Post-WW2 Flashcards
How did the Canal Zone start to become a problem for the US?
People born in the CZ lose US identity, feel “Zonian”. Enjoyed their privileges, socialist republic, army large establishment in CZ, 14 military bases by 1960, had become a major military outpost for the US. Jungle warfare school in CZ, also trained Latin American officers. Panama argues this is not necessary for canal safety. CZ central base for US action in Latin America.
After WW2 how did the US live up to its promises made in the 1936 and 1942 agreements?
Panama faithful ally, US didn’t immediately comply with terms, still using duel labour system, segregation, discrimination, foreigners paid 1/10th US labourers pay. Post-WW2 changed names to local rate (silver) and US rate (gold). Over time segregation was lessened but never equalised pay.
What concessions did non-American workers in the CZ get post-WW2? How were these concessions impacted by the Cold War?
Organisation of non-American workers, unions, CZ had not allowed this pre-1945, looked oppressive post-WW2, CZ allows unions but monitors them closely. Union powers limited 1947-8 (Cold War), union claimed to be associated with leftist elements, put on short lease, unions had to operate within CZ policy.
How did the canal start to lose significance post-WW2?
Almost impossible to defend, military downgraded the importance of canal & CZ, still wanted bases, good location, ships couldn’t fit through canal (i.e. aircraft carriers) had to go around Cape Horne, disconnection between military & public opinion, US public thought it was important & a great engineering accomplishment they didn’t want to give up.
How did the canal’s loss of significance impact the Canal Zone?
1951 Congress had lots of complaints about CZ, private enterprise in CZ, not subject to control by Congress, tired of paying large sums of money to create a “good life”, pampered, living better than people in the US. Congress told CZ to cut back, operate on a pay as you go basis, pay off of revenues. Zonians unhappy.
How did Panamanian government change in 1952?
National guard in Panama elected President in 1952, Jose Raman (?), promises to get Panama concessions, Eisenhower just ended Korean War, agreed to new treaty with Panama but refused to get rid of the 1903 treaty - gave and took some benefits from Panama.
What did the new treaty change?
Panama could collect income tax off Panamanians working CZ, local rate workers (silver) allowed to move to US, 1954 overhaul of local rate schools.
How did segregation effect education in the Canal Zone? How did this change in the 1950s?
US schools which had US superintendents, US curriculum. Local rate schools, local hired staff, important to Panama providing citizens education. 1954 Brown v. Board of Education - end segregation in schools. CZ schools under Congress control, didn’t want integration, changed local rate schools to Latin American school, can say they’re separated by nationality and not race. Had to shift from English to Spanish and follow Panamanian curriculum instead. Most local rate workers from West Indies.
What event in Egypt, in combination with the change of CZ education, prompted uprisings in Panama?
Colonel in Egypt seized Suez Canal from British-French company, planned British-French-Israeli invasion of Egypt, US told them not to, Egypt keeps canal. Pressures Panamanian government to act more forcefully, want more concessions, titular sovereignty demanded, wanted to fly the Panamanian flag in the CZ. Growing anti-US feelings in South America, 1959 Cuban Revolution.
What concessions did Panama get from the US as Panamanians became increasingly discontent with CZ policy?
1961, Kennedy, more orientated to world affairs, decided to overhaul US foreign policy, containment, Cold War warrior, held talks with Panama, talk of building a sea level canal. 1963 assassination. Promises made under Kennedy lost.
What event in 1964 sparked Panama to break off diplomatic relations with the US?
January, 1964. Panamanian flag flown outside white school, pupils pull it down, Panamanian kids cross into CZ to rescue their flag, scuffle, sniper killed a Panamanian student, two dozen Panamanian protestors killed.
How did negotiations attempt to repair the diplomatic relationship between the US and Panama in post-1964? How did Congress react?
LBJ talked of removing 1903 treaty, draft treaties. Three in One treaty, 1967 neither President in position to ratify treaty, LBJ drop in popularity, Congress didn’t want to give canal away, treaties pulled back.
How did Panamanian government change in 1968?
Military coup overthrew President, military regime that would last 21 years, National Police, Panama Defence (1980s), not fully legal. 1968 Nixon preoccupied with Vietnam, China, Watergate etc.
How did President Ford regard the canal?
Ford wanted to keep the canal, unwilling to negotiate, held fruitless talks, altered Three in One treaty.