Potpourri 1.0 (1-100) Flashcards
Patient with respiratory failure and diffuse pulmonary infiltrates
How often will the results of a Bx result In a change of therapy?
Patient with respiratory failure and diffuse pulmonary infiltrates:
What is the frequency of perioperative complications after a bx?
Patient with respiratory failure and diffuse pulmonary infiltrates :
What proportion of those who undergo Bx will survive the hospitalization?
Patient with respiratory failure and diffuse pulmonary infiltrates:
How often will an open lung Bx reveal a dx?
Sympathectomy nerve roots responsible for Palmer hyperhidrosis
R3 + R4 - completely dry
Top of R3 for isolated palmar hyper hyperhidrosis
Sympathectomy nerve root responsible for axillary
R5 clipping alone experienced no compensatory hyperhidrosis, and none regretted having the surgery
Sympathectomy nerve root responsible for facial blushing
Percents sympathectomy patients with compensatory hyperhidrosis
49-99% Sesat- 50%
Bronchial adenoma
Now known as typical carcinoid
What characterizes the histology of a typical carcinoid?
Rare spindle cells
What is the 5-year survival of a typical carcinoid?
5 year survival is 90%
Important infections that are NOT / Relative contraindications for Lung txp recipient
- Colonization with highly resistant or highly virulent fungi / mycobacteria
- Hep B/C - Ok if no clinical, radiologic, or serologic signs of cirrhosis
- should be done at a center with experienced hepatology unit
- HIV + : if - undetectable HIV RNA , and with no HIV related symptoms
- Infection with Burkholderia cenocepacia, B. Gladioli, Mycobac abbesses if sufficiently controlled
Infections which are absolute contraindication to lung txp recipient
- Chronic infection with highly virulent microbes poorly controlled pre transplant
- Evidence of active Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection
Effect of obesity on Lung Txp Candidacy
- Class II or III obesity (BMI > 35) is a contraindication
- Class I obesity (BMI 30-34.9) particularly truncal obesity is a relative contraindication
Important infections NOT Relative / contraindications for Lung txp recipient candidacy:
Colonization with highly resistant or highly virulent fungi / mycobacteria
- eg: chronic pulmonary infection expected to worsen after infection
Hep B/C: - Ok if no clinical, radiologic, or serologic signs of cirrhosis
- should be done at a center with experienced hematology unit
- HIV (+) : if undetectable HIV RNA , and with no HIV related symptoms
- Infection with: Burkholderia cenocepacia, B. Gladioli, Mycobac abbesses if sufficiently controlled
Infections which are absolute contraindication to lung txp recipient
- Chronic infection with highly virulent microbes poorly controlled pre transplant
- Evidence of active Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection
Effect of obesity on Lung Txp Candidacy
- Class II or III obesity (BMI > 35) is an absolute contraindication
- Class I obesity (BMI 30-34.9) particularly truncal obesity is a relative contraindication
Acute lung transplant rejection - Histologic phenotype
Acute rejection of the lung may be localized or diffuse. The histologic findings : perivascular infiltration of mononuclear cells
Optimal method to diagnose acute lung transplant rejection
Bronchoscopy with transbronchial biopsy of at least three sites in the involved lobe is both sensitive and specific for the diagnosis of acute rejection.
Cyclosporine ADE
- Cyclosporin causes vasoconstriction of the renal arterioles resulting in hypertension and nephrotoxicity.
- Cyclosporin is also associated with neurologic symptoms such as seizures and tremors.
established regimen for maintenance therapy for immunosuppression following OHT
tripple therapy
- cyclosporine
- Azathioprine
- Prednisone
Pulmonary hypertensive crisis after AV canal repair.
- Occurs with increasing frequency post repair ( after 3-4 months)
… may account for the increased mortality at this age group.
Pulmonary hypertensive crisis – what is it?
- An acute rise in the PA pressures + Reduced cardiac output through the pulmonary circuit → hypoxia → further exacerbating the increased pulmonary vascular resistance.
- Right ventricular dilation shifts the interventricular septum toward the left ventricle (LV), impeding LV filling and further compromising cardiac output.
- Systemic hypotension, _metabolic and respiratory acidosis can ensu_e.
- Pulmonary hypertension (PH) patients have higher mortality during surgical procedures, ranging from 4%-24%.
- Pulmonary hypertensive crisis in the perioperative setting is associated with even worse outcomes > 50%.
treatment of 6-month-old child, complete AV canal, PDA, and FTT
immediate complete intracardiac repair with ligation of patent ductus arteriosus
Contraindications to the use of indomethacin to close a PDA
- Renal impairment
- sepsis
- coagulopathy
- intracranial hemorrhage
- liver failure
Renal failure and necrotizing enterocolitis are potential complications of indomethacin use.
Blood supply to the latismus
Thoracodorsal - a branch of the sub scapular
Blood supply to the pec major
thoracoacromial artery (aka - acromiothoracic artery) –> pectoralis branch
Blood supply to the Serratus
Subscapsular -
A branch just before the thoracodorsal
Percent of does my tumors occurring in the chest
Where do most does more tumors tumors occur
50% occur in the abdomen
Histology of desmoid tumors
Cytology appears frequently benign and differentiation from fibrosarcoma is based on cellularity and bland cytology where mitotic activity in the absence of a herringbone pattern
Natural history of desmoid tumors
- arise from the fascia and connective tissue.
- Frequently asymptomatic until they become large (5 to 10 cm).
- Pain is frequently associated with involvement of the intercostal nerve.
- Do not metastasize, but local recurrence is common.
Recurrent rate of desmoid tumors
Up to 20% with negative margins
Five-year survival for desmid tumors?
percent of patients with a TE fistula who have a sentinel bleed
40-50% – massive bleeding follows hours to days
surgical repair of a tracheal innominate fistula with massive bleed
-sternotomy -posterior repair of the innominate in a contaminated field should not be attempted - artery should be ligated and divided - trachea repeated and buttressed by muscle
Index to evaluate pectus
haller index : wide over narrow > 3 is significant
timing of surgery for pectus
older than 3-5 years
Barretts Esophagus follow up
Periodic endoscopic surveillance for dysplasia. Biopsies in the four quadrants of the esophagus,
- No / low dysplasia: every 2 cm
- High grade dysplasia: every 1 cm
if _no dysplasi_a on two separate occasions: followed with endoscopy every 3 to 5 years.
If l_ow-grade dysplasia:_ a repeat endoscopy is performed to confirm it, and repeat endoscopy is then performed annually.
Recommendations for patients with Barrets and high grade dysplasia
should be offered surgical resection (esophagectomy).
alternatively, i_ntensive surveillance_ every 3 months and local endoscopic therapy