19th Century Flashcards
What happened in 1821 to destabilise the Spanish Empire in Latin America?
Colombia, Venezuela and Panama declared their independence, wanted free trade, paid lots of duties and tariffs, acted as centres for trade.
Why was Panama an important colony for Spain?
Shipping point for goods, point between the Pacific and Atlantic, most carried across Panama on mule back (3 or 4 days coast to coast, trail through rainforests, small towns on route)
How did independence affect Panama?
Worried they could be easily annexed by other colonial powers, small nation, aligned themselves with Colombia, became a province of Gran Colombia (which contained 4 countries overall), tenuous relationship.
Describe Panama’s relationship with Colombia?
Tenuous, Colombians conservative, religious, Panama very liberal, open to the outside world and it’s influences whereas Colombia was much more isolated geographically.
Why did the US become involved in Panama?
Wanted to develop Panama and its trading potential, Hsmus Isitmus, going through Panama was shorter than going over land or past Cape Horne, US needs to get between the east and west coasts of its country (1948 US-Mexican War have more territory to travel between).
How did Britain influence US policy towards Panama?
Rivalry with Britain over central America, Britain had multiple territories in the region (e.g. Jamaica, Barbados, Belarus, British Guinea). US Industrial Revolution, impact on US, rapid rise in world trade, Panama 1850 second Latin American country to get railroads, supplied by US.
Where else could America have developed a canal?
Nicaragua, lake, narrow could have crossed there. Strait in Mexico.
How did the Gold Rush impact discussions about building a canal in Panama?
1948, mainly 1949 (‘49ers) - pressure on East coast, people want to go to the West, want a quicker sea route. Second major gold rush in world history.
How were plans to build a railroad in Panama begun?
Sent surveyors to Central America to see where a place could be developed for a canal, John Stevens, determined Panama was good for a railroad. US goes to Colombia to secure a treaty that would allow the US to cross through Panama, had to respect Colombian sovereignty.
Who was responsible for building the railroad?
US company - Panama Railroad Company. Treaty of 1846 between US and Colombia. 1849 Gold Rush, know they will profit, sold stocks.
What difficulties were they that hindered the construction of the railroad?
Rainforest, mountainous terrain, 50 miles across. Workers, Panama had a small population, used Chinese, Jamaicans, Barbadians and Africans to build the railroad. Took 5 years, disease, industrial accidents, landslides, drowning in floods, poisonous animals. Built half of the railroad and started selling tickets to ‘49ers, already making money. Opened in 1855, most profitable railroad in the world until 1860s.
How did Panamanians react to the new railroad?
Contempt, no profit for them, railroad company owned hotels/bars on either end, excluded from lucrative business. Watermelon War - riot.
How was the railroad threatened? How did the US react?
Security problems, bandits, railroad set up their own private security, former Indian scout hired vigilantes, Draconian service. US Navy started to play the same role. Marines landed 14 times between 1860 and 1903 to end riots, insurrection, etc. in Panama. Gunboat diplomacy developed in Panama before the Spanish American War. Panama Railroad Company private though they sometimes had government subsidisation for naval development.
How did US policy towards Panama change during the 1860s?
Civil War, stopped expansionist tendencies during this time. Suez Canal opened 1869, build by Ferdinand de Lesseps. Same year the Transcontinental Railroad was completed which linked the East and West coasts. Panama Railroad Company lost a lot of business. US looks at Panama again and starts to reconsider a canal, too tied up in its own affair to bring it to fruition.
How did the process to build a canal in Panama begin?
Ferdinand de Lesseps got permission from Colombia to build a French canal in Panama, private French company. Monroe Doctrine - US not happy that France was in their zone of influence. Expensive process, 8 years, bought Panama Railroad Company, company went bankrupt after 7 years, FL not an engineer, businessman. Tried to repeat process of Suez Canal (sea-level) - not feasible. Thousands died in process.