Postpartum Care Fundamentals 2 Flashcards
Postpartum Assessment includes..
Breast Uterine fundus Bladder Bowel Lochia Legs Episiotomy/laceration/incision Emotion status ..Vital signs!
Normal range for heart rate in pregnant persons
10-15 bpm above normal is normal
Normal range for respiratory rate in pregnant persons
Slight increase from 16-24 breaths/min is normal
Normal range for temperature in pregnant persons
36.2 - 38 C
Increase to 38 (due to dehydration)
When is temperature expected to come back down to normal?
After 24 hours
How does epidural affect respiration? Or blood pressure?
May cause hypoventilation or hypotension
Orthostatic hypotension
Feelings of faintness or dizziness immediately after standing up
How do contractions help restore hemostasis postpartum?
Compression of intramyometrial blood vessels
What hormone is responsible for uterine contractions
Where is oxytocin produced?
posterior pituitary gland
Why is oxytocin administered after expulsion of the placenta?
Decrease risk of postpartum hemorrhage
What are afterpains?
Afterbirth pains caused by vigorous uterine contractions, more common in subsequent pregnancies
Why is the role of oxytocin in breastfeeding?
Oxytocin stimulates let down of milk
Pre-eclampsia is marked by..
How does pregnancy affect pulse rate, stroke volume and cardiac output?
They increase throughout pregnancy and could remain elevated over nonpregnant values for 12 weeks after birth
Define involution
The return of the uterus to a nonpregnant state following birth.
What is the normal rate of uterine involution?
1-2 cms q24h
The uterus should not be palpable abdominally after how many weeks?
2 weeks
What causes it?
Failure of the uterus to return to a nonpregnant state.
Usually caused by infection or retained placental fragments
Where can you find the fundus within the first 12 hours post delivery?
1 cm above umbilicus
What is the two hand technique?
Massaging of the uterine fundus with two hands to stimulate contraction. Lower hand supports the uterus to avoid prolapse and inversion of uterus.
What does @u, 1/u or u/2 stand for?
@u = at umbilicus 1/u = 1 cm above umbilicus u/2 = 2 cm below umbilicus
Why might a fundus be deviated/
Obstructed and/or displaced by distended bladder
Lochia rubra
- bright red
- blood
- small clots
- tissue debris
- 3-4 days postpartum
Lochia serosa
- pink-brown
- old blood
- serum
- leukocytes
- tissue debris
- 22-27 days postpartum
Lochia alba
- yellow-white
- serum
- leukocytes
- mucus
- epithelial cells
- 2-6 weeks postpartum