POWER Flashcards
What is social power
Social power is the capacity to produce intended effects in interpersonal contexts
What are the sources of social power in a group
The sources of social power in a group are reward coercive legitimate referent expert and informational power
What is reward power
Reward power is power based on control over the distribution of rewards given or offered to group members
What is coercive power
Coercive power is power based on the threat of negative undesirable consequences
What is legitimate power
Legitimate power is power based on an individual’s socially sanctioned claim to a position that requires compliance
What is referent power
Referent power is power derived from social relationships including respect attraction or identification with another person
What is expert power
Expert power is power based on the belief that an individual possesses superior knowledge skills and abilities
What is informational power
Informational power is power based on the potential use of informational resources like reasoning persuasion and explanation
What is the agentic state
The agentic state is a psychological state where subordinates are unable to resist authorities’ orders due to reduced autonomy
What is charisma
Charisma is the ascription of extraordinary abilities or qualities to a leader often viewed as a divine gift
What are power tactics
Power tactics are specific strategies used to influence others often to achieve a particular objective
What are rational and nonrational power tactics
Rational power tactics involve reasoning and logic while nonrational tactics use emotionality and misinformation
What are unilateral and bilateral power tactics
Unilateral power tactics are enacted without cooperation from the target while bilateral tactics involve mutual interaction
What is expectation-states theory
Expectation-states theory is a theory explaining status differentiation in groups based on competence and qualities perceived as indicators of competence
What are specific and diffuse status characteristics
Specific status characteristics are task-related qualities while diffuse status characteristics are general personal qualities like age race or ethnicity
What is status generalization
Status generalization is the tendency for individuals with authority or prestige in one context to have higher status in unrelated contexts
What is the iron law of oligarchy
The iron law of oligarchy is the principle that power in any group tends to be concentrated in the hands of a few individuals who will act to protect their power
What is the interpersonal complementarity hypothesis
The interpersonal complementarity hypothesis is the tendency for certain behaviors to evoke corresponding behaviors from others (e g dominant behaviors evoke submissive behaviors)
What is the approach/inhibition theory
The approach/inhibition theory is a theory suggesting that power is psychologically and behaviorally activating while the lack of power inhibits behavior