Post Midterm Flashcards
What nutrients are necessary for chlorophyll production
Iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn)
Deficiency causes interveinal chlorosis (yellowing)
Iron (Fe)
Abundant, important and largely insoluble and largely oxidized
Fe(II) or Fe2+ Ferrous ion
Fe(III) or Fe3+ Ferric ion
Interveinal chlorosis
The characteristic symptom of iron deficiency
What is Chelation
the formation of bonds between two or more separate binding sites within a ligand and a single central atom
Organic acid (Citrate) binds to Fe
Fe solubilization in soil
to maintain an accessible pool of Fe
Plant root exudate and microbial exudate
increasing Pi availability
soil area around the plant root
Efflux transporter of mugineic acid
Used in iron uptake
Fe(III) deoxymugineic acid transporter (yellow strips/YS-like)
used in iron uptake
yellow-stripe1 mutant
was identified from maize
is a lack of chlorophyll
in the 1950s and 1960s this phenotype is caused by iron deficiency
small metal-binding molecules
generated from bacteria
generated from plants
is beneficial to plants, especially under stress conditions