Post-operative Flashcards
What is early postoperative fever likely to be due to?
Early postoperative fever (within the first 24 hours after surgery) is most likely to be due to the systemic inflammatory response to surgical trauma.
–> symptom management e.g. antipyretic
If a patient still has a fever 4 days post-op, what investigations should you do?
- Take blood cultures
- Urinalysis for MC&S - UTI can be asymptomatic post-op
- Clinical resp exam and sputum culture
- Inspect surgical wound
DO NOT GIVE CEF - routine use of cephalosporins has been shown to increase rates of MRSA + C Diff so should be avoided.
What are the two types of hypovolaemia in peri-operative patients?
Absolute - due to blood loss and preoperative starvation
Relative - due to vasodilating effects of anaesthetic and inflammatory response to surgery
What does low BP in healthy patients signify? What about a slow HR?
A slow heart rate is unlikely to be the cause of hypotension unless the rate is very slow (less than 50/min).
If you suspect low BP is due to hypovolaemia what should you do?
Elevate the legs - this will increase venous return to the heart and increase stroke volume which in turn increases BP
NB: pain increases BP
What is the equation for:
- pulse pressure
Mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) = diastolic pressure + 1/3 (pulse pressure)
Pulse pressure = systolic pressure–diastolic pressure
Why is MAP important?
MAP is considered to be a useful number to represent the perfusion of organs. MAP above 60 is required to sustain adequate organ perfusion in a fit patient. Patients who are hypertensive may require a higher MAP.
What dose of morphine should you start with?
10mg ampules - start with this in case you start respiratory depression.
1-2mg for an elderly person
Causes of illeus.
- peritonitis
- electrolyte abnormalities
- opioid medication (so shoudl give epidural for a laparotomy)
What is atelectasis?
Alveolar collapse - may be caused by lying on our backs when sleeping. Collapses the bases of the lung.
Things that increase this are pain (–> splinting of the diaphragm)
Giving 100% oxygen can cause atelestasis quickly - nitrogen usually fills alveoli but is not absorbed across the membrane but oxygen is
When giving 40kPa of oxygen to a patient and their kPaO2 is 13 is this good?
They should have a kPa of about 30 so they are actually hypoxic.
You should never interpret the kPa of oxygen on ABG without knowing how much oxygen they are getting.
Why is metformin often stopped pre-op?
Can cause a lactic acidosis.
What is the difference between sedation and general anaesthesia?
Sedation is a component of general anaesthesia. The patient is sleepy but conscious.
In general anaesthesia, the brain is “switched off” and the patient is unconscious.
What parameters are measured in recovery? (NEWS)
NEWS: - if a patient deteriorates use SBAR
- Resp rate - assess airway, resp rate/regularity/symmetry. Look out for respiratory depression.
- Oxygen saturation - should be >95% unless lung disease
- Temperature - Bair Hugger if cold, antipyretics if too warm. Monitor as drop could mean bacterial infection
- Systolic BP - if SBP lowered and tachycardia could mean haemorrhage/shock
- HR - tachycardia could mean pain
- GCS (take into consideration that they have been sedated)
Also monitor fluid balance.
Observed for signs of :
- haemorrhage
- shock
- sepsis
What are the NEWS score ranges for low, medium and high risk?
How often should you monitor a patient with a NEWS score between 0 and 4?
0 - min 12hourly
1-4 - min 4-6 hourly - inform registered nurse who must assess pt and she can assess need for more frequent monitoring.