Postural control & gait dev red flag Flashcards
1-3 yrs postural control & gait red flag
Asymmetries present
Reluctance to bare weight at 12 mo.
Not independently walking by 18 mo.
Walking on toes
3-10 yrs + postural control & gait red flag
Regression of gross motor skills at any stage
Not walking w/out support with good weight shift
Walking on tiptoes and/or hip adduction (scissoring)
Lack of variability of movement
Asymmetry or excessive ROM
Not climbing
Arms or legs seem stiff or stereotypes movements
1-6 mo gross motor red flags
regression in gross motor skill at any stage
-> Plateaus in development expected, esp if the child is progressing in other areas
Lack of variability of movement
Asymmetry in movement
Lack of generalized movements
Not coming to midline or bringing hands to knees by 6 months
Arms seem stiff
7-8 mo gross motor red flags
One or both hands remain fisted
Not bearing weight over feet
regression in gross motor skill at any stage
-> Plateaus in development expected
Lack of generalized movements
Asymmetry in movement
9-10 mo gross motor red flags
not sitting independently or rolling
regression in gross motor skill at any stage
-> Plateaus in development expected
Lack of generalized movements
Asymmetry in movement
11-12 mo gross motor red flags
not pulling to stand
regression in gross motor skill at any stage
-> Plateaus in development expected
Lack of generalized movements
Asymmetry in movement
1-2 years gross motor red flags
not walking by/after 18 mo
reluctance to bear weight at 12 mo
Asymmetries present
walking on toes
3 years gross motor red flags
asymmetries present
walking on toes
7-8 mo fine motor red flags
one or both hands remain fisted
arms/movements seem stiff or shaky
12 mo fine motor red flags
unable to grasp and release objects
Doesn’t bring objects/toys to mouth, put into a large
container or bang them together
Not able to feed self finger foods
Unable to hold bottle by themselves
1-11 mo speech/communication development red flags
Intelligibility is how well a stranger understands what a child says
Rules for children:
1 yr: 25%
2 yrs:50%
3yrs: 75%
4 yrs: 100%
Significantly less - red flag
Consistently harsh/hoars vocal quality
Breathy voice or aphonic breaks
Chid expresses frustration or demonstrates tension/struggle
Child been stuttering >6 mo
Child stutters in middle of words, elongates sounds, or has breaks In speech
Older than 5
12 mo speech/communication dev red flags
Doesn’t babble or make a variety of sounds (consonants and vowels)
Doesn’t use gestures (pointing., waving, Clapping)
Doesn’t seem interested in interacting, playing games like peek-a-boo
Doesn’t recognize common words (cup, shoe)
2 yr speech/communication dev red flags
Says only one word at a time (no two word combos)
isn’t learning and using new words every month
Doesn’t follow simple directions
Doesn’t point to named pictures
3 yr speech/communication dev red flags
mostly uses 1 word at a time
doesn’t have a word for most things
doesn’t ask questions
doesn’t draw attention to things
doesn’t understand opposites
unable to follow 2-step instructions
3-5 yr speech/communication dev red flags
doesn’t speak in sentences
doesn’t use variety of pronouns
doesn’t name numbers/letters
unable to answer who/what/where questions
doesn’t know some colors and shapes
unable to follow multistep instructions
doesn’t understand most of what’s said at home or school
trouble making friends, having a give and take convo, fitting in