Power train Flashcards
Which transmissions do not have an auxiliary lubrication system?
Engine XMSN
How can you identify low oil pressure in the aft vertical shaft?
Maintenance Panel (Confirm with FE) and Caution on WCA
What indication will the crew have when a debris screen is bridged with conductive
Debris indication on EICAS, Maintenance Panel, and WCA
The ______________________lubrication system lubricates the main generators?
AFT XMSN Main lubrication system
What should you do if you find an engine or combining transmission oil quantity indication low and the aircraft has been shut down for more than 30 minutes?
5 min GND Test then recheck
What is the purpose of the 9 and 4 degree tilt in the aft and forward transmissions?
Aids in Ground Handling and Ground Taxiing
What is the location of the temperature/thermal switch that turns on the ENG1 or ENG2 XMSN warning?
Bottom of ENG XMSN, next to chip detector (ENG XMSN Thermoswitch)
The fluid levels in the combining and engine transmission should be checked within
________minutes after engine shutdown?
Why must you reduce the electrical load if the AFT XMSN OIL HOT caution light is active?
Aft XMSN main lube cools Generators
What will happen if the maintenance panel is tested in-flight?
Same as on Ground, Everything will light up
What is the emergency procedure for the ENG1 or ENG2 XMSN warning is active?
Affected ENG XMSN Check
Land as soon as possible
How many synchronizing drive shafts are installed on the CH-47F?
9 (7 forward, 2 aft)
What is the emergency procedure if the AFT XMSN OIL HOT caution is active?
Electrical load - Reduce (as much as possible)
What is the emergency procedure if the ENG1 or ENG2 XMSN PRESS LO caution is active and power is required for flight?
Exceeding VNE with the LCT retracted places excessive stress on what component?
Thrust Bearing (in aft shaft)
Aft vertical shaft!!!
What is the emergency procedure if only the XMSN AUX PRESS LO caution is active and main oil pressures and temperatures are normal?
Land as soon as practicable
What is the emergency procedure if the (FWD, COMB, or AFT) XMSN PRESS LO and XMSN AUX PRESS LO cautions are active and the XMSN AUX PRESS LO caution is from the same transmission?
Land as soon as possible
What items in the drive-train system allows the shaft assemblies to flex?
Flex coupling assembly
Flexible Coupling Plates (multiple layers), which makes them flexible and strong
What is the emergency procedure if the AFT XMSN CHIP caution is active?
Land as soon as possible
What action should you take if the XMSN DEBRIS caution is active latch for the forward transmission and cannot be reset?
Land as soon as possible
What reduces vibration between drive shafts and aircraft?
Elastomer shock mounts (LORD Mounts)
What is the emergency procedure the pilots must accomplish if the LH or RH COMB
DEBRIS caution is active?
RGT- Reset, LASAP if it stays on or comes back on
Type of shaft between the engine and engine xmsn?
quill shaft