Post Partum Haemorrhage Flashcards
Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH)
Bleeding after delivery of the baby and placenta
Criteria for postpartum haemorrhage
500ml after a vaginal delivery
1000ml after a Caesarean section
Classification of postpartum haemorrhage
Minor PPH – under 1000ml blood loss
Major PPH – over 1000ml blood loss
Primary PPH
Bleeding within 24 hours of birth
Secondary PPH
Bleeding from 24 to 12 weeks after birth
Causes of postpartum haemorrhage
T – Tone (uterine atony – the most common cause)
T – Trauma (e.g. perineal tear)
T – Tissue (retained placenta)
T – Thrombin (bleeding disorder)
Risk factors for PPH
Previous PPH
Multiple pregnancy
Failure to progress in the second stage of labour
Prolonged third stage
Placenta accreta
Retained placenta
Instrumental delivery
General anaesthesia
Episiotomy or perineal tear
Prevention of PPH
Treating anaemia during the antenatal period
Giving birth with an empty bladder (a full bladder reduces uterine contraction)
Active management of the third stage
Intravenous tranexamic acid can be used during caesarean section (in the third stage) in higher-risk patients
Management of PPH
Obstetric emergency
- Resuscitation with an ABCDE approach
- Get help - senior midwives, obstetricians, anaesthetics, haematologists, blood bank staff and porters.
Activate the major haemorrhage protocol
- Lie the woman flat, keep her warm and communicate with her and the partner
Insert two large-bore cannulas - 2 grey wide bore cannulas and bloods - FBC, U&E and clotting screen, Group and save and cross match 4 units
- Warmed IV fluid and blood resuscitation as required - O neg
- Oxygen (regardless of saturations)
When is fresh frozen plasma used
Used where there are clotting abnormalities or after 4 units of blood transfusion
Treatment to stop PPH
- Rub the uterus through the abdomen to stimulates a uterine contraction
- Catheterisation (bladder distention prevents uterus contractions)
Medical options - stimulate uterine contractions
Surgical options
Medical treatment of PPH
Oxytocin (slow injection IM followed by continuous infusion)
Ergometrine (intravenous or intramuscular) - contraindicated in hypertension
Carboprost (IM) - caution in asthma
Misoprostol (sublingual)
Tranexamic acid (IV) is an antifibrinolytic that reduces bleeding
Intravenous infusion of oxytocin
40 units in 500 mls
Surgical treatment options for PPH
Intrauterine balloon tamponade
B-Lynch suture – putting a suture around the uterus to compress it
Uterine artery ligation – ligation of one or more of the arteries supplying the uterus to reduce the blood flow
Hysterectomy is the “last resort” but will stop the bleeding and may save the woman’s life
Intrauterine balloon tamponade
Inserting an inflatable balloon into the uterus to press against the bleeding
Causes of secondary PPH
Retained products of conception (RPOC)
Infection (i.e. endometritis)
Investigations of secondary PPH
Ultrasound for retained products of conception
Endocervical and high vaginal swabs for infection
Management of PPH
Surgical evaluation of retained products of conception
Antibiotics for infection