PostExam 3: 10 key facts & Behavior Flashcards
Temporal Scale
Origin of Earth: ?
Earliest Life: ?
Earliest eukaryotes: ?
Earliest animals and land plants: ?
Earliest mammals: ?
Earliest homosapiens: ?
Origin of Earth: ~ 4.5bya
Earliest Life: ~ 3.5bya
Earliest eukaryotes: ~1.5bya
Earliest animals and land plants: ~ 500mya
Earliest mammals: ~200mya
Earliest homosapiens: ~200,000yrs
What is coloniality and multicellularity?
coloniality: numerous origins
(remember: numerous “o”)
multicellularity: several origins
(remember: “cellu” & “sever”)
Background Extinction
-typical level of extinction
-typical environmental change, competition, etc.
-can happen when replaced by a better adapted species
Mass Extinction
-unusual high level of extinction
-harsh conditions
-animals with spines
-animals without spines
most animals are invertebrates
Land after Plants
-transformed terrestrial environments
-food for others
non vascular plants
ex. mosses
vascular seedless plants
ex. ferns
don’t produce flowers or seeds
ex. pines, firs, redwoods
seed plants without flowers
flowering plants
90% of all land plants
carnivorous plants
plants that digest insects for food/energy
ex. Venus fly trap
Gametic (parthenogenesis)
-type of asexual reproduction
-single cell (egg) develops into embryo, then adult
-type of asexual reproduction
-no embryo forms
(buddins, fission, fragmentation, etc)
Innate Behavior
inherited behavior that shows little variation based on past experience
-learning not possible
-high impact on fitness
-often better than learning
-cost of making mistake is high
Learned Behavior
change in behavior based on prior experience
rapid, irreversible learning during brief period
Associative Learning
acquired ability to associate one environmental feature with another
ex. hand on hot stove= hot
conditioned to not put hand on stove
Classical Conditioning
-type of associative learning
conditioned stimulus paired with unconditional stimulus
ex. food+bell+dog
Operant Conditioning
trial and error learning
ex. mouse pressing random levers to get food
Does behavior evolve?
-natural selection
-artificial selection
ex. breed mice that run faster to produce line of mice that run fast
Altruistic Behavior
behavior that benefits someone else at the cost of oneself
Inclusive Fitness
direct + indirect fitness
direct fitness: producing offspring
indirect fitness: helping related individuals produce offspring
Kin Selection
natural selection that acts through benefits to relatives
ex. food sharing and defense, alarm calling
Reciprocal Altruism
exchange of fitness benefits separated in time
-facilitated by stable groups= likely to interact with same individual again
-with relatives or non relatives
Blood sharing in vampire bats
benefit to recipient > donor
kin selection, large benefit low cost
reciprocal altruism -> lead to long term association (friends)