Post 1905 Revolution - Fundamental Laws and Duma Flashcards
October Manifesto - causes
- Mid Oct 1905 – lrgst opposition 2 tsarist regime ie ST.p 1.5mil @ strike = crippled eco
- Either make authoritarian response (lacked resources 2 implement) or make political concessions
- Witte response = structure of govt needed chg, repression must end, elected rep govt
- Nich reluctant 2 offer concessions -> asked uncle if he would act as mil. Dictator = Grand Duke Nich threatened to shoot himself if he didn’t accept reforms
October Manifesto - details
- 17/oct/05 Manifesto proclaimed =cicil freedoms ie conscience, speech, assembly, association / elected state duma / elected representatives able 2 pass laws wout confirmation from Tsar
- Nich thought “terrible decision” / no other way – pushed in2 corner
- Lenin described 1905 as a ‘dress rehersal’ 4 1917
October Manifesto - consequences
- Had desired effect = opposition 2 govt divided/undermined rev gps as promises to reorm satisfied may gps demands ie moderates + kept army on side
- Trosky “tsarism came out of the experience of 1905 alive”
- Little provided 2 peasants (never rly wanted much – concerned w tax/land reform) offer hope of future progress esp. land redistribution
- Tax reforms = land redemption payments 1/2ved -> decrease in land seizures
- Army = anger at suppression of mutinies 200 mutines btw Oct-Dec 1905
- h/w implementation of mil. Reforms met soldiers key demands – pay increased t.f army remained loyal
- Despite Oct Man continued opposition, soviets encouraged further rev action
- h/w many returned to jobs/ workers found Marxists political strategies a2 big a commitment
- Trotsky became leader of soviet h/w hes arrested @ 3/12/05
- 7th dec Moscow sov. call 4 armed insurrection-1000s killed/suburbs left in ruins t.f continued havoc
- Liberals split in2 octobrists and kadets
Fundamental Laws
- Implemented 4 days b4 duma opened – 23/08/06
- Tsar retained his pwr – all laws required his approval, appointed his own ministers, retained complete control over foreign affairs, military, declaration of state emergencies, could dismiss the Duma
- Fundermental laws “the All-Russian Emperor possesses supreme autocratic power”
- Lynch – the fundamental laws “tsarist regime had no intention of allowing concessions.. to diminish it absolute authority
- Undermined the purposes of the duma as a legislative body -> bacame what the tsar wanted ie advisory
1st and 2nd Duma
- X compliant 2 Tsar = 1st Duma Kadets – Adress to the Throse further reforms and greater rights 4 working class h/w rejected by Nich -> dissolved Duma after 73 days ie 391 statements made against govt by duma
- 2nd Duma had involvement of SD’s and SR’s t.f more radical -> 287 got bills submitted by Duma h/w only 3 enforced = early June accustations that SD’s were plotting 2 overthrow trarist regime lead to dissolve
3rd and 4th Duma
- 3rd Duma = electoral changes that meant only 1/6 males could vote (mostly from wealth) t.f increase support for Tsar and a more compliant Duma -> social reform ie set up schools, intro of insurance payments
- 4th Duma = Nov 1912 – Aug 1914. 12th April 1912 = Lena Goldfeild massacre – miners strike 4 better pay + conditions (served rotten horse h/w told its beef) 6000 workers, govt forces shoot 500 / 250 die -> next 2 yrs 3mil workers staged 9000strikes (1911 = 24 strikes w political demands -> 1914 = 2400)
Although 4th Duma conservative – relationship btw Tsarist govt + parliament = increase strained ie even Octobrists turning on govt
Rise in revolutionary extremism ie Stolypin assassinated Sept 1911
Consequences of the limitations of the Duma
- People realized that the ineffectiveness of the duma meant that revolution was the only way forward
- The Duma neglected to fill the peoples wishes and represent their views -> increased radical ideas ie 1st-2nd Duma becomes more radical as the 1st were inactive
- Showed that Nich unwilling to change even when forced to
- Greater unrest ie division of SD’s attempted revolutipon post accusations @ Findland
- Even supporters like Octobrists turning on tsarist govt
- Increase amount of ppl on strike – much harder for Tsar to control/suppress disorder