Pozdravy a Frázy - Greetings and Phrases Flashcards
Na Zdravie!
- Cheers
- Bless you
1.Hello - Informal, singular
2.Goodbye - Informal, singular
1.Hello - Informal, plural
2.Goodbye - Informal, plural
Ako sa máš?
How are you? - Informal
Literal Translation - How do you have yourself?
Ako sa máte?
How are you? - Formal
Literal Translation - How do you have yourself?
Ako sa povie … po anglicky?
How do you say … in English?
Ako sa povie … po slovensky?
How do you say … in Slovak?
1.Hello - Informal, singular
2.Goodbye - Informal, singular
1.Hello - Informal, plural
2.Goodbye - Informal, plural
Dobré ráno
Good morning
Dobrú chuť
Bon appetit!, Enjoy your meal!
Literal Translation - Good taste
There is no verb used in this sentence but the Accusative case is used because you are basically saying Have a good meal.
Dobrú noc
There is no verb used in this sentence but the Accusative case is used because you are basically saying Have a good night.
Dobrý deň
Hello - Formal
Literal Translation - Good Day
Dobrý večer
Good evening
Goodbye - On the phone
Basically its saying until we hear each other again
Goodbye - general, in person
Basically its saying until we see each other again
Mám sa dobre.
I’m well.
Mám sa zle.
I’m bad. I’m not well.
Nech sa páči!
Alebo - Páči sa!
- Here you are!
- Next
- After you
Literal Translation - Let it please
- Can be used with giving or passing something to somebody or offering someone a seat
Nehovorím po slovensky.
I don’t speak Slovak.
Nerozumiem po slovensky.
I don’t understand Slovak.
Nič sa nestalo
It doesn’t matter. No problem. It’s OK.
Sorry - Informal
Sorry - formal or to a group of people
- Please
- Pardon?
- You’re welcome
- Can I help you?
- Hello - on the telephone
Teší ma.
Pleased/Nice to meet you.
Tešilo ma.
It was nice to meet you.
At the end of a conversation