Postural And Gait Assessment Flashcards
It is defined as a synthesis of the positions of all body’s joints at any given time; it could be habitial or due to condition or activity.
This is a thorough way to help MT to indicate any imbalance and misalignment of the body.
Postural Assesment
This a reference line to check alignments in the client’s body; it has plumb bob ( a suitable weight amd does not touches the floor)
Plumb Line
This is instrument needed for more accurately measuring pelvic angles.
Position the client behind the plumb line with the plumb bob centered- between the client’s heel___________? between clients’ feet? __________ slightly anterior to the lateral malleolus?
Posterior View; Anterior; Lateral view postural assessment
It is the distance from the point of 1st contact of one foot to the 1st contact of opposite foot is called?
Step Length
It is the distance from thw point of contact of one foot to the next point of contact of the same foot is termed as?
Stride length
The gait cycle is divided into 2 phase: ____________when the foot is in contact with the ground and bearing weight; and _________, when the foot is not fixed to the ground and is non weight bearing.
Stance Phase ; Swing Phase
When the heel is usually the 1st point of contact; the weight of the trunk is aligned between the two limbs?
Initial Contact or Heel Strike
When the foot is in pronation to allow it to adopt different terrain and posture while the trunk is aligned over the stance leg; as the person instinctively assesses whether the foot will bear the weight of the body.
Load Response or Flat foot
When the trunk is still aligned over the stance leg and the pelvis drips slightly over the swing leg; as the foot supports the body, hip and knee move into extension actively.
Midstance or Push off
When the hip, knee amd ankle begin to flex and the heel comes up off the ground; the trunk now shifts towards thw new stance leg.
Terminal Phase or Acceleration Phase
This is the last part of stance phase, where in only the toes are in contact with the ground.
Pre Swing or Toe Off
Occurs when hip continues to flex and medially rotate as the lnee flexes; then ankles moves into dorsiflexion to clear the ground while the trunk is aligned with the new stance.
Initial Swing Phase
Occurs when the hip, knee and ankle continue to flex.
Mid Swing phase
Occurs when the hip flexes and medially rotates and the knees moves into maximum extension; then ankle dorsiflexes and supinates while the trunk weight remains over the stance leg.
Terminal Swing or Deceleration Phase
If the hip extensors are weak, what will happen?
Allows the trunk to lurch forward, so body compensate with increased lordosis.
The knee will buckle if its extensors and flexors are weak and the person may use the hand to push the knee into extension, and this weakness may caused by?
Reflex Inhibition - related to L2-L4 nerve root lesion, internal knee derangement and Poliomyelitis
When foot dorsiflexors are weak which allow the foot to drop or slap down on heel strike; and this weakness may due to?
Peroneal Neuropathy or L4 Nerve Root Lesion
When there is pain in the heel on initial contact may indicate due to?
Heel Spur, Bruise or Calcaneal bursitis
In this phase, the hip extensors, hip adductors, knee Extensor and flexors and the foot dorsiflexors are all ACTIVE.
Initial Contact or Heel Strike
In this phase, the hip abductors and foot plantarflexors are Active.
Midstance or Push Off
If there is a Gluteus Medium weakness, and a T-burg gait or lurching occurs as the pelvis on the non weight bearing side is drop it may indicates?
L5 nerve root lesion
If there is weakness on the plantarflexors which may result in a short stel on the unaffected side this may due to?
S1-S2 Nerve Root Lesion
Pain on the weight bearing ankle or foot may due to?
Osteoarthritis, Pes Planus and Plantar Fascitis
In this phase, the hip flexors and knee extensors are ACTIVE.
Terminal Phase or Acceleration
When the extensors allow the knee to buckle, it may related to weakness on hip flexors which cause the body to compensate by moving the trunk posteriorly to passively swing the leg and this is called?
Gluteus Maximum Gait
In this phase the Hip ADDuctors are active.
PreSwing Phase or Toe off
When there is weakness on the hip adductors it will allow the leg to?
Rotate laterally
This occur when the person big toe too pushes off from the lateral aspect of the foot instead of the great toe?
Hallux Rigidus
When the foot dorsiflexors are active, there’s 2 phase happening?
Initial Swing and Mid Swing
When the foot drop and occur steppage gait this may due to?
L4 Nerve Root Lesion
On this phase the knee flexors are active to slowly extend the knee.
Terminal Swing or Deceleration
When the knee snap out excessively at the end of the swing this may indicate a?
S1-S2 nerve root lesion
When a client is attempting to protect against further injury to the foot ankle knee hip and low back; the stance on the affected leg is shorter as the client attempt to quickly remove weight from affected leg.
Antalgic Gait
This gait seen in poor sensation in the extremeties or loss of muscle coordination; which the client keeps the feet farther apart for balance amd may exaggetate all movements.
Ataxic Gait
Occurs when swing on the affected leg into abduction and flexion, frequently affected arm is held in some degree of shoukder adduction, elbow and wrist flexion and pronated forearm
Circumducted or Hemiphlegia Gait
This is characterized by short, shuffling steps; the client holds the knee, trunk, and neck in flexion and the arms move stiffly.
Parkinsonian or Festinating Gait