postmodernism Flashcards
how do modernity and postmodernity differ from eachother in terms of industry
modern society is within the idustrial economic structre of making and seeling goods
wehreas in postmodernity there was has been a process of de-industrialisation where the tradtional class divide has disspareared and new now more likely sell services
how does modernity and postmodenrity differ based on indentities
in modernity identies are defined by gender, class, age and ethnicity
whereas in postmodernity idenities are cosntucted by inidivudal choices we mkaes as well as our hobbies and interests
how do modernity and postmodenity differ on view on scinece
modenr society is built upon scienfitic understanding since the industrial reovlution
wehreas postmodernists beleive that there is no subjective truth and so sicenc e is another mettanarrative that we can no longer know if its true or not
foucalts view on the truth
there is no objective critera that we cna use ti porve wether a theory is true or not. people have lost faith in science after its involevmetn in things such as nuclear weapons so now people believe that science is a mettanarrative and that not one truth cna dominate soicety anymore
baurillard and hyper reality
due to there being no objective truth a idea called simulacra is created in a most modern world where knowedge is the key comodity becuase it constucts how we see things
example of hyper-reality
for exmaple trump’s ‘second truths’ on the election being rigged and the january 6th insurrection being the work of the left
or movies such as the turman show and keeping up with the kardashians which makes you think that thing are a way when they arent they are highly editied
what is the impact upon society without objective facts
no turth leads to fragmentned and unstable culture where due to no one idenfitying the class and gender ect anymore people are indeified by lieftyles
old people cna get ageing products that can make them feel younger therfore age is a constuct
gidden’s reflexivity
- initially in agreement with post-modernists who bleive that there has been rapid change and you no longer need face to face contact to interact with popel e
however he beleives that peoples change their behaviours depending on what people ahev learnt from past expereinces
ex. riding your bike to work in the monday and then taking hte car on tuesday because you are tired
how does gidden’s reflexivity differ from post modernsim
post moderning argue that due to having no objective truth you wont know that being tired means a change of behaviour as its a subjective truth to one perosn
beck’s risk society
modern risks were things like out ability to control lature but in postmodenrity our risks are the fears of manifacturered technology like nuclear weapons
- being concious of theese riscks which are objective is imporant peopple in late modrning soicety use them to ministise risk and dangers of things
the loss of mettanarrtives means that people no longer believe the big stories such as religion and science and even the claims of fake news showspeole nbo longer see jornaism as a reliable source
peipple then make up their won technical language games that allows people to give own meaning to stuff
leads to fragmetnation