Post Award Flashcards
What are the two domains within the post-award phase
Perform Contract, Close Contract
Perform Contract - The job tasks and competencies for this domain produce the contract performance which are
Administer Contract, Ensure Quality, Manage Subcontracts, Manage Changes.
Close Contract - The job tasks and competency for this domain produces the closed contract which is
Close Out Contract
contract clauses
Commonly though as the Terms and Conditions
Order of Precedence clause
The FAR specifies and Order of Precedence clause to mitigate conflicts in contract interpretation
What are the areas of contract where disputes most happen?
- The schedule, where the seller fails to make progress or perform on time, 2. Second is cost, where the contract is over budget and endangers both schedule and performance. Cost issues can also arise on the buyer’s side, if the contract is incrementally funded and additional funding does not materialize timely. 3. Third is compliance, where either the buyer or seller fails to comply with contract terms and conditions. 4 Finally, quality may be an issue if the product or services do not meet requirements.
Informal Quality assurance programs may include
walkthrough observation of the work site.
Formal Quality Assurance Requirements typically include
Formal testing and acceptance procedures.
Established Programs include
Sellers often have their own established quality programs that govern their performance. These programs may include continuous process improvement, Six Sigma, or ISO 9001 certification.
The International STandard Organization or ISO has established a series of quality standards based on eight principles
The principles are customer focus, leadership, involvement of people, process approach, system approach, continual improvement, factual approach to decision-making, and mutually beneficial supplier relationships.
Subcontract Management
is the process of contract management of subcontracts with the prime contractor being responsible for the supply chain.
The Nine-Step Purchasing Process is:
1Determination and description of need,2Communication of need, 3Identification of potential sources,4Solicitation and evaluation of bids and proposals, 5Preparation of purchase order,6 Follow up and expediting, 7 Receipt and inspection,8 Clearing the invoice and payment, and 9 Maintenance of records (Institute for Supply Management, 2006).
Manage Changes is
the process of initiating, considering, negotiating and issuing contract modifications; and maintaining configuration control of the contract and subsequent contract performance.
Extrinsic Evidence
Extrinsic evidence deals with behaviors. Discussions and the resultant actions, the prior course of dealings between the buyer and seller, and custom are all examples of extrinsic evidence.
Parole Evidence Rule
The parole evidence rule is very direct and states that only what is written in the contract applies. Any other statement both verbal and written are not considered.
Contra preferentum means
that the contract will be interpreted against the drafter, typically the buyer.
Is a voluntary method used to resolve issues without litigation and may include mediation, binding and non-binding arbitration, and interest based negotiation.
Contract Changes can be summarized in three types
Directed Changes, Constructive Changes, and Cardinal Changes.
The Six-Step of Contrct Changes Management Process
- Initiate, Plan, Approve and Negotiate, Award, Administer and Closeout.
Changes to Government contract can be unilateral or bilateral
Unilateral do not require agreement from the other party and is directed by the buyer; Bilateral require agreement of both parties that must be documented in writing and signed by both parties’ authorized representatives.
Commercial Contract Changes have three types defined by the UCC
These are explicit, mutual assent and the conduct of the parties, The UCC doesn’t require consideration for a valid change, but does require compliance with the statute of frauds.