Ports And Protocols Flashcards
What is a port?
A logical entry or exit point used by applications to exchange information.
What is a protocol?
A set of rules for data exchange between devices, ensuring structured and predictable communication.
How many ports are available?
Ports range from 0 to 65,535.
What are the three categories of ports?
- Well-Known Ports: 0–1,023 (reserved for standard services). 2. Registered Ports: 1,024–49,151 (assigned to specific applications by IANA). 3. Ephemeral Ports: 49,152–65,535 (temporary ports used for dynamic communication).
What port does HTTP use?
Port 80.
What port does HTTPS use?
Port 443.
Name three email protocols and their ports.
- SMTP: Port 25 (unsecured), Port 587 (secure). 2. POP3: Port 110. 3. IMAP: Port 143.
What are the ports for FTP?
Ports 20 (data transfer) and 21 (control commands).
What port does SFTP use?
Port 22 (uses SSH).
What ports are used for DNS?
Port 53.
What ports are used for DHCP?
Port 67 (server) and Port 68 (client).
What port does SSH use?
Port 22.
What port does Telnet use?
Port 23.
What port does RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) use?
Port 3389.
What are the ports for SNMP?
Port 161 (queries) and Port 162 (notifications/traps).
What is TCP?
Transmission Control Protocol, ensuring reliable and ordered data delivery at the Transport Layer (Layer 4).
What are the steps in the TCP three-way handshake?
- SYN: Client sends a synchronization request. 2. SYN-ACK: Server acknowledges and signals readiness. 3. ACK: Client confirms and establishes a connection.
What mechanisms does TCP use for reliability?
- Error Checking: Sequence numbers and acknowledgments. - Retransmission: Requests resend of lost/corrupted packets. - Flow Control: Dynamically adjusts data flow with windowing.