Powerpoint, Week 3 (Qualitative Research) Flashcards
What kind of qualitative research does this describe?
- involves description and interpretation of cultural behavior
- researcher is the outsider
- CULTURE is the keyword
- researcher seeks to understand the member’s world view
- undertake extensive fieldwork to learn about cultural group
- provides rich and holistic descriptions of the culture (nursing home, restaurant/bar, hospital etc)
- relies on wide variety of data sources to gather info (participant observation, in-depth interviews, records, charts, photos)
- enlist help of individuals that help them understand and interpret events (these are also known as key informants) because you can’t just enter another person’s culture
Is this an emic or etic perspective:
how member’s envision their world (insider view)
Is this an emic or etic perspective:
how outsiders’ interpret the experiences of that culture
What type of qualitative research does this describe?
- goal is to understand people’s everyday lived experience
- useful when a phenomenon has been poorly defined/conceptualized (when you want more info on it)
- in-depth convo with informants to gain access to their world and lived experiences
- researchers often maintain a reflexive journal
This is what type of descriptive nonexperimental research:
- seeks to discover that the main concern and basic social process of how people resolve that concern (problem emerges from the data)
- develop a theory to explain a basic social process grounded in data
- represents an abstraction of participants actions and their meaning
- in-depth interviews and observations are used by researchers (collect and categorize data, describe emerging central phenomenon, recycle earlier steps)
- primary procedure is CONSTANT COMPARISON (categories from data are constantly compared with earlier data to identify commonalities and variations)
- essentially, researcher is constantly looking fwd and constantly looking back at data to see what theory is being formed
Grounded Theory
True or False: The difference between phenomenological and grounded theory is that grounded theory comes strictly from the researcher’s perspective.
This is what type of descriptive nonexperimental research:
- systematic collection, critical evaluation, and interpretation of historical evidence
- answer questions about causes, effects, or trends in past events
- seek to explain why things happen
- historical inquiry seeks to gain new knowledge instead of summarizing existing knowledge
- data for historical research usually in written form (primary and secondary)
Historical Research
Does this describe primary or secondary written information in historical research:
- textbooks
- references
- newspaper articles
secondary (second hand or third hand accounts)
Does this describe primary or secondary written information in historical research:
- diaries
- writing from historic important persons
- actual meeting notes
primary (first hand original documents)
This is what type of descriptive nonexperimental research:
- in-depth investigation of a single entity
- the case itself is central to understanding why individual thinks, behaves, or develops in a particular manner (single-case study, multiple case study, holistic study, embedded design)
- wide variety of data like interviews, observations, documents, and artifacts used
- this type of research happens in clinical practice a lot
Case Studies
This is what type of descriptive nonexperimental research:
- the “story” is the focus of the inquiry
- examine how individuals make sense of events in their lives
- focus on the broad contours of a narrative so stories are not fractured/dissected
- underlying premise is that people most effectively make sense of their world and communicate these meanings
- constructing, reconstructing, narrating stories
- consists of an abstract, orientation, complicating action, evaluation, results, and coda (perspective - ties what happens back to the present)
- researchers rrative Analysis
This is what type of descriptive nonexperimental research:
- integrate theory and practice such that people become aware of contradictions and disparities in their beliefs and social practice (become inspired to change them)
- calls for inquiry that fosters enlightenment, self-knowledge, and sociopolitical action
- begins with thorough analysis of aspects of the problem
- often triangulate multiple methodologies and emphasize multiple perspectives (combining multiple methods to get different perspectives - to maybe make it more valid)
- researchers typically interact with study participants in ways that emphasize participant expertise
Critical Theory
This is what type of descriptive nonexperimental research:
- researchers and study participants collaborate in a research process (define the problem, select the research methods, analyze the data, decide on the use to which findings are placed)
- aim is not just to produce knowledge, but action and consciousness raising
- produce an impetus (stimulus) that is directly used to make improvements (i.e. education, sociopolitical action)
- researchers usually worked with groups or communities that are vulnerable to the control or oppression of a dominant group/culture
Participatory Action Research