PPS Vocabulary Flashcards
Conviction or feeling of the truth of a proposition or condition. It may go no farther than intellectual assent; faith embodies a trust and confidence.
Concept Group:
Knowledge – Belief – Faith
Christ Within
The idea of Sonship, the Perfect Man as He must be held in the Mind of God.
Concept Group: The Christ – Christ Within – Holy Ghost
Conscious Mind
Spirit; the Self-knowing Mind in God or man. The Intelligence in the Universe which reveals Itself in all Its Creation. We cannot conceive of Universal Consciousness but we can glimpse it through our use of “the One Mind common to all individual men.”
Concept Group: Mind, Unconscious Mind, Thought, Unconscious Thought, One Mind, Our Mind, Conscious Mind, Creative Mind
Mental awareness. Both objective and subjective.
Concept Group: Consciousness, Objective Consciousness, Subjective Consciousness
Cosmic Conception
The Divine Mind giving birth to its idea.
Concept Group: Cosmic, Cosmic Conception, Cosmic Consciousness, Cosmic Mind, Cosmic Stuff, Cosmic Purpose, Cosmic Urge, Cosmos
Cosmic Consciousness
Perception of the Whole. Supreme, intuitive knowledge of the divine order, beyond intellectual comprehension.
Concept Group: Cosmic, Cosmic Conception, Cosmic Consciousness, Cosmic Mind, Cosmic Stuff, Cosmic Purpose, Cosmic Urge, Cosmos
Cosmic Mind
The Mind of God.
Concept Group: Cosmic, Cosmic Conception, Cosmic Consciousness, Cosmic Mind, Cosmic Stuff, Cosmic Purpose, Cosmic Urge, Cosmos
Cosmic Purpose
The ideas of Spirit propelling themselves into outer expression. The desire of Spirit executing Itself.
Concept Group: Cosmic, Cosmic Conception, Cosmic Consciousness, Cosmic Mind, Cosmic Stuff, Cosmic Purpose, Cosmic Urge, Cosmos
Cosmic Stuff
Undifferentiated Substance. Pure Spiritual Substance from which all things are made.
Concept Group: Cosmic, Cosmic Conception, Cosmic Consciousness, Cosmic Mind, Cosmic Stuff, Cosmic Purpose, Cosmic Urge, Cosmos
Cosmic Urge
The desire of Spirit to express itself.
Concept Group: Cosmic, Cosmic Conception, Cosmic Consciousness, Cosmic Mind, Cosmic Stuff, Cosmic Purpose, Cosmic Urge, Cosmos
The Universal World, visible and invisible. Any self-inclusive system, characterized by order and harmony.
Concept Group: Cosmic, Cosmic Conception, Cosmic Consciousness, Cosmic Mind, Cosmic Stuff, Cosmic Purpose, Cosmic Urge, Cosmos
The giving of form to the substance of Mind. Always was and will be. To be conscious is to create, because Spirit has to be conscious, and therefore must have something of which to be conscious. God making something out of Itself by becoming the thing It creates. Not making something out of nothing, but the passing of Substance into form, through a Law which is set in motion by the Word of Spirit.
Concept Group: Creation, Creator, Creative Medium, Creative Mind
Creative Medium
Universal–the World-Soul; Impersonal, having no personality of its own. Individual–subjective state of a man’s thought. Do not think of Soul and Spirit as separate; they are two parts or aspects of the same reality.
Concept Group: Creation, Creator, Creative Medium, Creative Mind
Creative Mind
The Universal Soul or Subjectivity. The Feminine Principle of the Universal Life.
Concept Group: Mind, Unconscious Mind, Thought, Unconscious Thought, One Mind, Our Mind, Conscious Mind, Creative Mind
Creative Mind
The Universal Soul or Subjectivity. The Feminine Principle of the Universal Life.
Concept Group: Mind, Unconscious Mind, Thought, Unconscious Thought, One Mind, Our Mind, Conscious Mind, Creative Mind
God. The immutable, inexorable, unchangeable Principle back of, and responsible for, all existence. The impersonal, Father-Mother God. The Limitless. The Whole.
Concept Group: Creation, Creator, Creative Medium, Creative Mind
Deductive reasoning
That process of reasoning which follows an already established premise. Reasoning from whole to part. God can only reason deductively. That which is Infinite does not have to inquire into Truth.
Concept Group: Reasoning, Deductive Reasoning, Inductive Reasoning, Trinity of Being, Triune Man
Spiritual demonstration is manifestation of Reality. We can demonstrate only at our ability to know. Treatment which leads to the demonstration is not for the purpose of making something happen, but is to provide an avenue, within ourselves, through which things may happen.
An impersonal thought force operating through people which does not belong to them at all. While in every case disease is an effect and must first have a subjective cause, nine times out of ten it is not conscious in the thought of the person who has it. Man if [is?] fundamentally perfect. Our whole premise is Perfect God, Perfect Man, Perfect Being.
Divine Ideal
Divine Ideas are the ideas of God. The Divine Ideal is the perfect image held forever in the Mind of God; the Perfect Body/Spiritual Body is the fulfillment of the Divine Ideal and the Real Man we hope to manifest. The pattern by which we try to bring out perfection in our lives.
The I Am of the Bible, the Christ, the perfect idea of God. In metaphysical terms, the Real Consciousness of man. In psychology, an organization or system of mental states.
Mental energy set in motion through feeling. Consciousness attendant upon other forms of consciousness (as perception or ideation) to which it gives their feeling tone. Emotion uncontrolled produces chaos; unexpressed it produces confusion, conflict, and complexes, for energy will have an outlet.
That which seems destructive. An experience of the soul on its journey toward the realization of Reality. A problem as long as we believe in it. Of itself, it is neither person, place nor thing, and will disappear in exact proportion that we cease using destructive methods. Exactly as long as we make mistakes shall we be automatically “punished.”
Passing of Spirit into form. The logical result of the outpush of Life into self-expression. Coming forth of Spirit into manifestation. Unfoldment of First Cause. Since the idea is still in an unfolding state, it appears as though we live in an imperfect universe. The time and process through which an idea unfolds into a higher state of manifestation; will go on forever. Concept group: Involution, Evolution
Spiritual conviction. A mental attitude so inwardly embodied that the mind can no longer deny it. Complete when both conscious and subjective acceptance. May be consciously generated. A belief in the presence of a n invisible principle and law which directly and specifically responds to us.
Concept Group:
Knowledge – Belief – Faith
Any definite outline in time and space, visible or invisible. The result of a definite idea. Real as form, but not self-conscious; subjective to the power that created it. Temporary. It is necessary that Spirit should manifest in some kind of form, in order that It may come into Self-expression through Self-realization. Unconscious Form, or Mirror of Matter, means that the material world reflects the forms of thought which the Soul holds before it. Form, or matter, has no volition and is not creative.
Man is created in the image of perfection and let alone and allowed to make the discovery for himself. Freedom of will means the ability to do, say and think as one wishes; to express life as one personally desires. The understanding of Truth—Infinite Principle—is the emancipator (ye shall know the truth). WE ARE BOUND BY OUR VERY FREEDOM; OUR FREE WILL BINDS US. THE UNIVERSE, BEING DEDUCTIVE ONLY, CANNOT REFUSE US ANYTHING.
Limitation is not a thing, not an entity, but a belief. Freedom is a Divine Reality.
The First Cause, the Great I Am, the Unborn One, the Uncreated, the Absolute or Unconditioned, the One and Only, Spirit, Creative Energy, Love, Wisdom, Intelligence, Power, Substance, Mind, Great Actor. The Truth which is real, the Principle which is dependable.
Concept group: God – God Consciousness – I Am
God consciousness
Man’s self-knowing mind is his Unity with the Whole, his perception of Reality. This Unity with God, on the conscious side of life, is the guarantee that man is a center of God-Consciousness, that he is some part of the Consciousness of God. Concept group: God – God Consciousness – I Am
Grace is the givingness of Spirit to Its Creation and is not a special law, but a specialized one. Grace is, but we need to recognize it. It is the logical result of the correct acceptance of life and of a correct relationships to the Spirit. We are saved by Grace to the extent that we believe in, accept, and work to embody, the Law of Good, for the Law of Good is ever a Law of Liberty.
Any act which has become a part of the subconscious mentality. Formed by first consciously thinking, then unconsciously acting. What one thinks today will tomorrow be part of his memory; and since memory is active, what he thinks today as a conscious thought will tomorrow be a submerged but active thought – habit. Concept Group: Memory – Habit
Mental healing means Mind healing. To make whole. To heal men’s mentalities, knowing that the bodies shall also be healed. Belief in duality has made man sick and the understanding of Unity will heal him. The substitution of Truth for sense-testimony, restoring man to a condition of wholeness.
Concept Group: Healing, Treatment
A state of happiness. Heaven is within; it revolves about us; the result of that atmosphere of conviction which our thought awakens within us. The Kingdom of Heaven is unformed, unlimited, unconditioned. It is eternal Reality. A good Place in which to live, if we abide in the Father and He in us.
Concept Group: Heaven, Hell, Kingdom
A discordant state of being. A belief in duality. A sense of separation from God. A belief that our good is always TO BE, and never is.
Concept Group: Heaven, Hell, Kingdom
Holy Ghost
The third Person of the Trinity. The Servant of the Spirit. Used in the sense of the World—Soul or Universal Subjectivity.
Concept Group: The Christ – Christ Within – Holy Ghost
I Am
The “I Am” is both individual and universal. The individual “I” is part of the Universal “I Am.” The “I am consciousness” means that part of thought, both conscious and subjective, which not only affirms its unity with God, but which also understands the meaning of its affirmation. Concept group: God – God Consciousness – I Am
A mental concept. Any object of the mind existing in apprehension (?), conception, or thought. The Ideas of God are the Divine Realizations of His Own Being. The real Ideas are eternal. No two ideas are alike, so no two things/realizations are alike.
Concept Group: Idea – Image – Prototype
The mental likeness of anything. The soul or subjective mind contains all of our thoughts as mental images or pictures.
Concept Group: Idea – Image – Prototype
Imagination is superior to will. Will is an assumption, pure and simple; we do not will to live, but live because we have life and cannot help living. We did not make Life and we cannot change It, but we can use It, and the use of Life is through the imagination. It carries feeling and conviction, i.e., life and action. Will power may be necessary as a directive agency, but as a creative agency it is non-existent. To feel that we have to will something to happen casts doubt into the face of Creation, and presupposes that Life is not Self-Existent and Self-Propelling.
Concept Group: Imagination – Will
The Real Idea of man, as distinguished from the outer personality. Each one is a separate entity in Mind and no two are alike. Each is an individualized center of God-Consciousness. We are born with our individuality.
Concept Group: Individuality, Personality
Inductive reasoning
An inquiry into Truth; a process of analysis. Reasoning from effect to cause.
Man can reason both inductively and deductively—from the Whole to the part, or the part to the Whole.
Concept Group: Reasoning, Deductive Reasoning, Inductive Reasoning, Trinity of Being, Triune Man
A temporary or permanent control of the conscious mind by the unconscious or subjective. We are all insane in such degree as we entertain wrong conclusions about life. Broader, a temporary or permanent loss of the objective faculties. The real mind cannot be deranged; a complete mental treatment for insanity is to know there is but One Mind, now functioning, perfectly.
Mental quality of analysis. That part of the mentality concerned with the acquisition and retention of knowledge as distinguished from the emotions and the will. When we combine thought with feeling, intellect with emotion, and add to this a recognition of the Father within, we have a power which is irresistible.