Post-Partum Care/Newborn Care Flashcards
In-Hospital Monitoring
- Frequent VS (q15mins × 2 h; q shift [8–12 h] thereafter);
- qAM:
- uterine size & tone
- perineal integrity
- abdominal incisions
- vaginal bleeding
- high vigilance for intra-abdominal or pelvic hemorrhage & urinary retention
Post-partum pain management
NSAIDs & cold compresses to the perineum, w/ opioids reserved for
breakthrough or postsurgical pain
Post-partum constipation management
Constip: Stool softeners & laxatives as needed & w/ opioids; longer stool softener
rx for 3rd/4th-degree laceration repairs
Post-partum urinary retention management
-Mobilize early to facilitate voiding
-use intermittent or
indwelling catheter if unsuccessful
Assessment of malodorous lochia/discharge
Inspect perineum for wound breakdown or
retained sponge
Causes of post-partum H/A
- most common = tension
- consider pre-E or postdural puncture HA
Post-partum fever DDx
- wound infxn
- mastitis/breast abscess
- breast engorgement
- endometritis
- septic pelvic thrombophlebitis
- c.diff
- drug/anesthesia rxn
D/C timeline
- 24-48h s/p NSVD
- 48-96h s/p C/S
Components of Apgar score
- score 0-2
- heart rate
- respiratory effort
- muscle tone
- reflex irritability
- color
Highest Apgar scoring (2)
- HR >100
- Regular breathing
- active muscle tone/mvmt
- pink color
- crying
Normal HR/RR of infant
- RR = 40-60 breaths/min
- HR = 120-160 bpm
Routine procedures/preventative measures for newborn infant
●Prophylactic eye care to prevent neonatal gonococcal ophthalmia
●Intramuscular (IM) administration of vitamin K1 to prevent vitamin K deficient bleeding (VKDB)
●Hepatitis B vaccination
●Umbilical cord care to prevent infection
●Monitoring for hyperbilirubinemia and hypoglycemia
●newborn screen, hearing screen
Weight gain in newborns
- lose up to 10% of BW in first few days
- regain BW @ 10-14 fdays
Newborn d/c criteria
- no neotal abnormality
- normal VS x12h
- 1 BM/urine (most at 24hrs)
- > 2 successful feedings
- no clinically significant jaundice
- clean/dry circumcision site
- no e/o sepsis
- vaccines/screening complete