Postpartum Exams Flashcards
Newborn Exam
Male Genitals
Female Genitals
Upper extremities
Lower extremities
Vital Signs
Temp = 36.5- 37.5
Pulse = 110-160
RR = 30-60bpm
BP = (60-80)/(40-50)
NB - posture
Normal = flexed, symmetric movement
Abnormal = flaccid, hypertonic, asymmetric movement
NB Skin
normal = pink, acrocyanosis, milia, lanugo, vernix caseosa, erythema toxicum, cafe au lait spots, blue nevus, port wine stain, strawberry hemangioma, stork bite
Abnormal = cyanosis (circumoral or central), jaundice, pallor, mottling, harlequin sign
NB Head
Normal = fontanels are soft and flat, suture lines, caput succedanum, molding
Measure the head! should be 2cm larger than the chest.
reflexes : blink, suck, rooting reflex, and the fencer’s pose, startle reflex (dropped down & loud noise)
Abnormal = cephalohematoma, bulging or sunken fontanels
NB Face
Normal = symmetric size, shape, and movement
Abnormal = asymmetry; check over the bony prominence or in the eyes for jaundice.
NB eyes
Normal = symmetric size and shape, clear sclera, blue-gray iris, PERLLA, transient crossed eyes
Abnormal = conjunctivitis, hemorrhage, tears present
NB Nose
Normal = nose breather
Abnormal = nose flaring
NB Mouth
Normal = pink, moist lips and mucous membranes; tongue is movable; hard and soft palate are intact; epstein pearls
Abnormal = cleft palate, thrush, protruding tongue, circumoral cyanosis.
NB Ears
normal = firm pinna, quick recoil. The top of the ear / pinna should be above the top of the eye.
Abnormal = low set ears, tags, hearing loss
NB neck
Normal = short, creased, moves freely
Abnormal = webbing
NB chest
Normal = barrell shaped, symmetrical, breast engorgement (sometimes some discharge = witch’s milk, caused by withdrawal of hormones)
HR –> 1 minute; 110-160 bpm; murmur is normal right after birth
measure the chest! Head should be up to 2cm larger than the chest.
Abnormal = respiratory distress, retractions, grunting, clavicular fracture (crepitus or a click as we palpate, or the baby’s arm doesn’t move symmetrically)
NB Abdomen
Normal = round, soft, 3 vessel cord, bowel sounds present
Abnormal = absent bowel sounds, distended abdomen
NB Male Genitals
Normal = meatus centered, testes descended
Abnormal = undescended testes, hypospadias, phimosis, hydrocele
NB Female Fenitals
normal = swollen labia at term, mucus discharge, pseudomenses
abnormal = vaginal tag