PP semester cards Flashcards
Upper Inflection point (UIP)
- Point on the P-V curve where compliace deteriorates at high pressure
- Keep the PIP below the UIP to prevent high pressure
normal value of airway resistance
0.6-2.4 cm H2O
19 (alveolar ducts, 0.5 mm)
cilia disappear
Static compliance equations
Fast twitch glycolytic fibers
good for brief periods of high work load (high strength, poor endurance)
- Decrease ST
- Keeps Alveoli Stable
- Decreases WOB
- increases lung compliance
Metabolic WOB
the amount of O2 consumption by the ventilatory muscles while the muscles perform a certain tasked compared to the total VO2 of the body.
Resistance formula
Canals of Lambert
Airway functions
- Filter
- Warm
- Humidifying
- Air conduction
- Phonation and smell
conditions resulting in decrease amounts of surfactant
- Pulmonary embolism
- Shallow breathing
- newborn respiratory distress syndrome
14 (Bronchioles)
no goblet cells and cells become cuboidal
Airway resistance equation
10-11 generation (Bronchioles, 1 mm)
Cartilage disappears
what are the components of mechanical WOB?
- Pressure loads
- Volume Loads
- Flow Loads
Laminar flow is determined by
Formula for Compliace
clt= Vt/(Pplat-peep)
Normal values are 50-100 mL/cm H20
Consequences of surfactant deficiency
- stiff lungs
- Atelectasis
- fluid filled alveoli
- increase WOB
in work of breathing when resistance increases
Slanted resistance Pressure volume loop
Two Factors of Alveolar Stability
- Critical opening pressure
- The pressure at which the collapsed respiratory zone of the lung *ALVEOLI* open
- Critical closing pressure
- The pressure at which the unstable respiratory zone of the lung *alveoli* collapse
P0.1 (P100) normal value and why we measure it?
Normal Value is -2 to -5 cm H2O
- 1 would indicate a low central drive to breath
- 6 would indicate a high central drive to breath
Nasal Passages
- Turbinates- 3 Bony projections in the nasal cavity, increases surface area
- Meati- passageways resulting from the bony projections
- Nasal Septum- often defects left, possibly making the right side more accessible for catheters
17 (respiratory bronchioles)
smooth muscle starts to thin out and disappear
Time constant is ?
Amount of time needed to fill or empty 63% of the lung. Actual time varies according to regions resistance and compliance.
The capability of system to maintain flow
23-24 (alevoli)
squamous cells
Text book values of compliace
Lung compliance = 200 mL/cm H2O
Thorax compliance= 200 mL/cm H20
CLT= 100 mL/cm
Turbulent flow is determined by
increase compliance will result in
a more vertical pressure volume loop
Pores of Kohn
two sources of increased fatigue?
Decreased supply and increased demand
decreased compliance is seen in?
- Tension Pneumothorax
- Mainstem intubation
- Pleural effusion
- Atelectasis
- Pulmonary edema and CHF
- Lung resection
- Lung consolidation
- Hyperinflation
- Pulmonary Fibrosis
- Pneumonia
Channel’s of Martin
air moves from one area of lung to another
Increase compliance
- Flail Chest
- Elderly
- Emphysema
slow twitch oxidative fibers
55% of fibers, use in quiet breathing (good endurance, modest strength)
Factors that prevent atelectasis
- Collateral Ventilation
- Surfactant
- interdependance of lung units