If a patient just had surgery and you see delirium, fluid overload, hyponatremia, tachycardia, bradycardia, or afib – what should you think?
Those are NOT NORMAL in a post-op patient
What’s the main endogenous pyrogen released with a fever?
Interleukin 6 (most commonly associated with post-op fever)
What’s a normal temp in Celsius?
At what point are we concerned about fever in a post op patient?
Temp greater than 38.0
What do the 5 W’s explain?
Potential causes of fever
What are the 5 W’s?
Wind = atelectasis (without air)
Water = UTI
Walking = DVT
Wound = Infection
Wonder drugs
When would someone develop atelectasis?
POD 1-2
Why does atelectasis develop?
Compression (positional)
Absorptive (pain with deep inspiration)
Or combo of the two with surfactant dysfunction (anesthesia/ventilator)
How do we prevent atelectasis?
Incentive spirometry and mobility
How often should they use the incentive spirometer, what do we want them to do?
We want then to take a good deep breath
If you get a call POD one that a patient has a fever – what do you do?
Encourage ambulation and use incentive spirometry
When does atelectasis typically resolve?
Within 48 hours
: If we see a fever in a patient, what should we make sure to see if they have?
A foley catheter!
When do UTI’s typically present in post-op patients?
POD 3-5
When do DVT’s typically present in post-op patients?
POD 4-6
How do we prevent DVT?
Walking on POD 1
Mechanical: Pneumatic compression or Antiembolism stockings
Chemical: LMWH, warfarin, aspirin
If a patient has a fever 5-7 days after surgery, what are you concerned about?
Wound infection or are drugs causing fever
What are some potential etiologies for respiratory failure?
Atelectasis, pulmonary edema, alveolar hypoventilation, aspiration, and pneumonia
If our post-op patient has a cough, SOB, fever, and gradual decline in their O2’s – what do you think of?
Post-op pneumonia
How do we confirm diagnosis of post-op pneumonia?How do we confirm diagnosis of post-op pneumonia?
Auscultation, CXR, and WBC
How do we treat post-op pneumonia?
Chest PT and Abx
How could we have prevented post-op pneumonia?
Ambulation, cough, and incentive spirometry
What are some common pathogens of ventilator associated pneumonitis?
Gram - = Pseudomonas, Serratia
Gram + = MRSA (oxacillin resistance)
How do patients acquire ventilator associated pneumonitis?
Ventilator tube, ET tube, and humidification fluid