PPST Flashcards
- Content knowledge and its application within and across curriculum areas
- Research-based knowledge and principles of teaching and learning
- Positive use of ICT
- Strategies for promoting literacy and numeracy
- Strategies for developing critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills
- Mother Tongue, Filipino and English in teaching and learning
- Classroom communication strategies
Domain 1, Content Knowledge and Pedagogy,
- Learner safety and security
- Fair learning environment
- Management of classroom structure and activities
- Support for learner participation
- Promotion of purposive learning
- Management of learner behavior
Domain 2, Learning Environment
- Learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences
- Learners’ linguistic, cultural, socio-economic and religious backgrounds
- Learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents
- Learners in difficult circumstances
- Learners from indigenous groups
Domain 3, Diversity of Learners,
- Planning and management of teaching and learning process
- Learning outcomes aligned with learning competencies
- Relevance and responsiveness of learning programs
- Professional collaboration to enrich teaching practice
- Teaching and learning resources including ICT
Domain 4, Curriculum and Planning,
- Design, selection, organization and utilization of assessment strategies
- Monitoring and evaluation of learner progress and achievement
- Feedback to improve learning
- Communication of learner needs, progress and achievement to key stakeholders
- Use of assessment data to enhance teaching and learning practices and programs
Domain 5, Assessment and Reporting
- Establishment of learning environments that are responsive to community contexts
- Engagement of parents and the wider school community in the educative process
- Professional ethics
- School policies and procedures
Domain 6, Community Linkages and Professional Engagement,
- Philosophy of teaching
- Dignity of teaching as a profession
- Professional links with colleagues
- Professional reflection and learning to improve practice
- Professional development goals
Domain 7, Personal Growth and Professional Development,
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) Career Stages
have gained the qualifications recognized for entry into the teaching profession. They have a strong understanding of the subjects/areas in which they are trained in terms of content knowledge and pedagogy. They possess the requisite knowledge, skills, and values that support the teaching and learning process. They manage to learn programs and have strategies that promote learning based on the learning needs of their students. They seek advice from experienced colleagues to consolidate their teaching practice.
Career Stage 1 or Beginning Teachers
are professionally independent in the application of skills vital to the teaching and learning process. They provide focused teaching programs that meet curriculum and assessment requirements. They display skills in planning, implementing, and managing learning programs. They actively engage in collaborative learning with the professional community and other stakeholders for mutual growth and advancement. They are reflective practitioners who continually consolidate the knowledge, skills, and practices of Career Stage 1 teachers.
Career Stage 2 or Proficient Teachers
consistently display a high level of performance in their teaching practice. They manifest an in-depth and sophisticated understanding of the teaching and learning process. They have high education-focused situation cognition, are more adept in problem-solving, and optimize opportunities gained from experience. Career Stage 3 Teachers work collaboratively with colleagues and provide them support and mentoring to enhance their learning and practice. They continually seek to develop their professional knowledge and practice by reflecting on their own needs, and those of their colleagues and students.
Career Stage 3 or Highly Proficient Teachers
embody the highest standard for teaching grounded in global best practices. They exhibit the exceptional capacity to improve their own teaching practice and that of others. They are recognized as leaders in education, contributors to the profession and initiators of collaborations and partnerships. They create a lifelong impact in the lives of colleagues, students, and others. They consistently seek professional advancement and relevance in pursuit of teaching quality and excellence. They exhibit a commitment to inspire the education community and stakeholders for the improvement of education provision in the Philippines.
Career Stage 4 or Distinguished Teachers
recognizes the importance of teachers’ mastery of content knowledge and its interconnectedness within and across curriculum areas, coupled with a sound and critical understanding of the application of theories and principles of teaching and learning. This Domain encompasses teachers’ ability to apply developmentally appropriate and meaningful pedagogy grounded on content knowledge and current research. It takes into account teachers’ proficiency in Mother Tongue, Filipino, and English in the teaching and learning process, as well as needed skills in the use of communication strategies, teaching strategies, and technologies to promote high- quality learning outcomes.
Domain 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
highlights the role of teachers to provide learning environments that are safe, secure, fair and supportive in order to promote learner responsibility and achievement. This Domain centers on creating an environment that is learning-focused and in which teachers efficiently manage learner behavior in a physical and virtual space. It highlights the need for teachers to utilize a range of resources and provide intellectually challenging and stimulating activities to encourage constructive classroom interactions geared towards the attainment of high standards of learning.
Domain 2. Learning Environment
This Domain underscores the importance of teachers’ knowledge and understanding of, as well as respect for, learners’ diverse characteristics and experiences as inputs to the planning and design of learning opportunities. It encourages the celebration of diversity in the classrooms and the need for teaching practices that are differentiated to encourage all learners to be successful citizens in a changing local and global environment.
Domain 3. Diversity of Learners
addresses teachers’ knowledge of and interaction with the national and local curriculum requirements. This Domain encompasses their ability to translate curriculum content into learning activities that are relevant to learners and based on the principles of effective teaching and learning. It expects teachers to apply their professional knowledge to plan and design, individually or in collaboration with colleagues, well-structured and sequenced lessons. These lesson sequences and associated learning programs should be contextually relevant, responsive to learners’ needs and incorporate a range of teaching and learning resources. The Domain expects teachers to communicate learning goals to support learner participation, understanding, and achievement.
Domain 4. Curriculum and Planning
relates to processes associated with a variety of assessment tools and strategies used by teachers in monitoring, evaluating, documenting, and reporting learners’ needs, progress and achievement. This Domain concerns the use of assessment data in a variety of ways to inform and enhance the teaching and learning process and programs. It concerns teachers providing learners with the necessary feedback about learning outcomes. This feedback informs the reporting cycle and enables teachers to select, organize and use sound assessment processes.
Domain 5. Assessment and Reporting
affirms the role of teachers in establishing school-community partnerships aimed at enriching the learning environment, as well as the community’s engagement in the educative process. This Domain expects teachers to identify and respond to opportunities that link teaching and learning in the classroom to the experiences, interests, and aspirations of the wider school community and other key stakeholders. It concerns the importance of teachers’ understanding and fulfilling their obligations in upholding professional ethics, accountability, and transparency to promote professional and harmonious relationships with learners, parents, schools, and the wider community.
Domain 6. Community Linkages and Professional Engagement
focuses on teachers’ personal growth and professional development. It accentuates teachers’ proper and high personal regard for the profession by maintaining qualities that uphold the dignity of teaching such as caring attitude, respect, and integrity. This Domain values personal and professional reflection and learning to improve practice. It recognizes the importance of teachers assuming responsibility for personal growth and professional development for lifelong learning.
Domain 7. Personal Growth and Professional Development
Based on the ranks of teachers in the Philippines and the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST), the career stages can be categorized as follows:
Beginning Teachers (Career Stage 1):
Teacher 1
Proficient Teachers (Career Stage 2):
Teacher 2
Highly Proficient Teachers (Career Stage 3):
Teacher 3
Master Teacher I
Master Teacher II
Distinguished Teachers (Career Stage 4):
Master Teacher III
Principal I
Principal II
Principal III
Schools Division Superintendent
Bureau and Service Directors
Regional Directors
All Others Concerned
Career Stage 1BeginningTeacher I (0-3 years in service) T1
Career Stage 2 Proficient TI (4 years or more in service), T II, T III
Career Stage 3 Highly ProficientMT I, MT II, MT III, MT IV
Career Stage 4 Distinguished
Principal I, II, and III
Schools Division Superintendent, Bureau and Service Directors, Regional Directors,
and All Others Concerned
who pass theTeacher Entry Requirements and Recruitment and Hiring Stages. They obtain a Teacher 1 position and start their teaching career. After two or three years of teaching, which requires the help and guidance of more matured and seasoned teachers, they undergo a certification process for them to be qualified as proficient teachers.
Career Stage 1 (Beginning Teachers)
are those who occupy Teachers I, ll and lll positions who have served for four (4) years or more in the service. They are considered professionally independent teachers who now display skills in teaching.
Career Stage 2 (Proficient Teachers)
are those who occupy Master Teacher l and Master Teacher ll positions. They consistently display high level of performance in their teaching practice and they have the responsibility to support and mentor teachers from the two previous career stages
Career Stage 3 (Highly Proficient Teachers)