Power imbalance Flashcards


sensitivity to power imbalance
Manages Power Issues

  1. Recognise the power imbalance
  2. take actions to minimize the imbalance e.g. shared decision making, allow client to express, empower, offer choices, mutual agreement
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Example of power imbalance (job interview failure)


In the vocational rehabilitation case of an individual with ASD who has experienced multiple job interview failures, I recognize the inherent power imbalance that may exist in our client-therapist relationship. This power dynamic can stem from factors such as my access to the client’s vocational history and assessments, as well as the client’s perception of me as the expert in vocational rehabilitation, and their belief that OT is the decision-maker regarding assessment and treatment services.

My goal was to minimize power differentials and empower the client to take an active role in their vocational rehabilitation journey

1. I make sure the client is involved in decision-making and feels confident in the vocational rehabilitation process. In our sessions, I create a supportive environment where the client’s opinions matter.
2. Instead of telling them what to do, we work together to explore their past job interviews, strengths, and areas to improve. I offer guidance based on my expertise, but the client’s preferences are respected. For instance, I might suggest different job search strategies like practicing interviews or exploring new sectors, letting the client choose what works best for them.

Through this client-centered approach, the client can feel confident that the vocational rehabilitation services provided by the OT are in their best interest and tailored to their unique needs and aspirations.

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Example of power imbalance (ST social enterprise)


One of my friends is a ST and is also the owner of a start-up social enterprise. Recognizing the potential for collaboration, the ST expresses interest in recruiting ASD clients from our center as employees or trainees for their enterprise. He approached me to refer some clients for this purpose, seeing it as an opportunity for job training and networking.

As the ST owns the enterprise and has the authority to select candidates from the referrals I provide, I recognised there is a power imbalance. This imbalance could potentially influence my decision-making process and unfairly impact other clients in the center who may not receive the same opportunity for employment

I take proactive steps to ensure fairness and transparency in the recruitment process.
1. Instead of selectively referring clients based on personal connections or preferences, I post the job recruitment information to all clients in the center, inviting them to apply if interested.
2. To reduce the effects of the power imbalance during the selection process, I propose conducting simulated work assessments together with the ST. This collaborative approach allows for objective evaluation of candidates’ skills and suitability for the positions available, minimizing the influence of personal biases or power dynamics.

By acknowledging and addressing the power imbalance inherent in the situation, I demonstrate sensitivity to the potential impact on clients’ opportunities and well-being. Through transparent and inclusive practices, I strive to ensure fairness and equity in the recruitment process, promoting the dignity and autonomy of all clients in the ASD center.
Is there any conflict of interest in this case?
As OT has a professional relationship with the clients in the ASD center, I have a duty to act in the best interests of these clients. However, I may also feel inclined to support my friend’s business or may be influenced by the potential benefits of collaboration.

To address this conflict of interest, I should
1. prioritize the well-being and best interests of the clients from the ASD center
2. maintain transparency and communicate openly with clients about the referral process, ensuring that they understand their options and have agency in their decisions.
3. I seek guidance from their supervisor when unsure about how to navigate the situation ethically
4. instead of me arranging the whole collaboration, I arrange another OT to be responsible for this project, to prevent conflict of interest

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