Prac 1 Flashcards
Calculate and interpret the haematocrit of a blood sample using a haematocrit reader
Sample size is 75mL and volume of plasma 48mL
75-48mL=27mL of RBC
27/75=0.36 (36%)
State the normal haematocrit values for males and females
Males 38.8-50/Females 34.9-44.5
Recognise the different types of blood cells under the microscope and state their functions
Neutrophils- Engulf Bacteria-polymorphonuclear granulocyte
Eosinophils- Attack parasitic worms; play a role in allergic reactions-polymorphonuclear granulocyte
Basophils- Release histamine-polymorphonuclear granulocyte
Monocyte-mononuclear agranulocyte
Lymphocyte-mononuclear agranulocyte
Determine a person’s blood type using the ABO blood typing system
A large, complex molecule that triggers a specific immune response against itself when it gains entry to the body.
Binds with the specific antigen against which it is produced and leads to the antigens destruction by various means.
Rhesus positive
Have the Rh-positive blood/never produce antibodies/can take Rh-negative and Rh-positive blood.
Rhesus negative
Lack the Rh-negative blood/can only take Rh-negative blood
Identify cardiac muscle under the microscope
Striations, Nuclei, intercalated discs
Identify major features of the mammalian heart and comment on their function.
Label the waves on a normal ECG trace and explain what these waves represent
The P wave - atrial depolarisation
P-R interval - conduction through AV node
The QRS complex - ventricular depolarisation
The T wave - repolarisation recovery
S-T segment - Interval between ventricular depolarisation and repolarisation.
Q-T segment - electrical depolarisation and depolarisation of the ventricles.
T-P inteval - Isoelectric interval on the ECG ventricle repolarisation.
Calculate heart rate from an ECG trace with a labelled time axis