Power plant Flashcards
Identify the three engine mounted components that have impending bypass indicators that should be checked on pre-flight inspection?
Main fuel filter
In-line fuel filter
Main oil filter
Identify at what Power Turbine Inlet Temperature, time limited operation begins?
Above 816 deg C
Identify the component that supplies the engine oil pressure signal that is seen on the powertrain portion of the engine interment page?
Oil pressure transmitter
What does the load share switch on the FADEC control panel allow the pilot to choose for engine load share?
In relation to FADEC system what component is installed in the flight control closet for the purpose of sending thrust position and rate information to the ECU’s to eliminating rotor droop?
Thrust CPT
Before turning on the backup power switch during engine startup what CAUTION’s are you looking for to be ACTIVE?
1 and 2 FADEC Cautions
What Position should the ECL’s be in to see Bit Codes on the DECU/ECU’S?
Ground (ground to flight)
Engine FAULT detected by the DECU/ECU that does not impact the normal control of the engine is a _____ Fault.
Soft fault
An engine FAULT that could cause unacceptable engine or aircraft performance is a ______ Fault.
Hard fault
When the Ignition Lock Switch (key) is in and ON this supplies power to the circuit of what two components on the engine for the purpose of engine starting?
ignition Exciters and start fuel solenoids
Spark and fuel
Explain why you should delay turning second generator ON for 2 seconds when turning APU GEN Off and turning on Main GEN’s?
Will give the ECU time to sample power without causing a soft fault
Identify the FADEC Modes of operation the Bleed Band system automatically operates?
Primary modes (“snaps”) Reversionary modes (“modulates”)
When ENG1 or ENG2 FADEC and/or REV1 or REV2 FAIL Cautions are active, what switch can be toggled to reboot the microprocessor’s in the DECU/ECU?
PRI/REV switch
With a FADEC 1 or FADEC 2 failure, what does the pilot use to keep the engines matched in torque or PTIT Load shear?
INC/DEC switch
In the event of an engine compressor stall what is the first step?
- Thrust CONT lever — Reduce.
Identify the Underlined Steps for ABORT START.
(1) 1. ENG COND Lever — STOP.
2) 2. ENG START Switch — Motor (if high PTIT is indicated
Identify the Underlined Steps for EMER ENG SHUTDOWN.
ENG COND Lever -Stop
Fire PULL Handle-Pull
Fire PULL Handle-Twist
Full Authority Digital Electronic Control
Hydromechanical Metering Assembly
Ratio Detector Power Supply
Accessory Gear Box
What is the efficacy of EAPS and how are they mounted?
EAPS is 94% effective at filtering the air, EAPS is mounted on a rail system
What oil do the engines use?
Green can oil
Where do NG indications come from?
from the NG speed sensor on the back of the oil pump
If you are in a fixed fuel situation how do you reset the computer?
cycle the PRI/REV switch
what is the purpose of the oil flow programming valve?
prevent coking
what inhibits NP overspeed?
overspeed solenoid valve
What should you refer to when checking the fire bottle suppression pressure?
The checklist
what component provides fuel for engine start?
start fuel solenoid valve
How do we detect PTIT?
Probes and thermal bus bar
What provides engine torque data to EICAS?
Torque junction box
during pre-flight inspection what are you checking engine fluid lines for?
Leaks and chaffing
functions of liquid to liquid cooler?
cool oil and heat fuel