Post Lesson Questions Flashcards
Can you explain the difference between rotation and revolution?
Constellations that you can see depend on where you are on Earth. Why might this be?
Stars in a constellation can be light years apart so they look different from different angles.
What clues do we have that ancient civilizations understood the movement of the Sun, Stars,
and planets?
What is a light-year?
What is a planet?
What kind of star is our Sun?
What are some similarities between the four inner planets?
What are some similarities between the four outer planets?
What are some similarities between the four outer planets?
Where do most long-period comets come from?
Can you name the Planets in order?
Why don’t we have an eclipse every month?
In your own words can you explain why we have seasons?
Can you explain what the difference between a meteor and meteorite is?
Can you explain briefly why comets have tails?
What does the Sun do for Earth?
In your own words, what is the name of the process in the core of the Sun, how does this work?
Don’t forget to mention the power source for the sun and the products.
Label the Diagram with the layers of the Sun
Draw and label the different parts of a comet
Fill in the Phases of the moon diagram with the different phases and then label the phases.