Postural Control Flashcards
whats the normal CoM
resources required for postural stability and orientation for biomechnical constraints
degree of freeedom
limits of stability
resources required for postural stability and orientation for cognitive functioning
resources required for postural stability and orientation for control of dynamics
resources required for postural stability and orientation for orientation in space
gravity: surfaces, vision
resources required for postural stability and orientation for sensory strategies
sensory integration
sensory reweighting
resources required for postural stability and orientation for movement strategies
what is the dorsal pathway to the posterior parietal cortex for?
where in space/location
what is the ventral pathway to inferotemporal cortex for?
postural control in stroke focus on
what % of stroke pts have a balance disability 2-4 weeks post stroke
motor control impairments in stroke
(caused by reduction in # and firing rate of motor units)
slow mvmts, weakness, fatigue, incoordination, decreased force production, co-contractions
3 global impairments in balance
sensation (to detect or anticipate postural disturbance)
neural processing ( to select appropriate feedback/ feedforward postural control)
effective motor output
postural control in PD
with ds progression –> loss in postural stability, gait dysfunction, frequent falls
postural instability less responsive to drug therapy
up to 68% falls in later stages of ds
lack of balance reaction, flexed posture, decreased trunk rotation, difficulty executing simultaneous mvmts/sequential mvmts
vestibular system roles
perception of body position and self motion
orientation of trunk to vertical
controls COM (postural rxns)
stabilize head in space
Balance outcome measures in stroke
berg balance test (MDC 2.5-8.1)
dynamic gait index (MDC 2.6-4)
functional reach test (MDC 2.3-6.79cm)
TUG (MDC 2.9s)
Balance outcome measures in PD
berg balance scale MDC 5pts
dynamic gait index MDC 2.9pts
functional gait assessment MDC 4 pts
miniBestest (MDC 5.52pts)
TUG MDC 3.5-11s
balance outcome measures in mTBI
high level mobility assessment (HIMAT) (MDC increase of 4 pts or decrease of 2 pts)
balance outcome measures in MS
berg balance scale
dizziness handicap inventory
TUG w cognitive and manual
balance outcome measure in SCI
balance outcome vestibular disorder
dynamic gait index
dizziness handicap inventory
functional gait assessment
what does the research say?