Powerpoint slides Flashcards
Categorical Classification
- Emil Kraepelin
- Assumes that disorders have specific etiologies, pathologies, and treatments
- Assumes disorders are qualitatively distinct from normal functioning and from one another
Limitations of Categorical Classification
- Doesn’t account for comorbidity—the co-occurrence of distinct disorders, apparently interacting with one another
- Certain disorders do not have distinct boundaries
- Symptoms may be better viewed along continuous dimensions of functioning
Limitations of Categorical Classification: Comorbidity
Approximately 95% of individuals in a clinical setting who meet criteria for lifetime major depression or dysthymia also meet criteria for a current or past anxiety disorder; suggests the presence of a common, shared pathology
Limitations of Categorical Classification: Boundaries
- No meaningful distinction can be made among many psychological disorders (e.g., early-onset dysthymia and depressive personality disorder)
- Difficult to distinguish between normal expression of a negative emotion and having a mental disorder
- Duration cutoffs are seemingly arbitrary
Limitations of Categorical Classification: Boundaries cont.
- Substance Abuse and Dependence
- Diagnosis does still refer to a disease, but one that is developed through normal social learning history
- This diagnosis has been broadened in DSM-5, referred to as a behavioral addiction that includes pathological gambling
- Diagnosis does still refer to a disease, but one that is developed through normal social learning history
Limitations of Categorical Classification: Boundaries cont.
Addiction and Related Disorders cont.
-The boundary between a behavioral addiction and substantial interest in an activity that a person finds highly pleasurable is difficult to
Limitations of Categorical Classification: Boundaries cont.
Personality Disorders
Boundaries: with other mental disorders
-No clear or consistent boundary between the personality disorders and many other mental disorders, particularly certain mood, anxiety, impulse dyscontrol, and psychotic disorders
-Excessive participation in shopping, sex, or the Internet were considered for DSM-5
-Boundaries with other personality disorders
-Five factor model
Limitations of Categorical Classification: Boundaries cont.
- Intellectual Disability
- Precedent for dimensional classification
- Intellectual disability in DSM-5 continues to be diagnosed along a continuum of intellectual and social functioning
- Intellectual disability may serve as an effective model for the classification of the rest of the diagnostic manual
Dimensional Classification
- Symptoms reflect quantitative deviations from normal functioning along particular dimensions to create a profile of emotional functioning
- Allows for a distinction between being “very sad” and having a major depressive disorder
- Primary goal of the authors was to shift to a dimensional system
- However, it is acknowledged that DSM-5 remains a categorical classification of separate disorders
- Largely rejected by NIMH in favor of the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC)