Elevated WBC’s on a UA can be present in association with what?
Intra-abdominal presentation
If you suspect appendicitis in your young, athletic patient, what type of CT would you get? What if they were overweight?
Athletic = oral and IV contrast
Overweight (BMI over 30) = no contrast
If your patient is stable, and you suspect appendicitis – what type of CT scan? What if they’re unstable?
Stable = contrast
Unstable = no contrast
If a radiologist mentions fluid around an organ – what do we need to do?
Notify the surgical team
Once you diagnose appendicitis – what state is the patient immediately placed in?
If you see fat stranding on CT – what do you think?
How do we treat diverticulitis?
Cipro + Flagyl
If a patient has jaundice, fever, and abdominal pain. What is this triad known as? What Dx is it apart of?
Charcot’s Triad
Dx of Cholangitis
What is cholangitis?
Bile duct obstruction
If your patient that you’re concerned about Cholangitis has – abdominal pain, jaundice, fever, confusion, and septic shock – what is this known as?
Reynold’s pentad
How do we diagnose Cholangitis? What other tests would you get?
Ultrasound or CT
Blood Cultures
Alk Phos/Bilirubin/Lipase – all elevated
If we see elevated Alk phos/bilirubin/lipase – what should that immediately spark us to think of?
How do we initially treat cholangitis?
Abx, fluids, and ERCP Cholangitis is an EMERGENCY!
What causes the vaginal bleeding in ectopic pregnancies?
Falling progesterone levels
What are some risk factors to ectopic pregnancies?
PID, IUD, tubal ligation, smoking/alcohol abuse, and previous ectopic
How do we diagnose ectopic pregnancy? Other tests we should order?
Urine and Serum pregnancy test (Beta HCG 2,000+)
Get blood type (for surgery)
Transvaginal US
What is ectopic pregnancy often mistaken for?
How do we treat someone who is stable for ectopic pregnancy?
How do you treat someone who is unstable with ectopic pregnancy?