PPE Flashcards
What is an NRV?
A net realizable value is the estimated proceeds from the sale of a fixed asset less the estimated disposal costs (eg commissions) incurred to complete the sale.
What is the meaning of a fair value?
This is simply the price received to sell an asset or transfer a liability from an orderly transaction between market participants on a specific date.
How do you calculate Recognized gain?
Cash received/cash received + FV of asset received * Total gain
When does the recipient recognizes a proportional amount of gain?
If the non monetary exchange lacks commercial substance and cash is received in the process, the recipient recognizes a proportional amount of the gain. However, if the cash proceeds is greater than 25% of the total consideration received then all gain is recognized.
What is a double-declining balance depreciation (DDB)?
This is an accelerate method mostly used when the depreciation is higher during the early years of an asset’s life and decreases each year.
How do you calculate the annual depreciation expense under the double-declining balance depreciation method?
Carrying value * 2/useful life.
To solve for carrying value the formula is cost - accumulated depreciation.
How do you calculate the depreciation expense per unit?
Depreciation expense per unit = cost - salvage value/ total units in asset’s life.
How do you calculate depreciation expense for the year if you have the depreciation expense per unit?
Depreciation expense per unit * Units produced during the year
What transactions do you capitalize as part of land & building, when acquire this asset?
Land = includes delinquent taxes, clearing, grading and razing(demolishing) and existing structures on the land, less any scrap proceeds.
Building = includes excavation, architects’ fees, construction costs and capitalized interest.
What is an Asset retirement Obligation(ARO)?
An ARO represents a future liability associated with the retirement of an asset used in operations. The ARO is typically recorded at the fair value of the liability with a corresponding increase to the cost of the asset. A periodic accretion expense is always recorded to increase the liability to its future value (FV).
Note: An ARO is recorded at fair value(FV) of the liability. The FV usually equals the present value(ie. the discounted cash flows)
When does an impairment occurs?
An impairment(i.e decline in value or usefulness) of a long-lived asset used in operations occurs when the carrying value(CV) of an asset is not recoverable and a write-off is deemed necessary. This simply means a long-lived asset is impaired when its CV exceeds its fair value(FV).
What expenditures makes an asset ready for use?
Shipping (freight-in), Purchasing, Installation, Taxes & Test Runs.
Acronym = SPITT
What expenditures makes an asset ready for use?
Shipping (freight-in), Purchasing, Installation, Taxes & Test Runs.
Acronym = SPITT
What is a straight-line depreciation method?
This is a method applied when long-term assets are used consistently. This method allocates depreciation expense evenly so that the same amount of the depreciable base is allocated each year.
The formula is Cost - Salvage Value/Years of life.
What are the information that is typically included in the notes of the financial statements regarding PPE per GAAP?
The required disclosures for PPE are:
- Method(s) used in computing depreciation.
- Depreciation expense for the period.
- Accumulated depreciation by major classes or in total.
- Carrying value of depreciable assets by nature or function.
How do you calculate the ending ARO balance?
Beginning Balance + New Obligations + Accretion Expense = Ending Balance
What is the meaning of CAPITALIZED when accounting for PPE?
This is simply the recording of expenditure (ie, money spent) as an asset. In order words any expenditures to make an asset ready for use must be capitalized as part of the asset’s accounting costs.
What is the meaning of CAPITALIZED when accounting for PPE?
This is simply the recording of expenditure (ie, money spent) as an asset. In order words any expenditures to make an asset ready for use must be capitalized as part of the asset’s accounting costs.
How do you calculate depletion?
Step 1 = Finding the volume
Step 2 = Calculate cost per unit (Cost-salvage value/volume
Step 3 = Cost per unit * units extracted = Depletion in Inventory.
Final Step = Cost per unit * Units sold
How do you calculate a partial year depreciation expense?
Partial year depreciation expense = Annual depreciation expense * fraction of year.
What is the meaning of commercial substance when dealing with asset acquisition?
An asset is considered to have commercial substance if it’s expected that an entity’s future cash will change as a result of a business transaction.
How do you calculate a gain recognition?
Gain recognized = cash received/cash received + FV of asset received.
How do you calculate weighted average accumulated expenditures?
Expenditure * months outstanding/capitalization period
What expenditures should be capitalized?
Any expenditures to enhance (ie. add capabilities, improve efficiency) an existing asset or to extend its useful life are considered capital improvements and are capitalized (ie, added to the asset’s value).
How do you calculate accretion expense?
Accretion expense = ARO liability * credit adjusted risk-free interest rate