolic pressure. Why?
Because the heart spends 2/3 of its time in diastole
Reduced firing of baroreceptors causes what?
Increased activation of cardiovascular centre = causes increase in SNS and decrease in PSNS to increase HR and SV to increase BP
High blood pressure causes the baroreceptors to increase or decrease firing rate?
Increase. Stimulates CV centre to reduce BP
Metabolites produced by skeletal muscle cause?
Local vasodilation
Why does diastolic pressure not rise during exercise?
Vasodilation / vasoconstriction is balanced out across the body to maintain TPR (which is the major determinant of diastolic pressure)