Postural Imbalances Flashcards
memorize abnormal posture distortions
what is pronation distortion?
knees and ankles bent inward
short muscles of pronation distortion?
gastrocnemius, soleus, peroneals, adductors, IT band, hip flexor complex, biceps femoris (short head)
long muscles pronation distortion?
anterior/posterior tibialis, gluteus maximus/medius, vastus medialis , hip external rotators
where is the vastus medialis?
middle of medial side of quad
what is lower crossed syndrome?
lower back arched, hips tilted down and forward
short muscles of lower crossed syndrome?
gastrocnemius, soleus, adductors, hip flexor complex, latissimus dorsi, erector spinae
adductors vs. abductors
adductor = inner quad to pull in vs abductor = outer quad to pull out
long muscles of lower crossed syndrome?
anterior/posterior tibialis, gluteus medius/maximus, transverse abdominus, internal obliques
levator scapulae (location)
either side of posterior neck
scalenes (location)
connect posterior to anterior on either side of neck
teres major (location)
shoulder musculature just under scapula, NOT part of rotator cuff
what is upper crossed syndrome?
shoulders rounded, head protruded forward
short muscles of upper crossed syndrome?
upper trapezius, levator scapulae, scalenes, sternocleidomastoid, latissimus dorsi, teres major, subscapularis, pectoralis major/minor
long muscles of upper crossed syndrome?
deep cervical flexors, serratus anterior, rhomboids, middle/lower trapezius, teres minor, infraspinatus
serratus anterior (location)
lateral sides of rib cage