Powers of Congress Flashcards
For a federal law to be constitutional:
- There must be a congressional power that justifies it
- Must not violate a constitutional right
For a state law to be constitutional:
Must not violate a right
Source’s of Congress’s legislative power
- Enumerated Powers
- Enabling Clauses (13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments)
- Necessary and Proper Clause
What can Congress regulate under its Commerce Power?
- channels of interstate commerce (i.e., highways, waterways, and air traffic);
- instrumentalities of interstate commerce (i.e., cars, trucks, ships, and airplanes); and
- activities that “substantially affect” interstate commerce.
What are the elements of SET?
Requirements for exercising commerce power under substantial effects test:
Congress must show:
- that the regulated activity is “economic” in nature; and
- that the regulated activity (when taken cumulatively throughout the nation) has a substantial effect on interstate commerce
Taxing Power
Congress has the power to:
- lay and collect taxes,
- duties,
- imposts, and
- excises to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare.
Spending Power
Congress has the powere to spend for the general welfare
Congress may place a condition on receipt of federal funds if 5 requirements are met:
- the spending serves the general welfare;
- the condition is unambiguous;
- the condition relates to the federal program;
- the state is not required to undertake unconstitutional action; and
- the amount in question is not so great as to be considered coercive to the state’s acceptance
War and Defense Powers
- declare war;
- raise and support armies;
- provide and maintain a navy; and
- organize, arm, discipline, and call forth a militia.
Investigatory Power
- Necessary and Proper Clause allows Congress to conduct investigations incident to its legislative power
- The power extends to any matter related to its lawmaking power
Power of Eminent Domain
congress has power to take private property
BUT, if congress takes, it must pay just compensation
Admiralty and Maritime Power
power to fix and determine the maritime laws throughout the country
Bankruptcy Power
Congress has the power “to establish uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States
Postal Power
Congress has the power to establish post offices
Copyright and Patent Power
Congress may “promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries
Speech and Debate Clause
Cannot punish a senator or representative for acts that occur in the regular course of the legislative process
What are the Civil War Amendments
13th Amendment
Rcial discrimination - private OR public
14th Amendment
Can enforce equal protection and due process rights.
Enforcement must have CONGRUENCE and PROPORTIONALITY between injury prevention and means adopted to achieve.
15th Amendment
Bans race discrimination in voting
To validly enforce the Fourteenth or Fifteenth Amendment, Congress must show that
- state governments have engaged in widespread violations of the amendment; and
- the legislative remedy is “congruent with and proportional to” the violations.
Delegation Power
Congress can create an agency and gives that agency the power to make rules that have the force of law
*There must be some intelligible principle guiding the agency
What is the necessary and proper clause?
Power to enact any legislation necessary/proper to execute federal government authority
o But clause not independent source of power so must carry into effect other enumerated powers
Congress power over aliens and citizenship
- Plenary power over aliens
- Subject to due process clause
- Exclusive authority over naturalization
Limitation of congressional power over judicial judgments?
Congress cannot reinstate right to bring legal action after judgment is final
Legislative immunity?
- No civil/criminal liability for statements and conduct made in regular course of legislative process