PPQs Flashcards
Total abdo Hysterectomy yesterday. Woman goes upstairs and faints. Normal BP. DX
Hypovolaemic shock
Gravidity and Parity Q - currently pregnant woman with hx of 1 x 37 week stillbirth, 1 x current 7 week pregnancy, 1 x premature baby, 1 x miscarriage
G4 P2+1
Lady who had a tear after delivering baby, a few days later has offensive discharge, no fever or other symptoms (last VSA of paper)
Infection of perineal wound
Girl with dyskaryosis has colposcopy and biopsy showing CIN1. When should next colposcopy be? 2 weeks?, 1 month?
12 months
30 yr woman with last menstrual period on 25th August, 31 days cycles. What is the EDD
June 4
Woman wants to terminate her 8 week pregnancy because she already has 3 children - which clause of the abortion act does this fall under?
45F. Wertheim’s hysterectomy. Last cervical smear 2 years ago. When next smear? 1 year?, no smears needed
no smears
Hysterectomy yesterday. How long to stay off work for: 48h/1w/4w/3 months
4 weeks
- Woman has come for a sterilisation, has had protected sex (definitely protected) since her last menstruation one week ago, just post-ovulation - immediate tx? Insert IUD, Cancel surgery, Continue with Surgery..
- Which test for Down syndrome screening at 15 weeks? Amniocentesis, NIPT (think its this as this was the only SCREEN), CVS
Woman had a 3B tear previously, what mode of delivery for current pregnancy?
- Girl has kid but has large tear a few years ago and is worried about this pregnant. What do you do different in this pregnancy? Prophylactic episiotomy. Elective C-section, episiotomy on the day
episiotomy on day
Woman gets headache 24hrs after delivery?? Post-dural headache, pre-eclampsia, migraines, cerebral vein thrombosis
Loss of libido. DHx COCP Cetirizine Salbutamol inhaler. What is the cause of loss of libido? Stress?
Test to do in woman who is scantily dressed, irritated,
Dad walked out asking about schizophrenia. Teenager daughter then asks at end of consultation whats the likelihood of schizophrenia herself - answer: arrange future consultation to discuss with her?
Paramedic sees a patient die 1 month ago. He is sad and can’t sleep. What Dx? PTSD or acute stress reaction, depression, adjustment disorder
Girl witnesses car crash and goes few hours later blind. Dissociative disorder? Acute stress reaction? Conversion disorder
acute stress reaction
Guy prescribed citalopram, name one possible side effect he should be told about?
low libido
Woman with dementia, which part of brain is likely to be affected early?
Woman believes celebrity is her lover and writers letters to him. Then stalks him
Man with hyper-reflexia and tremor, what drug
3 year old girl with tiredness and snoring, and frequent coughs and colds, and speech was normal but difficulty articulating words. What Ix
hearing test, karyotyping for downs?
On newborn check, inverted ankles and plantar flexed, what sign is this?
talipes equinovarus
5 year old kid with headache and bed wetting, low end of normal specific gravity
cranial DI
You are in GP, Child with croup comes in? Keep child calm and send to A&E, Other option was GP give oral dex and review in 48hrs
GP give oral dex and review
How should you give influenza vaccine to kid who is allergic to eggs, cow’s milk protein….? in hospital IM injection, in GP, etc..
4hr old new born baby has raised respiratory rate, everything else is normal
Maternal T1DM increases risk of what condition in newborn? Neural tube defects, hydronephrosis, gastrochisis, omphalocele, congenital diaphragmatic hernia
neural tube defects
Maintenance fluid to give to kid with diabetes mellitus - 0.9% saline, 0.9% saline with 5% dextrose, 0.9% saline with 4% dextrose
0.9% saline
- Pregnant woman has scan which shows anencephaly, until when can she have a TOP? Any point during this pregnancy, 24 weeks, 28 weeks, she can’t have one
- Kid from Pakistan whose parents are first cousins has acute respiratory failure and pneumocystis pneumonia, what dx? SCID, agammaglobulinemia, HIV, cystic fibrosis
- Neonate with fever, sunken fontanelle and reduced right leg movement, most likely dx? Osteomyelitis, NAI, sepsis
- Bilateral undescended testes in a phenotypically male newborn examination, most likely dx? Klinefelter’s, retractile testes, androgen insensitivity syndrome, increased oestrogen exposure in utero, physiological delay
physiological delay
- 14-year old girl presented to GP with short stature and no secondary sexual characteristics. Otherwise well. The mean parental height is on the 50th centile. What is most likely dx? Constitutional delay, Turner’s syndrome
- Raised conj bili in a 3w old kid, what would you do next? Phototherapy, outpatient USS, inpatient USS
inpatient USS
- Kid falling to the ground with stiffening and tightening of hands, and screaming. Otherwise normal development. Dx? (repeat) Tonic clonic seizures, Temper tantrums, Reflex anoxic seizure
temper tantrums
- Between 5-10 year old with abdominal pain, loose stools and soiling. Passed a hard blood-streaked stool recently. Ix? (repeat) None at this stage, colonoscopy, anti-ttg, abdominal x-ray
- 3 year old girl well-kempt, who has reached developmental milestones, nursery comments that she does not speak much, her mother says at home she is well-behaved and plays alone quietly. Most likely diagnosis? Environmental understimulation, neglect, Alport syndrome, selective mutism, Autism
- Child with bruises all over knees after being able to walk, some swelling in knee joint. Dx?
- Adolescent with 6m or so of depression symptoms, what’s the next step in management? CBT, family therapy, sertraline, fluoxetine
- Man with OCD, CBT and SSRI aren’t working, what would you do next? Clomipramine
- Man with OCD, CBT and SSRI aren’t working, what would you do next? Clomipramine
- Man with OCD, CBT and SSRI aren’t working, what would you do next? Clomipramine
- Man with OCD, CBT and SSRI aren’t working, what would you do next? Clomipramine
- Man with OCD, CBT and SSRI aren’t working, what would you do next? Clomipramine
- Man with OCD, CBT and SSRI aren’t working, what would you do next?
- 45 y/o man believes he is dead and does not exist. He says he feels miserable most of the time, and that his wife left him for another man 5 months ago. He has increased his alcohol intake and now has 3 pints of lager every day, and occasionally smokes cannabis. He has lost 7kg in weight over 3 months. What is the most likely diagnosis?
depression + psychosis
- Patient on anti-depressant has long QT on ECG. Which medication?
- Woman (19 years old) on microgynon 30 who smokes a bit starts developing migraines w/o aura, what would you do? Keep her on it and offer smoking cessation, change to POP, continue and give sumitriptan
change to POP
- Rh negative, minor bleed at 9 weeks, resolves in 48 hours. What do you do? Nothing, Anti-D, Kleihauer
- What would NSAID use in the last trimester lead to?
Closure of DA
- Woman after diagnostic laparoscopy had acute urinary retention which was treated and then had the catheter removed, when can she safely go home? When she has passed 200mls, when there is 100 mls post-void volume, when there is 20ml post-void volume…
100ml post void
- Woman planning to mix feed her baby after birth. When can she expect period to return? Within 6 weeks, within 6 months, can’t say, when she stops breastfeeding
6 weeks
- Lady with ectopic wants to know how long after methotrexate tx you can/should wait to get pregnant?
3 months