PQ 1 Flashcards
Why is cCH4 emission reduction important?
- it’s extremely toxic to farm animals and humans. it is also known as “knock our” gas, as reaching a critical concentration causes immediate and irreversible loss of consciousness and then death
- it poses a significant environmental risk to humanity as it is a greenhouse gas.
- it commonly causes social conflict between farmers and urban citizens due to door
- The human mankind losses a lot of energy through methane emission
- it poses a significant environmental risk to humanity as it is a greenhouse gas.
What are the effect of mycotoxins?
- Carcinogenic, immunosuppressive, teratogenic, mutagenic, cytotoxic, cystostatic and estrogenic mimetic
- Immunostimulatory, neurophobic, adrenergic, lipolytic, teratogenic, cytotoxic
- proteolytic, sedative, antispasmodic, bactericidal
- mutagenic, carcinogenic, mycocidal, viricidal bacteriostatic
- Carcinogenic, immunosuppressive, teratogenic, mutagenic, cytotoxic, cystostatic and estrogenic mimetic
Which is not a Greenhouse gas?
- CH4
- CO2
- N2O
- H2S
- H2S
What is not part of the possible biological reactions to stress?
- Behaviour
- Neuroendocrine
- Humoral
- Immunologic
- Humoral
In which waste category do the raw milk belong?
- Category 1
- Category 2
- Category 3
- It is not a dangerous material; no special treatment is necessary
- Category 3
What sensors are most commonly used in currently available gait (lameness) monitoring automatic system?
- Audio sensors detecting the rhythm of the step
- Daily movement activity is monitoring using accelerometers, the rhythm of steps and stride length are measured with platforms equipped with pressure-sensitive sensors, but there are also image-based solution (2D and 3D cameras) that can be supplemented with thermal cameras to detect inflammation
- indirectly certain inflammation (e.g high SCC) or stress indicators (cortisol level, HR, HRV) monitoring sensor are used
- There are currently no reliable automatic monitoring system for this purpose
- Daily movement activity is monitoring using accelerometers, the rhythm of steps and stride length are measured with platforms equipped with pressure-sensitive sensors, but there are also image-based solution (2D and 3D cameras) that can be supplemented with thermal cameras to detect inflammation
What are the main effects or trichothecene mycotoxins in pigs?
- Reduced feed intake, inhibit protein synthesis, block ovarian function, derma toxic and immunosuppressive effect.
- Reduced feed intake, inhibit protein synthesis, enhance ovarian function, dermatotoxic effect, immunosuppressive effect
- increase feed intake, increase protein synthesis, block ovarian function, dermatotoxic effect, immunosuppressive effect.
- increase feed intake, increase protein synthesis, enhance ovarian function, dermatotoxic effect, immunosuppressive effect.
- Reduced feed intake, inhibit protein synthesis, block ovarian function, derma toxic and immunosuppressive effect.
What is the target body condition score for a holstein friesian cow at the time of calving?
- 2,5 - 3,5
- 2,5 - 3,0
- 3,5 - 4,0
- 3,0 - 3,5
- 3,0 - 3,5
What kind of continuous and automatic monitoring of the bio-reaction can be used to effectively prevent outbreaks of disease with complex respiration syndrome in pigs? think of a system that’s already in operation
- by automatically measuring the fever
- by monitoring movement activity
- by measuring weight gain
- with automatic cough detection system
- with automatic cough detection system
What are plough-land moods
- Fusarium, Aspergillus, Pencillium
- Fusarium, Alternaria, Stachybotris
- Stachybotris, Pencillium, Fusarium
- Aspergillus, Alternaria, Fusarium
- Fusarium, Alternaria, Stachybotris
Methods for protection against mycotoxins:
- ventilation, washing, exposure to UV radiation
- prevention of infection in vegetation, appropriate agrotechnics
- preventions of infection in vegetation, disinfection, decontamination during storage, reduction of harmful effects using feed-additives
- disinfection during the growing season, ventilation, UV-treatmetn
- preventions of infection in vegetation, disinfection, decontamination during storage, reduction of harmful effects using feed-additives
Effect of Zearalenone in female pigs at high toxin concentrations:
- most of the oocytes die, follicular tea cysts are formed, pronounced oestrus symptoms are observed, the length of the cycles is irregular
- persistent corpus lute and endometrial hypertrophy develop
- ovarian necrosis develops
- uterine muscle atrophies
- most of the oocytes die, follicular tea cysts are formed, pronounced oestrus symptoms are observed, the length of the cycles is irregular
What is the current upper limit of THI for dairy cows?
- THI 78
- THI 68
- THI 72
- THI 82
- THI 68
What is the recommended upper limit of NH3 concentration in the air of livestock buildings
- <10 ppm (recommended keep at < 7 ppm)
- 50 - 100 ppm
- 300 ppm
- 500 ppm
- <10 ppm (recommended keep at < 7 ppm)
What kind of temperature values are commonly used in the calculation formula for thermal indexes?
- Dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature, radiation temperature, dew point temperature
- Nighttime temperature, daytime temperature, average daily temperature
- Daily mean, minimum and maximum temperature values
- Lower critical temperature, upper critical temperature, optimal temperature
- Dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature, radiation temperature, dew point temperature
What fans the most common way to ensure proper air movement in cow barns?
- With high-speed horizontal fans
- Horizontal or vertical or, more recently, so-called cyclone fans, which can be made ventillation even more efficient. So-called frequency shiftesare also available that allow operation of fans at variable speeds
- Suction or blower fans
- With vertical fans at constant speed
- Horizontal or vertical or, more recently, so-called cyclone fans, which can be made ventillation even more efficient. So-called frequency shiftsare also available that allow operation of fans at variable speeds
Which of the data available in robotic milking system can be used directly in the ruminal acidosis and ketosis monitoring protocols?
- changes in milk temperature and colour
- cow body weight data and condition score
- data on eating time and summation, supplemented by daily movement activity data
- data indicating changes in pH in urine
- data on eating time and summation, supplemented by daily movement activity data
What prompted the development and rapid spread of PLF techniques?
- IT is involving to such an extent that agricultural workers also have a huge need to use them, so it is inventible that more and more modern tools will fall into the hands of farmers
- As results of the concentration, as a current trend in agriculture, the number of farms is decreasing and the number of livestock is increasing. Managing large.scale farms requires a higher degree of organisation and more administration, which requires more information (data) and new solutions for collecting and processing them
- PLF is a huge business, thanks to the camping of the operators involved in ti, new tools are increasing being used by farmers
- Over time, the PLF allows livestock production to operate almost without human supervison and the race of development in this direction is so rapid due to the burning labour shortage
- As results of the concentration, as a current trend in agriculture, the number of farms is decreasing and the number of livestock is increasing. Managing large.scale farms requires a higher degree of organisation and more administration, which requires more information (data) and new solutions for collecting and processing them
What are the factors that are most preventing the rapid rise of the PLF ?
- Human factors, such as a lack of IT- skills, and the need for agriculture as a market to realise the potential of PLF, which requires further research and training
- Technologies are so expensive that they are unaffordable for agriculture
- There are no solutions yet that can operate effectively in an environment defined by the complex contexts of livestocks production without compromise. since they only offer partial solutions, it is not worth investing in them
- a significant number pf producers reject the use of these modern instrument in their entirety
- Human factors, such as a lack of IT- skills, and the need for agriculture as a market to realise the potential of PLF, which requires further research and training
In case of disinfection with heat which statement is right?
- The effectiveness doesn’t depend on the length of the heat treatment
- Wet heat treatment is more effective than dry heat treatment
- The vegetative form of bacteria has high resistance
- Dry heat treatment is more effective than wet heat treatment
- Wet heat treatment is more effective than dry heat treatment
What air speed should be provided in dairy cow barns in summer?
- 3.5-5.0 m/s
- 2.5 m/s
- > 3.5 m/s
- <1.5 m/s
- 2.5 m/s
What is the target dry matter content of the TMR for dairy cows?
- cca. 50%
- cca. 60%
- 32-36%
- 25-30%
- cca. 50%
How would you describe a modern barn?
- Technological systems can’t be changed without the changing of the structural elements
- Lot of human labour required
- Usually framework based
- Small size
- Usually framework based
How should you install the basin for wheel disinfection at the
farm’s gate?
- It should be deep enough to cover the whole wheel
- Sodium hypochlorite can be used in it as a disinfectant
- It must be used only in case of epidemic
- It should be long enough to park the whole vehicle in it.
- Sodium hypochlorite can be used in it as a disinfectant
Why do we use hot-wire anemometers?
- Because the temperature probe is constantly glowing, so it disinfect itself, it is recommended to use them form an epidemiological point of view in livestock buildings
- Because they are easier, and more reliable to use than windmill anemometers
- Because of their low energy demand, they are more economical to use.
- Because in closed livestock buildings, the air velocity is so low that we can`t accurately measure it with a windwheel anemometer, but with thermal wire equipment we can. Additionally, they are very accurate, not sensitive for wind direction
- Because in closed livestock buildings, the air velocity is so low that we can`t accurately measure it with a windwheel anemometer, but with thermal wire equipment we can. Additionally, they are very accurate, not sensitive for wind direction
Which word fits the finding: The sedimentation of airborne particles and their penetration within the respiratory tract largely depends on ………… ?
- The size and shape of particles
- The electrostatic charge of particles
- The water wapor content of air
- The water content of particles
- The size and shape of particles
What are the conditions for fungal toxin production
- Moldy fodder
- Weather, favorable soil
- Duration, sunlight
- Medium, water, oxygen, temperature
- Medium, water, oxygen, temperature
what is the great advantage of reticulo-ruminal electronic pH and temperature measuring sensors in determining ruminal acidosis over traditional diagnostic methods / ruminocentesis, ruminal sound) ?
- The fact that the pH of the reticulo-ruminal content is much more representative than what we can gain from traditional methods, because data can be collected from a large area
- The fact that two data (pH and temperature) are provided at the same time allow us to determine more accurately the degree of microbial activity in the rumen, since we can relative the measured data to reference values of fermentation heat production
- The fact that the pH and temperature of theruminal content can be measured at the same time over several weeks, whereas traditional methods can only provide information on a momentary state by sampling, even though we know that, in the case of SARA, pH fluctuates during the day. thus increasing the chance of getting a false negative result using conventional methods.
- The fact that, in the car of SARA, the pH and temperature values of thermuninal content vary according to a well-defined pattern, in relation to each other, and that conventional methods do not enable temperature to be measured with the same accuracy as in automatic system, therefore the relationship cannot be stablished with the required accuracy, so there will be a lot of fans results
- The fact that the pH and temperature of theruminal content can be measured at the same time over several weeks, whereas traditional methods can only provide information on a momentary state by sampling, even though we know that, in the case of SARA, pH fluctuates during the day. thus increasing the chance of getting a false negative result using conventional methods.
What is microclimate in livestock farming?
- A well-defined space, the climatic factors of which are specific, may even differ from the surrounding environment (special habitats, artificial objects such as stables, etc..)
- Microclimate is a combination of microbiological and environmental factors surrounding the animal
- A well defined space with known climatic and microbiological factors may differ significantly from parameters of the wider environment
- Climatic environment measured on the body surface of animals or in their immediate vicinity within 1 m
- A well-defined space, the climatic factors of which are specific, may even differ from the surrounding environment (special habitats, artificial objects such as stables, etc..)
List the most important toxins in plough-land molds
- Citrinin, patulin, trichothecene toxins, fumonisin B1-6
- Zearalenone, trichothecene toxins, fumonisin b1-6, satratoxins
- Satratoxins, fumonisins, rubratoxin, ochratoxin
- Aflatoxin, zearalenone, ochratoxin, trichothecene backbone toxins
- Zearalenone, trichothecene toxins, fumonisin b1-6, satratoxins
Skylights should be installed if the barn is wider than:
- 8m
- 12m
- 20m
- 5m
- 12m
Daily rumination (min) of the healthy fresh cows in the 1st week of lactation:
- 300-500
- 600-900
- 200-300
- 100-200
- 300-500
You detect fecal score 1 or 2 in a barn of dairy cows frequently. What nutritional factor should NOT be taken in account in the background?
- Protein in excess in the daily ration
- Na in excess in the daily ration
- Structural fiber in excess in the daily ration
- Starch in excess in the daily ration
- Structural fiber in excess in the daily ration
Not part of the resitance phase of the GAS:
- intensive insulin secretion
- large amount of glucocorticoid is produced in the adrenal cortex
- Due to the strong gluconeogenetic processes, there is hyperglycaemia throughout
- body meets most of its energy needs from fat burning
- intensive insulin secretion
Why is the use of automatic weight measurement system in broiler herds beneficial ?
- Because its a lot cheaper than having people do I´the measurement on a regular basis
- Because a computer connection instantly makes the weight of the birds known to the user and this has ip-to-date information
- Because it can continuously and automatically performs measurements without human intervention. This avoids the “borken” of birds. the occurrence of injuries at weighting. continuously measurement provide the farmer with a significant amount of accurate data to determine the optimal time of harvesting the broilers for sale
- Because there is no need to ensure the expensive vertification of animal scales, both the authorities and the purchase buyers are obligated to accept that data they measure
- Because it can continuously and automatically performs measurements without human intervention. This avoids the “borken” of birds. the occurrence of injuries at weighting. continuously measurement provide the farmer with a significant amount of accurate data to determine the optimal time of harvesting the broilers for sale
Which symptom is not part of the chronic stress?
- high blood sugar
- osteoporosis
- increased heart rate
- anorexia, weight loss
- increased heart rate
Mycotoxins regulation (Hungarian journal of Veterinary Medicine, 2003. 125. 506-508 )
- Toxic, depressive and tolerable mycotoxin concentration
- Toxic , carefree, regressive mycotoxin concentration
- Stimulating, sufficient and worried mycotoxin concentration
- Adequate, depressant and stimulating mycotoxin concentration
- Toxic, depressive and tolerable mycotoxin concentration
In what unit are airborne particles most often expressed?
- in ppm
- in g/m3
- in ppb
- Particulate Matter, PM (e.g.: PM2.5, PM10 etc.)
- Particulate Matter, PM (e.g.: PM2.5, PM10 etc.)
What typical of ultra fine fraction particles?
- Very irritating to the respiratory epithelial
- Particles can pass through the walls of the alveoli capillaries and can even cause thrombosis
- Particles damage the walls of the capillaries
- They can’t be detected
- Particles can pass through the walls of the alveoli capillaries and can even cause thrombosis
What are the stages of body reaction for ambient temperature change in terms of animal thermoregulation?
- Cold stress - comfort zone - heat stress
- Rapid cooling phase - cold phase - comfort phase - hot phase - rapid overheating phase
- Hypothermia - homeothermia - thermoneutral zone - hyperthermia
- Hypothermia - Survival Zone - Heat Stress
- Hypothermia - homeothermia - thermoneutral zone - hyperthermia
What factors reduce the harmful effects of mycotoxins in ruminants?
- Rumen acidosis
- Decrease in the number of protozoa and rumen bacteria
- Increasing the rate of rumen passage
- Optimal rumen fluid pH, normal rumen flora, normal passage
- Optimal rumen fluid pH, normal rumen flora, normal passage
Which statement is true?
- The subject “Animal Hygiene” systematise the preventive veterinary measures (Prenventive Veterinary Medicine)
- The Animal Hygiene focus on the therapy of the herd level diseases of farm animals
- The main scope of the subject “Animal Hygiene” is to summarize the knowledge of cleaning and disinfection in veterinary practice
- The Animal Hygiene systematise the higienic aspects of the therapy of infectious diseases of farm animals
- The subject “Animal Hygiene” systematise the preventive veterinary measures (Prenventive Veterinary Medicine)
What is the most effective solution for cooling cows in the barn in our climate?
- Cows are blown in the feeding area with high-speed fans and at the same time fine droplets of water are sprayed into the air
- Fine misty droplets of water are continuously injected into the air of the stable with misters (foggers) mounted on the fans while continuously operating them
- Cows are fired in the feeding area with high-speed fans.
- When the upper part of the body is moaned in a cycle of about 5 minutes with shower-like sprinklers (soakers) producing larger water droplets in the feeding area, then the animals are blown with fans (vetical or cylinder) for about 15 minutes, and in addition, horizontal (helicopter) fans are used to ensure continuous air movement over the resting
- When the upper part of the body is moaned in a cycle of about 5 minutes with shower-like sprinklers (soakers) producing larger water droplets in the feeding area, then the animals are blown with fans (vetical or cylinder) for about 15 minutes, and in addition, horizontal (helicopter) fans are used to ensure continuous air movement over the resting
What are the most important feature of Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) ?
- Professional management of livestock, continuous, real-time monitoring of production, health, animal welfare and animal reaction to the environment and changes thereto
- Use of State-of-the-art IT solution in livestock farming
- High level of planning and precision in production
- Rapid and large-scale increase in production level with the latest biotechnology solution in practice
- Professional management of livestock, continuous, real-time monitoring of production, health, animal welfare and animal reaction to the environment and changes thereto
Rumen Fill Scores of dairy cows gives information about:
- The sum of daily feed and water intake
- the Dry Matter Intake
- the Dry Matter Intake and the intensity of the ruminal outflow
- the Ruminal Degradibility of the crude fiber of the feeds (RDCF index)
- the Dry Matter Intake and the intensity of the ruminal outflow
when neutralizing faeces which waste category guidelines we must follow?
- category 1
- category 2
- category 3
- It is not a dangerous material; no special treatment is necessary
- category 2
What is the target Fecal Score for high producing dairy cows?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 3
What is the target Rumen Fill Score for dairy dry cows and heifers?
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 3,5
- 4
What is the maximum of the acceptable BCS loss of dairy cows at the first part of lactation?
- 1.0
- 2.0
- 44201
- 0.5
- 1.0
In which waste category do the manure belong?
- Category 1
- Category 2
- Category 3
- It is not a dangerous material; no special treatment is necessary
- Category 2
What term was introduced by Claude Bernard?
- distress
- homeostais
- eustress
- internal environment
- internal environment
How should you control the visitors in a farm?
They must enter through the black and white system changing room.
No control is necessary
Only the workers are allowed to enter.
Only the vehicle transport is dangerous. Visitors can enter at any time.
They must enter through the black and white system changing room.
In case of disinfection of barns, which is the fist step?
- Washing with high pressure washing systems.
- Soaking - wet cleaning
- Dry cleaning
- Gas disinfection.
- Dry cleaning
Grouping of stored feed based on mycotoxin contamination.
May not be used for animal feed at all
Can be used after 3 months of storage
Use without any concern, B. Conditionally usable, C. Unsuitable for use of any animal feeding
Can be used after ventilation
Use without any concern, B. Conditionally usable, C. Unsuitable for use of any animal feeding
Grouping of stored feed based on mycotoxin contamination.
Choose the only wrong answer!
Its use is not a concern because the concentration of mycotoxins is so low
that it is safe to use a batch that matches the sample
Its use is worry-free because it does not contain mycotoxins
Its use is worry-free because the mycotoxin content decreases during storage
Its use is not a concern because the animal species is not sensitive to the mycotoxin it contains
Its use is worry-free because the mycotoxin content decreases during storage
What instruments can we use the air movement?
- Anemometers (assembled with windwheels or hot-wire or sonic)
- Laser speedometer
- Air bags, psychometers
- Anemometers, turbulence meters, wind cameras
Anemometers (assembled with windwheels or hot-wire or sonic)
From an animal hygiene point of view, what are the most harmful gases?
- No, CO2
- NO, NO2, CO, CO2, SO2
- CO, CO2, H2S, NH3
- CO, CO2, NH3
- CO, CO2, H2S, NH3
What are the effects of stachiobotriotaxins in horses?
Immune boosting effect in young animals.
Epithelisation effect, especially around the genitals and anus.
Appetite enhancing effect especially in young animals
Dermatotoxic effect on skin and mucous membrane surfaces in contact with the toxin (tongue, nostrils, lips).
Dermatotoxic effect on skin and mucous membrane surfaces in contact with the toxin (tongue, nostrils, lips).