Power Scheme Blocking Flashcards
Are Fly Sweep, Power Read, Flash Sweep & Power all blocked the same way by the Offensive Line?
If I’m the playside Tackle and there is no TE and a Defender is lined up on my outside/playside shoulder do I block him if the play called is a Power Scheme play?
NO! I am responsible for my inside Gap, double or up to linebacker. The EMO will be either read or kicked out by another player.
When we run a Power Scheme play what do we want our playside linemen to form?
A wall of down blocks from the TE or Tackle all the way to the Center.
Who is responsible for the playside A gap in a Power Scheme play?
The playside Guard
Who is reponsible for the backside A gap in a Power Scheme play?
The Center.
On Power Read, Fly Sweep & Flash Sweep who are we reading?
The EMO. He could be lined up on the outside shoulder of our Tackle. He could be standing up outside of our Tackle or TE. The Quarterback is responsible for the EMO.
Who is the Backside Guard responsible for on Power Read, Fly Sweep & Flash Sweep?
The 1st linebacker to the playside of the Center.
What type of pull does the Backside Guard use on a Power Scheme play?
Skip Pull
When skip pulling should my shoulders be facing the line of scrimmage or should they turn to face the sideline as I pull?
The Line of Scrimmage
Should I “assist” my teammates by pushing them in the back if they are not getting movement on their man or double team as I skip pull behind them?
Yes, I should use my inside hand to give them an extra shove and keep my outside hand free to pick up any blitzing backers.
What should the BS Tackle do on a Power Scheme run?
Step down and fill the gap that the Guard left vacated. Do not let ANYONE penetrate to your inside, you may need to use a cut off block or cut block to slow pursuit.
Should the TE & Tackle double team the defender head up on the Tackle?
Yes, unless the tackle has someone threatening his inside gap. The TE should Combo up to the Middle Linebacker or backside Linebacker if the do not have a true middle linebacker.